Where is chacha Zaid Hamid


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho


Siasat.pk - Blogger
you are missing him so much, why don't you visit brasstacks.pk and watch a speech or two? And good to see you call him chacha. ZH is a respectable person and chacha is good term of respect, you consider him just as your dad's brother!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
saynotwar said:
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho

Dont worry dear!

I ve heard he is on UMRA and will shortly be back. U must be stupid to think that he is prtoecting PAKISTAN.

Allah is there for the job.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
saynotwar said:
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho

he is in Mecca to thank for the passing of march 23 resolution, pray for Pakistan safety, and also do umra. He shall return soon.

Main thrust of his mission was to pass the resolution which he did. When Quaid-e-Azam presented his idea of Pak, there were only 8 audiences. ZH had over 100, which could have been 100,000 if it werent for the India-chumcha and ghaddar halwa maulvis. But he is still active, not as much tho, because he is away, and also because resolution has been passed.

ZH is a pretty smart and muhibb-e-watan dude. Insetad of confronting the bearded thugs that maulvis sent to disrupt his jalsa, he quickly passed the resolution and left. I have never seen such a patriotic and smart man. If it were for any other group, they would have stayed to 'excerise the right' to hold meeting and let their followers be tangled with the opponents causing injury or loss of lives on both sides.

He said : Hum kis sey larein, woh bhi to hamarey hi hain

When was the last time, or ever, you heard any leader of any political party say that??

I must salute him for that. Allah aisey logon ki hifazat karey Ameen. He truly is a diamond in the rough


MPA (400+ posts)
saynotwar said:
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho

bechare ho MU chupane ki jagah nahi mil rahi



on night of 23 march ZH slept like a baby......wake up in the night and cry..and try to sleep...
and then wake up and cry and sleep back......till morning.

some time people attempt suicide after this much ZILLAT....please make sure he is alive


MPA (400+ posts)
saynotwar said:
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho
avatar said:
where is ISI agent.

We know very well the nature of hindu's the son's of Chankia and Niccol Machiavelli's
Sir Zaid Hamid will meet you soon in Delhi

You know very well as Mr Balla Thakry and Narinder Morrli couldn't stop to Shoib Malik
and then they start Chankia policies Now you are reapeting here and proving yourselves agine and agine


Minister (2k+ posts)
@ Mujahid

Please stop talking childish and please correct your spellings. You are terrible.

Please stop being rhetoric. Just dont blabber some shit you heard somewhere.


MPA (400+ posts)
jimpack said:
@ Mujahid

Please stop talking childish and please correct your spellings. You are terrible.

Please stop being rhetoric. Just dont blabber some shit you heard somewhere.

I don't care about my spell because English is not my language I only use for communications that enough for me and you understand what has been written

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The vision of Jinnahs Pakistan was liberal progressive democracy and this cannot be disputed. The question remains where did we give up this vision? That happened over a period of years and the credit goes to Zia for distorting our history and that is where nutcases like Zaid haimd come in who wish to establish a Taliban styled Khialfat!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mujahid said:
saynotwar said:
After 23 march 2010 fiasco Chacha jee completely disappeared where is he?
no seminar no speech koe to dhond ke lao :D

chacha pakistan ko kon bachae ga! kidher ho
avatar said:
where is ISI agent.

We know very well the nature of hindu's the son's of Chankia and Niccol Machiavelli's
Sir Zaid Hamid will meet you soon in Delhi InshAllah

You know very well as Mr Balla Thakry and Narinder Morrli couldn't stop to Shoib Malik
and then they start Chankia policies Now you are reapeting here and proving yourselves agine and agine

You pissed of the jimpack really well, good job man [clap]
