
  1. S

    Hijab and Muslim Brotherhood: The Islamization of Egypt

    Effects of Islamism University of Cairo: Number of Hijab-wearing female students 1959: None 1978: None 1995: 35% 2004: 90% Screenshots from documentary "Freedom, Equality and Muslim Brotherhood": This is a documentary worth-watching. Its made by a...
  2. ahmadalikhan

    Islamization of Pak Army: Two Opposite Point of Views

    If you read Nazir Naji's yesterday column and Ansar abbasi today's column, they seems to be totally opposite to each other on Islamic trends in Pak Army. I support Ansar Abbasi's point of view in this regard. while reading these articles plz keep in mind this verse of Allama Iqbal also...
  3. K

    Dr. Israr Ahmed Threads - Collection

    Asalam-o-Alikum... Brothers Its a must watch. Do listen Complete.
