Gay Muslims ?????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Float for gay Muslims at Pride London 2011.
Main article: Gay Muslims
The Al-Fatiha Foundation is an organization which advances the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. It was founded in 1998 by Faisal Alam, a Pakistani American, and is registered as anonprofit organization in the United States. The organization was an out shoot of an internet listserve that brought together many gay, lesbian and questioning Muslims from various countries.[SUP][48][/SUP] The Foundation accepts and considers homosexuality as natural, either regarding Qur'anic verses as obsolete in the context of modern society, or stating that the Qu'ran speaks out against homosexual lust and is silent on homosexual love. In 2001, Al-Muhajiroun, a banned and now defunct international organization who sought the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate, issued a fatwa declaring that all members of Al-Fatiha were murtadd, or apostates, and condemning them to death. Because of the threat and coming from conservative societies, many members of the foundation's site still prefer to be anonymous so as to protect their identity while continuing a tradition of secrecy.[SUP][49][/SUP] Al-Fatiha has fourteen chapters in the United States, as well as offices in England, Canada, Spain, Turkey and South Africa. In addition, Imaan, a social support group for Muslim LGBT people and their families, exists in the UK.[SUP][50][/SUP] Both of these groups were founded by gay Pakistani activists. The UK also has theSafra Project for women.
Although it is a minority viewpoint, some Muslims such as the lesbian writer Irshad Manji [SUP][51][/SUP] and academic author Scott Kugle argue that Islam does not condemn homosexuality.[SUP][52][/SUP] Author Scott Kugle, South Asian scholar and author Ruth Vanita, and Muslim scholar and writer Saleem Kidwai even contend that ancient Islam has a rich history of homoerotic literature.[SUP][53][/SUP]
There are also a number of Islamic ex-gay (i.e. people claiming to have experienced a basic change in sexual orientation from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality[SUP][54][/SUP]) groups aimed at attempting to guide homosexuals towards heterosexuality. The StraightWay Foundation is a UK based ex-gay organization which works with homosexual Muslims who seek to eliminate their same-sex attractions.[SUP][55][/SUP] Al-Tawbah is an internet based ex-gay group.[SUP][56[/SUP]


Things get really complicated when it comes to "Gay Muslims".

Iran has everything simplified " there are no gays in Iran "


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think rather than wasting time on condemning this and that perhaps time will be better spent on scrutinizing the actual quranic text and seeing what it really say about any of things we just attribute to the quran on basis of our make beliefs.

The clear goals of islam which are its primary mission no one is talking about it much whereas all these non-issues are brought in full strength in time when hardly anyone knows what islam really is about.

It is freedom of expression first and foremost islamic value and goal that we need to emphasize. We are happy pointing guns at those who disagree with us rather than trying to come up with convincing arguments.

The quran clearly tells us how people dealt with prophets when they tried to speak up their minds. Their opponents believed might is right and reasoning is wrong. We think freedom of expression is nothing that is why we are not educating each other about it and if anyone tries to express oneself we all come and condemn him just for sharing a piece of information.

The main difference between islam and kufar is of wisdom and ignorance. Wise people reason things and ignorant just show their muscles.

It is because freedom is not accepted as principle of existence that results in oppression and suppression and that is what injustice and unfairness is all about. After all what is cruelty? How does it comes to existence? What is compassion and where does it disappear and how?

Can we under this situation be in peace or progress or prosper?

Does all this result from eating pig or drinking alcohol or homosexuality? No it results from not caring for others and not sharing what is there with each other because whoever can takes all. So he does not leave for us even a pig to eat or even sharaab to drink.

So please realize that there are other pressing issues that are of much greater importance than our make belief priority of halaal and haraam of little things. It can be thought of deliberate to draw our attention to one side and take away more important things from mus from the other side like a magician's trick.

The wording used in the quran is wisdom based and can only be understood by those who are aware of rules of wisdom. We cannot accept just any interpretation by anyone without learning how to test its validity and actually putting it through test to see if stands the test or not.

We cannot prove or disprove anything just by quoting personalities and books. We really need to scrutinize things in sense of their purpose in their own contexts.

In the quranic context words do not mean what we bread and butter language people understand with very limited vocabulary. We are like little kids in comparison to wider uses of words.

Take word ILAAH, we only know it means God or khudaa etc and that is it. It is time to learn what this word actually stand for.

