
Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

And whos the creator ?
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar
Accept my apologies , I hope you didn't mind (serious)
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

what about the creation of earth ? and big bang?
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

My question was very sipmle....I will repeat it again.....I am not talking about any religion...

what about the creation of earth ? and big bang? in your religion
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

We do not invent natural laws ,we discover them.
They were made by the creator to be discovered by us.
These are his signs for us to recognise Him and His wisdom.

The creator is unlike anything else beyond the time and space.

Wa lamya kullahu kofuwan Ahadd.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

You know, this model of expanding/contracting universe is not in "vogue" at this time....
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

We do not invent natural laws ,we discover them.
They were made by the creator to be discovered by us.
These are his signs for us to recognise Him and His wisdom.

The creator is unlike anything else beyond the time and space.

Wa lamya kullahu kofuwan Ahadd.

Now the hindoos , who were worshiping all animals are worshiping " science "

All scientific rules are made by nature / God.

I hope they will discover this mother nature one day.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

You appear confused about deterministic vs probabilistic view. Which one do you believe???
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Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

can u post this reply to ur fellow birather hamza tzortxzis? he thinks he knows what the koran says and he claims it clearly shows the world had a begining, i.e. there was a time t=0.

this is what u defining absolute time t(not)=0, there is no such thing! by doing this u making it for urself to count the years, and thinking that universe has a beginning. And there is no such thing as theory of evolution either.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

Who determines that probability???

If you believe in probabilistic world, then it was not guaranteed at the time of "big bang" that earth will be created. If that same big bang to happen again, we may not see earth or humans at all. It may be a completely different universe.
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

@Dhiraj Kumar

O my God ....... oh ..sorry , Oh my science....
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Expanding Universe Theory of Science and Quran

Censoring is embedded to support nationalism. Same exist in USA. I now understand the reason for creation of ghettos in west, if such people continue to profess & infer science out of religion:), demand londonistan!

Question is of degree. You may not like it, but Pakistan is probably more open and has a bigger heart than India. Despite being such a "big" country, it is too Pakistan centric. Recent elections in the 2 countries is a testament to that mindset.

However, we are digressing here.

I don't like to bring religion into scientific discussions because of the completely different nature of the 2 entities. Science keep "perfecting" ideas with known evidences, while religion is quite fixed, rigid, and immutable. Although, one can argue that religion is also changing because of our understanding of the "deeper meaning" of the holy scripts based on prevailing knowledge.



Re: The concept of punishment in Islam

Dr. Israr completey misleading and telling half truth which is worse than a lie.

There is a context to give such punishments, I completely agree with strict punishment but that is all what Islamic teaching is all about when it comes to social justice, there is whole ocean of forgiveness and mercy also for those who make mistakes..

Can someone post here any strict punishments conducted during the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH? You will struggle to find such punishments..

His life is full of mercy and forgiveness, you will find more places where he forgave rather than punishing people;

Prophet Muhammad PBUH forgave old woman who killed and ate liver of his Uncle
He PBUH forgave war prisnoers in return of giving education to children
He PBUH forgave when people of Taif throw stones and injured him PBUH
All his deadly enemies, including Abu Sufyan, lkramah (son of Abu Jahl) and many other chiefs of Meccah, were among those who benefited from his forgiveness.

Yes Punishment should be there as Quran says but if one thinks that forgivness and mercy can make someone better , then forgiveness and mercy must be taken into account first.

Such as if someone commits a crime and then says that I am sorry I did mistake and won't do it again.. he must be given chance .. yes for repeat offenders.. go for strict punishment.

JazakAllah Khair.
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