'Omar's Law is UNKNOWN in Sweden': Swedish historian to Imran Khan

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)


Sweden and northern Europe had very little contact with and knowledge of the Muslim world or the Caliph Omar a hundred years ago. The strength of a broad labour movement built from below, together with the fact that Sweden didn't participate in the European wars of the 20th century, were the central preconditions for the Swedish welfare state. During that period there were almost no Muslims in the whole of Sweden and Scandinavia and Islam didn't have any influence on the process


Speaking during a press conference in Islamabad recently, Imran Khan said there was no concept of welfare states in Europe and that they had taken this concept from the Muslim world. “They formed all the Scandinavian states based on this concept. They call it Omar’s law there. We need to bring our culture back to our own land,” he added.

To verify Mr. Khan’s cliam, Viewpoint interviewed Dr Hkan Blomqvist, a noted Marxist historian and activist. “This is all news to me,” he reacted in shock.

Born in 1951, Dr Blomqvist is a Swedish labour historian and director of the Institute of Contemporary History at the Sdertrn University in Stockholm. He is a well-known lecturer on historical and labour issues both in academic contexts and in labour adult education.

He has written several books on the history of the Swedish labour movement and biographies of labour leaders. Among his publications are: "The threat and promise of communism: the Swedish labour movement in the shadow of the Soviet Union" (2003), "Nation, race and civilisation within the Swedish labour movement before Nazism" (2006), "After the Golden Age - the labour movement and the end of Fordism" (2012).

Read on:

Pakistani cricket-star-turned-politician Imran Khan says there was no concept of welfare states in Europe and that they had taken this concept from the Muslim world. They formed all the Scandinavian states based on this concept. They call it Omars law there. We need to bring our culture back to our own land.The swedish model is considered a pioneering experiment. Are you, being a leading historian of the Swedish working class, aware of any such inspiration? Were Islam or Caliph Omar any role model for Swedish model?

With the risk of disappointing Pakistani politicians I must say that this was all news to me. Sweden and northern Europe had very little contact with and knowledge of the Muslim world or the Caliph Omar a hundred years ago.

It was during that period, in the beginning of the 20th century, that the popular movements made their breakthrough in Sweden and Scandinavia. These movements had begun to develop from below in the mid-19th century as Sweden and Scandinavia began to industrialize. In Sweden there were the so-called free churches that, from radical Christian Lutheran perspectives, challenged the Swedish monolithic state church. The free churches often preached social equality and self-education in opposition to the hierarchical state church. There was also the Temperance movement against the wide use of alcohol among the poor and working classes. And there was the labour movement that through class struggle fought for better salaries, living conditions and citizens’ rights for the working class. The labour movement with its trade unions, cooperatives, self-education and, from 1889, a political party declared itself socialist.

This socialism had originally been inspired by Christian ideas.

When the Communist Manifesto of 1848 was translated into Swedish language the words "Proletarian of all countries unite" were changed to "The words of the people are the words of God". The meaning was that human beings and the working class were all created by God and should be treated as such.

From the 1890s the Swedish socialist labour movement became Marxist and grew into a mass movement intertwined with the Temperance movement and, although secular, inspired by the free churches activity from below of self-education and self organisation independent from the establishment and the state.

This labour movement in the first decades of the 1920s grew into the strongest political force in Sweden. Through strikes, demonstrations and mass organization it won broad layers for its vision of full citizens’ rights for the working class and a socialist welfare state.

In 1921 together with the liberals it won equal universal suffrage for men and women and the eight hour working day. In 1932, in the midst of the depression and hard class struggle where striking workers were shot and killed by the military, the labour movement gained power through elections. Together with the Farmers Party it introduced a crisis program with public works against unemployment, with housing programs for workers, union rights, two weeks of paid vacation for all, maternity benefits and support for small farmers. That is, the first steps towards the welfare state were taken, but the outbreak of World War II stopped the reforms.


Sweden however, was not dragged into the war but stayed neutral. That meant that when peace returned to Europe in 1945, the Swedish society and industry was intact. Sweden thus had a favorable economical position after the war. With the social democratic labour movement in power together with the Farmers Party often supported by the communists the welfare state was built during the economic boom in the 1950s and the 1960s. The compulsory health- and social insurance systems, equality between rich and poor as well as between boys and girls in the education system, a generous pension system, the building of one million modern homes, extended vacation, and diminishing of the work week were products of those decades. During the years of left wing radicalisation in the 1970's many of the pro-labour reforms when it comes to job security, influence and working conditions were carried through. Here were also many reforms to gain equality between men and women, such as child-care, equal pay, abortion rights and individual taxation.

