The lady who could not see Ka'aba!!!

taul - Blogger
--I received this in an email......WAllahu-A'alum about this incident but May Allah ( SWT) save all of us from sins we intentionally or un-intentionally commit,Ameen...and May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala enable us to repent on our sins as much as possible and to abstain from any wrong doings as much as we can,Ameen...May Allah ( SWT ) shower HIS blessings and bounties on all Muslims,Ameen.

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Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
taul said:
May Allah ( SWT) save all of us from sins we intentionally or un-intentionally commit,Ameen...and May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala enable us to repent on our sins as much as possible and to abstain from any wrong doings as much as we can,Ameen...May Allah ( SWT ) shower HIS blessings and bounties on all Muslims,Ameen.

Thumma Ameen.

sarbakaf - Blogger
and i will appreciate if some one can post a link to video recording of that prog to make this incident more authentic...


MPA (400+ posts)
Assalam-o-alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Brothers and sisters this story is nothing more then a story. It has many flaws in it and there is no link to the call or video , cause it does not exist. It can not be true. Only one thing is enough, The biggest sin is shirk that Allah will not forgive if you die while doing that. The above story mentioned she went 7 times to perform Hajj and she was not able to see kaba ( Kuffar of Makkah had idols inside Kabah, they were able to see kabah ) and now she is calling a shaikh and admitting her sin and the story shows she is worried about it. Shiakh sahib got very mad, The shiakh should have known better. Did he not know the hadith about the person who killed 99 people ? Brothers and sister there is no sin " No sin " that you can not repent from as long as you don't see death. QURAN 39:53 Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Things don't work this way in this world.
Either the Narrator is a liar or the Shaikh is a liar



can you tell us about the TV channel on which this sheikh appeared or appears.Atleast you can do that before posting such a story..

waiting for your reply

taul - Blogger

can you tell us about the TV channel on which this sheikh appeared or appears.Atleast you can do that before posting such a story..

waiting for your reply

--Brothers i suppose you did not read the first lines i wrote above,neither i have any idea about this incident nor do i know about the show..the reason i clarified in the beginning WAllahu A'alum meaning Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows best if it happened or not.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
کبھی کبھی مقرر اور علما حضرات ایک مفروضہ کہانی بنا لیتے ہیں تاکہ امّت کی سبق آموزی ہو -نیت جھوٹ بولنے ہرگز نہیں ہوتی

کہنے والے کا یہاں پر یہ مطلب ہے کہ اگر تم جادو ٹونا ٹوٹکہ کروگے تو یہ سزا ممکن ہے - مقصد صرف خوف دلانا ہوتا ہے

sometimes speakers and Ulama give a story to be used only for example and learning. What this story teller is saying that jadu tona tutka is haram and very sinful thing to do. If you do this, this is how you will end up. Lying is not intended at any time Jazakallah


Minister (2k+ posts)
کبھی کبھی مقرر اور علما حضرات ایک مفروضہ کہانی بنا لیتے ہیں تاکہ امّت کی سبق آموزی ہو -نیت جھوٹ بولنے ہرگز نہیں ہوتی

کہنے والے کا یہاں پر یہ مطلب ہے کہ اگر تم جادو ٹونا ٹوٹکہ کروگے تو یہ سزا ممکن ہے - مقصد صرف خوف دلانا ہوتا ہے

sometimes speakers and Ulama give a story to be used only for example and learning. What this story teller is saying that jadu tona tutka is haram and very sinful thing to do. If you do this, this is how you will end up. Lying is not intended at any time Jazakallah

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