
  1. amir_ali

    US gives up on peace deal with the Taliban

    Interesting link from; what i find more interesting were the comments, e.g. the following is really very well descriptive of the Afghans: Adam Evenson October 03, 2012, 18:26 So the U.S. has decided the Taliban are too tough to conquer? Didn't even Napoleon come to that conclusion...
  2. L

    Inside Story - War Zones Afganistan & Pakistan

  3. WatanDost

    GERMANS: Afganistan Mai Qurbani Kai Bakrey?

    German Soldiers Cant Shoot Leaked reports question the competence of the German army, which has thousands of troops serving in Afghanistan. June 26, 2011 10:30 PM EDT German soldiers mostly dont know how to use their weapons. They have no or little experience driving armored vehicles. For...
  4. S

    We all should fight against TALBAN otherwise PAKISTAN will look like as AFGANISTAN very soon. ( Spar

    We all should fight against TALBAN otherwise PAKISTAN will look like as AFGANISTAN very soon. ( Spartacus )