Through the Social Democratic Workers Party, the Swedish labour movement held political power uninterrupted for 44 years -- between 1932-1976. Those were the years of building and development of the Swedish welfare state. The strength of a broad labour movement built from below, from unions, cooperatives, self-education and a whole network of working class organisations in almost every area of life, together with the fact that Sweden didn't participate in the European wars of the 20th century, were the central preconditions for the Swedish welfare state. During that period there were almost no Muslims in the whole of Sweden and Scandinavia and Islam didn't have any influence on the process.

-ur-Rasheed, a leading columnist who is also considered an ideologue of Mr Imran Khans Justice Party (PTI), in his recent columns has been saying the same thing. He says Swedish press often writes about Omars law. You are also a keen observer of the Swedish press. Do you find this claim credible?

I am sorry to inform you that "Omars law" is not known in Sweden, at least not outside the Muslim congregations. Islam, although a growing belief system in Sweden, is still a small religion here. Out of a little more than nine million inhabitants, there are between 200,000-300,000 Muslims in Sweden (the figures are debatable), that is less than five percent. I think it is necessary that Swedes learn more about Muslim beliefs and traditions since we now have Muslim citizens and live in a globalised world where we must learn to know and understand each other better. But as yet the law of Omar is not known and was if possible even less known in the beginning of the Swedish welfare project. In the beginning of the 1930's there were only 15 Muslims in the whole of Sweden.

Can you tell us why
the Swedish model came into being at a particular moment in history? Do you think it was inspired by the Russian revolution? Was it possible without communist, social democratic, and anarchist movements gaining ground in Sweden?

The revolutions in Russia 1917 and in Germany, Austria and Hungary 1918-19 together with the social upheavals in almost all the European continent in the years following after World War I of course had tremendous effects even on the developments in Sweden. In April, May, and June 1917 Sweden was on the brink of a revolution against hunger and lack of citizens’ rights. Strikes, hunger riots, demonstrations and local upheavals took place all over the country. Conscripted soldiers joined the workers’ demonstrations, and workers’ councils were set up in the cities as well as in small rural towns. It was under the pressure of this huge movement of workers and poor people together with the revolutions in Europe that the conservatives lost their power and what we called the "democratic breakthrough" was gained the first years after the war. That breakthrough didn't mean that equality and social security was obtained for the broad layers of the population. It took a further 30-40 years to obtain important reforms in that direction.

The communists were never really strong on a national scale in Sweden, but were important in certain industrial unions and in some regions. In different periods they pushed the social democrats to the left and mass mobilised for important welfare reforms.

The existence of the Soviet Union had a dual impact on the Swedish development and the Swedish labour movement. On the one hand the communist vision of a classless society and the Soviet development with at least many formal social rights, created a framework where almost all political forces had to say they were against social inequality. Social equality thus became a political goal that was very difficult for bourgeois forces to negate. That made it easier for the labour movement to argue and act for social reforms.

On the other hand the repression and dictatorship in the Soviets effectively barred the Swedish communists from getting the upper hand within the labour movement. The social democracy could keep its majority among the working class as what seemed to be a more peaceful and democratic alternative.

What really is the social welfare system? Does it mean employment, joblessness allowance, free healthcare and education alone? We have that in Saudi Arabia too. Is Saudi Arabia a welfare state too? Or does “welfare state” also mean
equal rights for women, religious minorities, political freedoms, right to organize and freedom of expression?

I am not an expert on the welfare systems in Saudi Arabia, but to the European labour movement and Europeans in general social welfare is closely tied to citizens’ rights in every field, such as political freedom, freedom to worship and believe, the right to organise, to express your views and fight for change. In Sweden the fight for democratic and social rights were two sides of the same coin. It started, as I said, as a fight for religious rights in the mid 19th century, and developed into the struggle of all oppressed: the workers and the women, the small farmers and others. It is interesting that in Sweden, the democratic breakthrough in the 1920's meant both workers’ rights and women’s rights.

The same year that workers got 8 hours work week in 1919, the legal system of prostitution that had turned so many poor women into sex commodities for the middle and upper class men was abolished and women gained the right to vote. Democratic rights were about the ordinary workers’ and citizens’ right to fight for his and her well-being and for a society which takes a common responsibility for all of its inhabitants. That society was in Sweden called "folkhemmet" - the peoples home, where no one should be neglected or ill-treated and all of the "family members", that is the people living in the society, would be treated as equals.

Today, since twenty years, this whole welfare state system and its ideology has been intensively and brutally attacked by big capital and neo-liberals. Much of it has been destroyed and many of the reforms have been lost. But still the vast majority of the population wants to keep and defend it. To be able to do that, all the oppressed and neglected have to stand together like they tried to do in Sweden when the welfare state was only a vision for the future. To obtain it the activists of those days realized that it had to become a goal for the broadest and strongest social force that was inclusive of all the oppressed. It had to become an issue not only for the industrial male workers but for the women in the households, for the low paid civil servants, the small farmers, the immigrant minorities and others.