Likewise we have word RIJAAL or NISAA, these words are used not just for men and women but for class divide as well. Word rijaal actually represents power in comparison to word nisaa representing weaker side. When we talk about a community it depends on context as to how these words fit in.

SHAHWAT does not mean sexual desire but any ambition or desire or likeness of something. Likewise word FAHASH represents harmful act of which people who commit it should be ashamed. Again it is not for sexual crimes only but all crimes against humanity. It is because like kids we have become used to using certain words in certain way that those meanings come to our minds that we are used to. This is why we fail to learn things because we do not try to find out what was the purpose of Allah in using these words what context is there where such words are used.

It is very important to realize that Allah does not block anyone's freedom of expression. He does not stop anyone from asking questions because he has given answers to all questions in the quran. Had he not done that he ought to clearly stop us from asking questions. What he stops us from is making silly demands of him which if he gave us would harm us. It is like a child asks his father give the loaded gun to me I want to play with it. Or give me the burning torch I want to play with that. Hope this brings to attention how we need to be very careful in trying to attribute to the quran things that may not be what it is trying to tell us.

This should make it very clear that one needs to know a lot more than just language to understand the quran. Do movlies not know arabic, is that the reason they are divided into sects? It is because they stop people from questioning things and as a result we are all slaves to our make beliefs not daring question them.

Think about it this way that if my parents brought me up with their set of make beliefs and did not allow me to question them and yours did the same then are we not doomed to destruction through our permanent divide? Why would prophets demand to be heard when all are supposed to be believing what their parents or communities tell them? It means prophets never asked people to not to question the validity of their messages. It is a make belief invented by liars to hide their lies.

So it is very important to give most importance to most important things and least importance to least important thing otherwise while we waste our energies on fight over little things we will be losing out on things of huge importance. It is like fetching water in a container that has far bigger hole at the bottom than filler end at the top.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There shouldntbe any term as Gay Muslims either they are muslim or gays.
Float for gay Muslims at Pride London 2011.
Main article: Gay Muslims
The Al-Fatiha Foundation is an organization which advances the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. It was founded in 1998 by Faisal Alam, a Pakistani American, and is registered as anonprofit organization in the United States. The organization was an out shoot of an internet listserve that brought together many gay, lesbian and questioning Muslims from various countries.[SUP][48][/SUP] The Foundation accepts and considers homosexuality as natural, either regarding Qur'anic verses as obsolete in the context of modern society, or stating that the Qu'ran speaks out against homosexual lust and is silent on homosexual love. In 2001, Al-Muhajiroun, a banned and now defunct international organization who sought the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate, issued a fatwa declaring that all members of Al-Fatiha were murtadd, or apostates, and condemning them to death. Because of the threat and coming from conservative societies, many members of the foundation's site still prefer to be anonymous so as to protect their identity while continuing a tradition of secrecy.[SUP][49][/SUP] Al-Fatiha has fourteen chapters in the United States, as well as offices in England, Canada, Spain, Turkey and South Africa. In addition, Imaan, a social support group for Muslim LGBT people and their families, exists in the UK.[SUP][50][/SUP] Both of these groups were founded by gay Pakistani activists. The UK also has theSafra Project for women.
Although it is a minority viewpoint, some Muslims such as the lesbian writer Irshad Manji [SUP][51][/SUP] and academic author Scott Kugle argue that Islam does not condemn homosexuality.[SUP][52][/SUP] Author Scott Kugle, South Asian scholar and author Ruth Vanita, and Muslim scholar and writer Saleem Kidwai even contend that ancient Islam has a rich history of homoerotic literature.[SUP][53][/SUP]
There are also a number of Islamic ex-gay (i.e. people claiming to have experienced a basic change in sexual orientation from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality[SUP][54][/SUP]) groups aimed at attempting to guide homosexuals towards heterosexuality. The StraightWay Foundation is a UK based ex-gay organization which works with homosexual Muslims who seek to eliminate their same-sex attractions.[SUP][55][/SUP] Al-Tawbah is an internet based ex-gay group.[SUP][56[/SUP]


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jub dil o dimagh par parda par jaey tou insaan isi tarha ki taweelain aur bahanay dhoondta hai

Unfortunately lot of Muslims in The West have gone astray.This is an " open" society and an individual has a right to do anything unless he breaks a law.These are secular societies and religions are almost a non entity.Parents here have to be very careful when raising kids.Anyways,in Canada I find very few Muslims have adopted western ills.Even those who are not religious do not indulge in these abhorent activities.

hawk eyed

MPA (400+ posts)
I think rather than wasting time on condemning this and that perhaps time will be better spent on scrutinizing the actual quranic text and seeing what it really say about any of things we just attribute to the quran on basis of our make beliefs.

