Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

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May be you did not read the whole article?? Did you read the saying of the Holy Prophetpbuh? Please keep your pent up grudge inside you.May Allah forgive him for the havoc he played in the war of Uhid,
May Allah forgive him for the havoc he played in the war of Uhid,
I do not know why you pulled your pant above knees from my post. I just put theTakfeeri may not know "When a person accept Islam his previous sins are forgiven".
Forefather of Takfeeries were put on keens by Companion of Muhammad SAW this is the only way left for Takfeeries to heal their wounds.
I do not know why you pulled your pant above knees from my post. I just put the
history to its true perspective. In whole article it was not written. It is history and
you cannot deny it.
I am not Takferis nor have any intention to be. but I am also not blind follower of any
thing. To forgive someone's sins it is pure discretion of Allah(SWT) and only HE knows
about it. BTW what it was in my sentence which raised many people eye brows up
and your pants above knees????
It is what you think or presume. I have no enmity for them and nor I am like you "Personality(ies) worshipers".I also gave a historic reference which explain the reason of your blind enmity for Companions Muhammad SAW.
Your forefathers need your prayers more then anyone else. May Allah forgive their sins before accepting Islam and after Islam.
Do not worry about my pants, pay more attention to yours which are below keens and historic reference will never able to pull them up.
It is what you think or presume. I have no enmity for them and nor I am like you "Personality(ies) worshipers".
They did their job and went away. Allah is best judge for their deeds or whatever. You people have
taken "tahkedari of theirs" just for nothing. and you believe that day and night singing their songs of
praize is your Ebaadaat but definitely such practice is not mine. Allah(SWT) is the Reward giver or otherwise for everyone.
what is the moral of the story...?
again same question ... two states muslim and non muslim what are the rights of muslim state upon non muslim state.
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