Different religious beliefs and differences of culture could not be allowed to split that struggle, because it demanded the unified effort of the broadest masses. The generations that fought for democratic rights and social welfare and won so many, that are now threatened and in many cases even lost, of course made many mistakes and could not always live up to their broad perspectives. But I think their main lessons have to be learnt and relearned today if we are to defend or win a social welfare for the coming generations.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jab khulley aam BONGIYAN mar kar apney aap ko "LEADER" samjho gey, tau phir doosroun ka JAWAB bhi sunn liya karo.

sun lia bhai sun lia ... wesy swiss bank k paisy aur London main s rakhnay k baad koi to faida ho ga na...... kahin to ye haram kamayee international journalists ko bhi ponchy ge .... kim barker ko iphone , kissi ko BMW .. kia jata hai pakistanio ki loota huwa paisa hi hai na ..

http://en. wikipedia .org / wiki/ Chancellor_of_Justice

http://en. wikipedia .org /wiki /Ombudsman

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
'Ombudsman' and 'Welfare State' are two completely DIFFERENT things.

and neither of them is called "Omar Law" anywhere in the world!

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
sun lia bhai sun lia ... wesy swiss bank k paisy aur London main s rakhnay k baad koi to faida ho ga na...... kahin to ye haram kamayee international journalists ko bhi ponchy ge .... kim barker ko iphone , kissi ko BMW .. kia jata hai pakistanio ki loota huwa paisa hi hai na ..

http://en. wikipedia .org / wiki/ Chancellor_of_Justice

http://en. wikipedia .org /wiki /Ombudsman
Its funny because the Chancellor of Justice article says:

The concept of Ombudsmen was derived from the example of the second Muslim Caliph, Umar Bin Khattab (634-644CE) and the concept of Qadi al-Qadat (developed in the Muslim world), which influenced the Swedish King, Charles XII.

Yet the actual Ombudsman article says:
The origin of the word is found in Old Norse umbusmann (accusative) and the word umbuds man, meaning representative (with the word umbud/ombud meaning proxy, that is someone who is authorized to act for someone else, a meaning it still has in the Scandinavian languages). The first preserved use is in Sweden. In the Danish Law of Jutland from 1241 the term is umbozman and means a royal civil servant in a hundred. From 1552, it is also used in the other Scandinavian languages such as the both Icelandic and Faroese umbosmaur, the Norwegian ombudsmann and the Danish ombudsmand.

The modern use of the term began in Sweden, with the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted by the Instrument of Government of 1809, to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch.

A prototype of ombudsmen may have flourished in China during the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] The Roman Tribune had some similar roles, with power to veto acts that infringed upon the Plebians.

The predecessor of the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman was the Office of Supreme Ombudsman ("Hgste Ombudsmannen"), which was established by the Swedish King, Charles XII, in 1713. Charles XII was in exile in Turkey and needed a representative in Sweden to ensure that judges and civil servants acted in accordance with the laws and with their duties. If they did not do so, the Supreme Ombudsman had the right to prosecute them for negligence. In 1719 the Swedish Office of Supreme Ombudsman became the Chancellor of Justice.[SUP][1][/SUP] One inspiration to the Supreme Ombudsman may have been the Turkish Diwan-al-Mazalim which appears to go back to the second Caliph, Umar (634-644) and the concept of Qadi al-Qadat.[SUP][2][/SUP] However, the current predecessor of ombudsman institutions, the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman, is based on the concept of separation of powers as developed by Montesquieu,[SUP][1][/SUP] which has a western origin[SUP][3][/SUP] and roots in the Enlightenment. The Parliamentary Ombudsman was established in 1809 by the Swedish Riksdag, as a parallel institution to the still-present Chancellor of Justice. The Parliamentary Ombudsman is the institution that the Scandinavian countries subsequently molded into its contemporary form, and which subsequently has been adopted in many other parts of the world.

Still not "OMAR LAW" as Immy K claimed ;)

and both sources cite ONE source for this claim: Pickl, V. (1987). "Islamic Roots of Ombudsman Systems". The Ombudsman Journal


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
'Ombudsman' and 'Welfare State' are two completely DIFFERENT things.

and neither of them is called "Omar Law" anywhere in the world!

So people are ready to refute a Phd. Swedish historian on the basis of a Wikipedia entry only to support their whimsical beliefs.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So people are ready to refute a Phd. Swedish historian on the basis of a Wikipedia entry only to support their whimsical beliefs.


does it make any difference. MBBS doctors are being treated as criminals? PHD? what PHD?

IK was glorifying Islamic rule. Keep in mind most of people in PK cant understand the exact terminologies. To make life easier he was just glorifying what our religion and great people has done and how west has followed it. Again look at wikipedia

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
kabhi thode website ki authenticity bhi check karlia karo ...