The clear goals of islam which are its primary mission no one is talking about it much whereas all these non-issues are brought in full strength in time when hardly anyone knows what islam really is about.

It is freedom of expression first and foremost islamic value and goal that we need to emphasize. We are happy pointing guns at those who disagree with us rather than trying to come up with convincing arguments.

The quran clearly tells us how people dealt with prophets when they tried to speak up their minds. Their opponents believed might is right and reasoning is wrong. We think freedom of expression is nothing that is why we are not educating each other about it and if anyone tries to express oneself we all come and condemn him just for sharing a piece of information.

The main difference between islam and kufar is of wisdom and ignorance. Wise people reason things and ignorant just show their muscles.

It is because freedom is not accepted as principle of existence that results in oppression and suppression and that is what injustice and unfairness is all about. After all what is cruelty? How does it comes to existence? What is compassion and where does it disappear and how?

Can we under this situation be in peace or progress or prosper?

Does all this result from eating pig or drinking alcohol or homosexuality? No it results from not caring for others and not sharing what is there with each other because whoever can takes all. So he does not leave for us even a pig to eat or even sharaab to drink.

So please realize that there are other pressing issues that are of much greater importance than our make belief priority of halaal and haraam of little things. It can be thought of deliberate to draw our attention to one side and take away more important things from mus from the other side like a magician's trick.

The wording used in the quran is wisdom based and can only be understood by those who are aware of rules of wisdom. We cannot accept just any interpretation by anyone without learning how to test its validity and actually putting it through test to see if stands the test or not.

We cannot prove or disprove anything just by quoting personalities and books. We really need to scrutinize things in sense of their purpose in their own contexts.

In the quranic context words do not mean what we bread and butter language people understand with very limited vocabulary. We are like little kids in comparison to wider uses of words.

Take word ILAAH, we only know it means God or khudaa etc and that is it. It is time to learn what this word actually stand for.

Likewise we have word RIJAAL or NISAA, these words are used not just for men and women but for class divide as well. Word rijaal actually represents power in comparison to word nisaa representing weaker side. When we talk about a community it depends on context as to how these words fit in.

SHAHWAT does not mean sexual desire but any ambition or desire or likeness of something. Likewise word FAHASH represents harmful act of which people who commit it should be ashamed. Again it is not for sexual crimes only but all crimes against humanity. It is because like kids we have become used to using certain words in certain way that those meanings come to our minds that we are used to. This is why we fail to learn things because we do not try to find out what was the purpose of Allah in using these words what context is there where such words are used.

It is very important to realize that Allah does not block anyone's freedom of expression. He does not stop anyone from asking questions because he has given answers to all questions in the quran. Had he not done that he ought to clearly stop us from asking questions. What he stops us from is making silly demands of him which if he gave us would harm us. It is like a child asks his father give the loaded gun to me I want to play with it. Or give me the burning torch I want to play with that. Hope this brings to attention how we need to be very careful in trying to attribute to the quran things that may not be what it is trying to tell us.

This should make it very clear that one needs to know a lot more than just language to understand the quran. Do movlies not know arabic, is that the reason they are divided into sects? It is because they stop people from questioning things and as a result we are all slaves to our make beliefs not daring question them.

Think about it this way that if my parents brought me up with their set of make beliefs and did not allow me to question them and yours did the same then are we not doomed to destruction through our permanent divide? Why would prophets demand to be heard when all are supposed to be believing what their parents or communities tell them? It means prophets never asked people to not to question the validity of their messages. It is a make belief invented by liars to hide their lies.

So it is very important to give most importance to most important things and least importance to least important thing otherwise while we waste our energies on fight over little things we will be losing out on things of huge importance. It is like fetching water in a container that has far bigger hole at the bottom than filler end at the top.
so the point is..........?????????


