
  1. only-knowledge

    Islam: A religion of peace. With Quarnic and Hadith refrences.

  2. A

    Bizarre mutant goat with a HUMAN FACE

  3. qureshi.saab

    Allah Is Waiting For You by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad

    ?????? ????? ????? ???? ??????? 240051 ???????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????? ???? ????????? ???????? ???????????
  4. S

    Why is Allah referred to as Him or He and not She?

    Why is Allah referred to as Him or He and not She? The Moon God Myth & Usage of Masculine Pronoun For Allah
  5. S

    The name "Allah"

    Allah Allah is the name of the existent, the one who is entitled to the divine attributes, the one who is qualified by the qualities of lordship. He is unique in terms of authentic existence. Certainly no other existent can properly be said to exist by virtue of its essence; and that which...
  6. S

    The Definition of Good and Evil in Islamic Theology

    The Definition of Good and Evil in Islamic Theology - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf & Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah If God exists, why is there evil?
  7. S

    Asharites Proof for the existence of God

    Arguments from particularisation This is the main form of argument used by early Asharites, and is often used by Mutazilites and later Asharites. It turns on the notion of particularisation (takhsıs), which has its background in a trend distinctly characteristic of classical kalam, stemming...
  8. S

    for Prayers, for Help, for Ibaadat, one and only Allah....

    SURAH.6. 50. کہہ دو میں تم سے یہ نہیں کہتا کہ میرے پاس الله کے خزانے ہیں اور نہ میں غیب کا علم رکھتا ہوں اور نہ یہ کہتا ہوں کہ میں فرشتہ ہوں میں تو صرف اس وحی کی پیروی کرتا ہوں جو مجھ پر نازل کی جاتی ہے کہہ دو کیا اندھا اور آنکھوں والا دونوں برابر ہو سکتے ہیں کیا تم غور نہیں کرتے 50. Say (O...
  9. Humi

    America expects new "September 11 attacks" - this time in the form of natural disasters

    America expects new "September 11 attacks" - this time in the form of natural disasters, such forecast was voiced by American deputy secretary of defense Paul Stockton who is in charge of security at Pentagon. He calls them "complex catastrophes" and notes that they will have a "cascading...
  10. Amna_Amo

    Allah wants to see & meet you, because He loves you by Wisam Sharieff

    very emotional lecture
  11. V

    Hazrat Bilal Razi Allah Tala Anho

  12. swing

    Choor Chooor Ko Dey Tou Allah He Hafiz HAi(Z-MIRZA kay gawaho ka HAL)

    Loo Gee mirza saab ka tou ilaaj ho gaya hai .
  13. D

    People protesting on the misbehavior of Police - Ya allah in zalimon se bachaa
  14. S

    Insha allah Army will soon take action to stop genocide of MOHAJIRS in SINDH by this PPP governmen

    Insha allah Army will take action soon to stop genocide of MOHAJIRS in SINDH by this PPP government. ( Spartacus )
  15. P

    Nawaz Sharif Ne Haqeeqi Nazaria Pakistan Paish Kia - Nazir Naji
  16. trestelle

    Jaab Mera Dil Karta ha Allah se batay karo

  17. N

    Will we not be able to make an excuse in front of Allah

  18. itsnotme90

    I cant stop crying ( Allah Mujhay help karnay ki taufeeq day )

    A woman had to leave her child under the tree to save her other children life coz she couldnt carry him anymore coz they had no water left to walk to Kenya & she think he will be alive & then she cried. I will request all muslims to plz donate something for these poor children. This is the...
  19. S

    Allah inn Pakistani siasatdanoun ko kabhi muaff nahi kerga

    Allah inn Pakistani siasatdanoun ko kabhi muaff nahi kerayga "Fitrat kabhi 'milat' k guhaoun ko muaff nahi karti." Hamarey sisatadan qoom aur mulk ko loot rahey hainn aur koi unka kuch bigart nahi sakta. " They are law, justice and power to themselves." They have become : Untouchables."...
  20. maksyed

    Turn back to Allah before it is too late... :(

    Turn back to Allah before it is too late... :( May be this is the last time you are hearing the Azan... :(
