We are starting some clinical trials from next week - Dr Atta ur Rehman


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nice. A lot of countries are doing clinical trials with known anti-viral drugs used for other diseases, so they skip the initial phases e.g. animal/toxicity studies and re-purpose the drug. While waiting for a vaccine, they are trying for a treatment. Of course, some doctors have to be explained simple science.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Why dont Dr Sahib volunteer himself for test. First, let him get infected by hugging an infected person. Once its confirmed Dr Sahib is infected, then let him taste his own medicine. Hopefully, his medicine will cure his infection and we all will clap and cheer. Yayyyy !


President (40k+ posts)
Why dont Dr Sahib volunteer himself for test. First, let him get infected by hugging an infected person. Once its confirmed Dr Sahib is infected, then let him taste his own medicine. Hopefully, his medicine will cure his infection and we all will clap and cheer. Yayyyy !

When Xiaolu Tang at Peking University in Beijing and colleagues studied the viral genome taken from 103 cases, they found common mutations at two locations on the genome. The team identified two types of the virus based on differences in the genome at these two regions: 72 were considered to be the “L-type” and 29 were classed “S-type”.

A separate analysis by the team suggests that the L-type was derived from the older S-type. The first strain is likely to have emerged around the time the virus jumped from animals to humans. The second emerged soon after that, says the team. Both are involved in the current global outbreak. The fact that the L-type is more prevalent suggests that it is “more aggressive” than the S-type, the team say.