‘Omar’s law is unknown in Sweden’: Swedish historian tells Imran Khan

Thursday, 05 July 2012 22:17by Farooq Sulehria

i am not sure if this Ch..ia farooq sulehria is a Swedish historian .. or how he conducted interview or from where he got swedish historians point of view :) thanks you

Beta jee, Farooq Sulehria LIVES in Sweden nowadays and he has cited the historian's name

To verify Mr. Khan’s cliam, Viewpoint interviewed Dr Hkan Blomqvist, a noted Marxist historian and activist. “This is all news to me,” he reacted in shock.

Born in 1951, Dr Blomqvist is a Swedish labour historian and director of the Institute of Contemporary History at the Sdertrn University in Stockholm. He is a well-known lecturer on historical and labour issues both in academic contexts and in labour adult education.

He has written several books on the history of the Swedish labour movement and biographies of labour leaders. Among his publications are: "The threat and promise of communism: the Swedish labour movement in the shadow of the Soviet Union" (2003), "Nation, race and civilisation within the Swedish labour movement before Nazism" (2006), "After the Golden Age - the labour movement and the end of Fordism" (2012).

and about Sulehria himself:

Farooq Sulehria is currently pursuing his media studies. Previously, he has worked with Stockholm-based Weekly Internationalen. In Pakistan, he has worked with The Nation, The Frontier Post, The News, and the Pakistan. He has MA in Mass Communication from the University of Punjab, Lahore. He also contributes for Znet and various left publications internationally.


MPA (400+ posts)
I dont believe this website and its not an authentic....
Guys, please check the authenticity of websites before believing anything.

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
I dont believe this website and its not an authentic....
Guys, please check the authenticity of websites before believing anything.
so anything that disagrees with the claims of your favourite leader is automatically inauthentic?!

You have the right of having your own opinions,
but you do not have the right of having your own facts


Senator (1k+ posts)
ye jo swedish banda ha...ise history ka kia pata or na hi ye swedon ka koi policy maker ha....jihon na polcies banayee ho gi wo kab k mar khap gaye han....ye to bas pubs ma jane wali makhlooq ha....

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
ye jo swedish banda ha...ise history ka kia pata or na hi ye swedon ka koi policy maker ha....jihon na polcies banayee ho gi wo kab k mar khap gaye han....ye to bas pubs ma jane wali makhlooq ha....

Hkan Blomqvist, born in 1951, Stockholm, is a doctor of philosophy in history and director of the Institute of Contemporary History. He is specialised on the labour movement, socialism, racism and anti-Semitism. The development in Soviet-Union and Russia is one aspect of his interest.

He has written several books and articles on the issues (see list of publication) and is an experienced lecturer on these fields and on contemporary history in general.

Starting late in life with academic career, Blomqvist has a background as a worker, journalist/editor and lecturer in labour adult education. Together with the academic tasks he is still actively involved in evening courses and education for unionists and other participants in older or newer social movements.

His research ambitions are today focused around three main areas:

Labour, racism and anti-Semitism
Social development in Russia, with focus on the children homes
The post war development of the welfare states and he "years of'68"

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Senator (1k+ posts)

Hkan Blomqvist, born in 1951, Stockholm, is a doctor of philosophy in history and director of the Institute of Contemporary History. He is specialised on the labour movement, socialism, racism and anti-Semitism. The development in Soviet-Union and Russia is one aspect of his interest.

He has written several books and articles on the issues (see list of publication) and is an experienced lecturer on these fields and on contemporary history in general.

Starting late in life with academic career, Blomqvist has a background as a worker, journalist/editor and lecturer in labour adult education. Together with the academic tasks he is still actively involved in evening courses and education for unionists and other participants in older or newer social movements.

His research ambitions are today focused around three main areas:

Labour, racism and anti-Semitism
Social development in Russia, with focus on the children homes
The post war development of the welfare states and he "years of'68"

Either this man is hiding from history or he don`t know about the fact that 1st welfare state was established by Hazrat Omar(ra).....This is a known fact....:)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Either this man is hiding from history or he don`t know about the fact that 1st welfare state was established by Hazrat Omar(ra).....This is a known fact....:)

Maybe you should actually read the article before commenting.

The man did NOT dispute the achievements of the Muslims. He just said that the Swedes did not model their modern welfare state based on any Islamic principles or knowledge. He says the Swedes are unaware of Islamic history. That doesnt mean they are disputing Islamic history.

I hope you know how the difference.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Maybe you should actually read the article before commenting.

The man did NOT dispute the achievements of the Muslims. He just said that the Swedes did not model their modern welfare state based on any Islamic principles or knowledge. He says the Swedes are unaware of Islamic history. That doesnt mean they are disputing Islamic history.

I hope you know how the difference.
Thats what I am saying if he is so big historian how come he does not know this big truth....??
