Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Last recorded Dua of Dr. Israr

Bhai, reason for sending the same matter to you personally was to make sure that you don't miss the opportunity of not be replied for your enlighten statement.

Now that you have opened topic about Righteous Caliph, Tell me why did Dr Israr left Jamaat-e-Islami?

What is the main vision of

Let me help you on this "According to the Tanzeem-e-Islami website Dr. Israr and the party believe "the spiritual and intellectual center of the Muslim world has shifted from the Arab world to the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent" and "conditions are much more congenial for the establishment of Khilafah in Pakistan" than in other Muslim countries"

Did not Dr. Israr had a hand in creation of Tahreek-e-Khilafat Pakistan?

His book “Islamic Renaissance: The Real Task Ahead”.... have you ever read it?
When was this book published, does it not look like its a book of Prediction? What is going on right now in Pakistan? Was he a part of some Master Plan?

For any likes or dislikes of a particular person.. one need to remember his words or sayings... How did I come to know that Dr Israr was a classic clown ... his own words
""It is apparent to any careful observer that the Jews have continued to suffer the floggings of Divine punishment in the present century – the Holocaust during the Second World War being a case in point."

What the use, he is dead... damage is done. Now all we have to do is lick our wounds.

Bhai Hans I usually admire your sense of objectivity, factual argumentation coated with the layers of brevity and sensibility. But I think by terming the great Dr Israr as clown you’ve seriously undermined your objective mindset and I’ve taken a great offense by that repulsive remark of yours. Brother believe me when it comes to difference of opinion despite of immense respect for Dr Israr Marhoom o Maghfoor, I do had some differences as well on some of his thoughts and views in the past (which I do hold some of them till now) and its normal for one to have that margin of liberty to formulate a dissenting and differing opinion on a given subject matter.

In the last section of your post, which I’ve highlighted as well, if I’m not wrong in decoding your hidden message in those lines is that because of his offensive and blunt reasoning against the criminals of Almighty from the House of Israel which in return has resulted (In line with the hard-line rhetoric of many other Muslim clerics of current uni-polar world) in the ruthless backlash from them over the decades against the Muslim states scattered and disunited around the world, who (Israelis) unfortunately also hold the reins of extreme power and influence in Western Europe and Northern American territories in current scenario. Correct me if I’m wrong to interpret this reasoning of yours.

As far as this misconception of declaring himself as a Khalifa of his Caliphate movement and organizations in Pakistan is concerned then I think it’s totally baseless and misconstrued misconception formed by you in this regard as he always maintained himself during his lifespan that he was nothing more than an ordinary worker for the establishment of a Khilafat system in Pakistan in perfect reflection and footings of a perfectly constituted Caliphate (Divine Vice-regency) of the rightly guided first four companions of the great Prophet pbuh after his demise from this world in 632 C.E.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Last recorded Dua of Dr. Israr

Come-on hans open your mouth here, share your intellectual imaginations and baseless arguments with masses.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Quran se Doori ke Asbab - Dr Israr Ahmed - (???? ?? ???? ?? ????? - ????? ?????)

This one of best speech by Dr. Israr Ahmed. The topic is general and there is no intention to start any sectarian debate. Any member who does not like Dr. Israr Ahmed and still want to listen to his speech, most welcome, but please do not use this forum to disgrace anybody.

Islam does not separate religion from Politics. I would request moderators to put this thread into sticky, if possible; so that every member can benefit from this speech. Also please do not merge this thread. May Allah give you reward for this (Aameen).

Initially, I am posting only one video clip. Anybody wishes to watch the complete speech can find it in the next post.

Jizakallah brother atensari for sharing this video with us! (Link)

May Allah reward Dr. Israr Ahmed for his consistent efforts and devotion in promoting the true teachings and essence of Islam ( Aameen)

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed - (???? ?? ???? ?? ????? - ????? ?????)