MPA (400+ posts)
Unfortunately lot of Muslims in The West have gone astray.This is an " open" society and an individual has a right to do anything unless he breaks a law.These are secular societies and religions are almost a non entity.Parents here have to be very careful when raising kids.Anyways,in Canada I find very few Muslims have adopted western ills.Even those who are not religious do not indulge in these abhorent activities.

and this is becoming the mindset of people here as well.......... that no need to oppose or shun anyone until and unless they are breaking a law or are a threat to society........ this thinking in itself is a threat! (unfortunately i see that reflecting in some members' posts too (serious))
its hard to think why on earth would anybody who knows and has read the story of Qom e Lut could actually be following their footsteps!


MPA (400+ posts)
Float for gay Muslims at Pride London 2011.
Main article: Gay Muslims
The Al-Fatiha Foundation is an organization which advances the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims. It was founded in 1998 by Faisal Alam, a Pakistani American, and is registered as anonprofit organization in the United States. The organization was an out shoot of an internet listserve that brought together many gay, lesbian and questioning Muslims from various countries.[SUP][48][/SUP] The Foundation accepts and considers homosexuality as natural, either regarding Qur'anic verses as obsolete in the context of modern society, or stating that the Qu'ran speaks out against homosexual lust and is silent on homosexual love. In 2001, Al-Muhajiroun, a banned and now defunct international organization who sought the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate, issued a fatwa declaring that all members of Al-Fatiha were murtadd, or apostates, and condemning them to death. Because of the threat and coming from conservative societies, many members of the foundation's site still prefer to be anonymous so as to protect their identity while continuing a tradition of secrecy.[SUP][49][/SUP] Al-Fatiha has fourteen chapters in the United States, as well as offices in England, Canada, Spain, Turkey and South Africa. In addition, Imaan, a social support group for Muslim LGBT people and their families, exists in the UK.[SUP][50][/SUP] Both of these groups were founded by gay Pakistani activists. The UK also has theSafra Project for women.
Although it is a minority viewpoint, some Muslims such as the lesbian writer Irshad Manji [SUP][51][/SUP] and academic author Scott Kugle argue that Islam does not condemn homosexuality.[SUP][52][/SUP] Author Scott Kugle, South Asian scholar and author Ruth Vanita, and Muslim scholar and writer Saleem Kidwai even contend that ancient Islam has a rich history of homoerotic literature.[SUP][53][/SUP]
There are also a number of Islamic ex-gay (i.e. people claiming to have experienced a basic change in sexual orientation from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality[SUP][54][/SUP]) groups aimed at attempting to guide homosexuals towards heterosexuality. The StraightWay Foundation is a UK based ex-gay organization which works with homosexual Muslims who seek to eliminate their same-sex attractions.[SUP][55][/SUP] Al-Tawbah is an internet based ex-gay group.[SUP][56[/SUP]
its 2011 now


Senator (1k+ posts)
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
and this is becoming the mindset of people here as well.......... that no need to oppose or shun anyone until and unless they are breaking a law or are a threat to society........ this thinking in itself is a threat! (unfortunately i see that reflecting in some members' posts too (serious))
its hard to think why on earth would anybody who knows and has read the story of Qom e Lut could actually be following their footsteps!

Yes that's very true.Those living in Pakistan are sometimes dazed by the onslaught of The Western propaganda(garbage)which now is available on the click of a mouse .They should avoid reading all that garbage.Even Pakistani TV is also a bad source and show such programmes which are very similar to Indian TV.Very young boys and Girls and Boys sitting infront of each other singing romantic songs and dancing (Indian style)on the floor.Sometimes I wonder how their parents allow their kids to do all that ?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
and this is becoming the mindset of people here as well.......... that no need to oppose or shun anyone until and unless they are breaking a law or are a threat to society........ this thinking in itself is a threat! (unfortunately i see that reflecting in some members' posts too (serious))
its hard to think why on earth would anybody who knows and has read the story of Qom e Lut could actually be following their footsteps!

It takes a heart which has been condemned and blinded by the curse of Allah (SWT) to put such a Satanic argument. It is the people who themselves are outcome of "Sex & Drug" parties who come up to defend and promote such a heinous crime.


MPA (400+ posts)
It takes a heart which has been condemned and blinded by the curse of Allah (SWT) to put such a Satanic argument. It is the people who themselves are outcome of "Sex & Drug" parties who come up to defend and promote such a heinous crime.

:(:( its sad but true....... even though quran is very clear on prohibition and condemnation of this act