Here are complete video clips of the same speech.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

Thanks for sharing.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

JazakAllah brother....gr8 speech by Dr. Israr
yaar i got a question.....Muslims around the world have everything.....why can,t they build one LAB sorta of a place collectively and do scientific experiments taken from the Quran and then let the world know the truth about Quran......wouldn,t be more effective and it'll work as a "daee" as well


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

dr saaab Allah pak app ko janaat main jaga atta famaay.aameen.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

I have not yet seen the videos, but I think that reasons for being away from Quran are:

a) Propoganda by Monopolist Group that "Quran is very difficult to understand and if someone
really needs to understand Quran, then first He/She has to cross the Oceans of certain books,
Elim Tajweed and God knows what else.". These type of propoganda by vested interest people
ran the people away.

b) Certain or many scholars or so-called do not wish that general people should and must
understand Quran because if they will, it will result in those vested interests groups
extreme hurt. or their survival.

c) People themselves do not wish to exert in Quran and has the tendency to be content
what other people say to them regarding this.

d) People pay more attention towards other worldly books on which their survivial
or career depends but altogether do not spare even 1 percent of their time to this
book. If their career is at stake they will learn and understand the most difficult
books, but same is not the attitude towards Quran.

e) People get ready made solutions with the help of other books;

f) They are completely oblivious of that Day "When Prophet(PBUH) will say that
My Lord, my ummat took this Quran as useless thing".

g) The most important is that understanding Quran is Allah's grace, He
grants it to whom He wills.

Veila Mast

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

That's irony of Muslims that they start worshipping any one who has Quran in his hand without lacking sense to judge if he is guiding us to right path!

Such a case is with Dr. Israr Sahab!


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

Quran Pak is the text book ( Compulsory ) for all Muslim,

But we dont have time for this book.

We send our kids to best schools , American schools and best university, but we do not want to spend their time on Quran learning just for one year.

and we see that out kids waste lots of years in their live , wandering confused, but we dont understand, what is lacking.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

That's irony of Muslims that they start worshipping any one who has Quran in his hand without lacking sense to judge if he is guiding us to right path!

Such a case is with Dr. Israr Sahab!

Bhai , read quran Pak by your self, not arabic only, but learn Arabic language first and then study Quran and make your own sense.

Quran Kareem is miracle of Allah in yor hands.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

That's irony of Muslims that they start worshipping any one who has Quran in his hand without lacking sense to judge if he is guiding us to right path!
Such a case is with Dr. Israr Sahab!

Use your sense make an unbiased judgment, take what you think is guidance and leave what you think is misguidance.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

I agree with brother Raaz.
Qur'an is Miracle of Allah for all of us.
We have to understand the Guidance in the Qur'an.
In this day and age we all have so many resources available to understand the Qur'an.
سُوۡرَةُ الشُّعَرَاء
وَإِنَّهُ ۥ لَتَنزِيلُ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (١٩٢
Al-Shuara (26)
Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds: (192) (Yusuf Ali)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The Quran is easy to understand and remember

The Quran was created by Allah ,our Creator and Sustainer. It was then revealed to our beloved Prophet Mohammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) for the entire human race. The target readers of this book are human beings of different mental levels. This fact itself is the greatest miracle of Quran. Any other book of human creation has a specific target reader. For example a science textbook for a primary class student will be written in such a way that primary students easily understand it. In the same way a book on anatomy for a student of medicine will be meaningful for a medical student. Each book is written at a different level. On the contrary Allah has created Quran: as “ A Book for All”. It would be wrong to say that , “It contains something for everybody ,” rather “It contains everything for everybody.”

The basic requirement of the reader of Quran is that its contents be understood. It is our basic duty to study it and understand it. Ignorance of Arabic language should not be a barrier for us. Quran is a book that has been studied and researched the most. There are many beautiful translations available in English and other languages. We should earnestly try to read these translations. Everybody and anybody can “read” the Quran. By “read” is implied that we read it in a language we are comfortable in. It is because the main aim should be to understand the meaning.

وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
Qur’aan; 54:17 : And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?
اور البتہ ہم نے تو سمجھنے کے لیے قرآن کو آسان کر دیا پھر کوئی ہے کہ سمجھے

الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَتْلُونَهُ حَقَّ تِلَاوَتِهِ أُولَـٰئِكَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ ۗ وَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِهِ فَأُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ
Qur’aan; 2:121: Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied: They are the ones that believe therein: Those who reject faith therein,- the loss is their own.
وہ لوگ جنہیں ہم نے کتاب دی ہے وہ اسے پڑھتے ہیں جیسا اس کے پڑھنے کا حق ہے وہی لوگ اس پر ایمان لاتے ہیں جور اس سے انکار کرتے ہیں وہی نقصان اٹھانے والے ہیں

أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا
Qur’aan; 47:24: Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up by them?
پھر کیوں قرآن پر غور نہیں کرتے کیا ان کے دلوں پر قفل پڑے ہوئے ہیں

فَإِنَّمَا يَسَّرْنَاهُ بِلِسَانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ الْمُتَّقِينَ وَتُنذِرَ بِهِ قَوْمًا لُّدًّا
Qur’aan; 19:97: So have We made the (Qur'an) easy in thine own tongue, that with it thou mayest give Glad Tidings to the righteous, and warnings to people given to contention.
سو ہم نے فرمان کو تیری زبان میں اس لیےآسان کیا ہے کہ تو اس سے پرہیز گاروں کو خوشخبری سنا دے اور جھگڑنے والوں کو ڈرا دے
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (???? ?? ???? ?? ????? - ????? ????? )

Thanks atensari for providing the following missing video clips of the same speech, I have added to the initial post:



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

what a joke....some people are really funny here.

Veila Mast

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )


Aik Kasak Se Hai Dil Main Kah Maloom To Ho

Ho Ke Juda Woh Mujh Say Kis Haal Main Ho Ga!

Person who has spent all his life forbidding others to visit GRAVES should be visited or not?

But I will certainly do so, that's why wondering if any one could here tell me address where Dr. Sahab is buried.

Many Thanks


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )

Aik Kasak Se Hai Dil Main Kah Maloom To Ho
Ho Ke Juda Woh Mujh Say Kis Haal Main Ho Ga!
Person who has spent all his life forbidding others to visit GRAVES should be visited or not?
But I will certainly do so, that's why wondering if any one could here tell me address where Dr. Sahab is buried.
Many Thanks

Visiting Graves and making them Sajdagah are two different things, Sunnat and Invention. Do not color things of your choice.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (قرآن سے دوری کے اسباب - ڈاکٹر اسرار )


Aik Kasak Se Hai Dil Main Kah Maloom To Ho

Ho Ke Juda Woh Mujh Say Kis Haal Main Ho Ga!

Person who has spent all his life forbidding others to visit GRAVES should be visited or not?

But I will certainly do so, that's why wondering if any one could here tell me address where Dr. Sahab is buried.

Many Thanks

Was this topic to go to graves or not? As usual and per established practice, your effort to
sideline the issue?

Veila Mast

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Quran se Doori ke Asbab by Dr Israr Ahmed (???? ?? ???? ?? ????? - ????? ????? )

Was this topic to go to graves or not? As usual and per established practice, your effort to
sideline the issue?

Babadeena, yaar as per established practice look at one more video, at least Mr. Pakistan will be happy to watch it.

I am sure many of my dear friends will take this video offensive but I want to see how biased this forum is!

Mr. Pakistan1947 is keen to share videos of Touseef ur Rahman but this time I am sharing it, videos shared by Mr. Pakistan by Touseef ur Rahman are not deleted so I hope this won't be deleted as well!

Let's wait and watch:

If you issue a Fatwa e Kufr against someone but he is muslim then Kufr comes back to person issuing fatwa!!!!!

So one fact is ESTABLISHED, either Touseef ur Rahman or Dr. Israr is not on right path!!!!!!

My question to you and Mr. Paksitan, which option they will go for!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see what option you take!!!!!!!!!!!
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