Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
America expects new "September 11 attacks" - this time in the form of natural disasters, such forecast was voiced by American deputy secretary of defense Paul Stockton who is in charge of security at Pentagon. He calls them "complex catastrophes" and notes that they will have a "cascading effects", including social and political consequences, writes the Newsweek.
In case of an apocalyptic disaster, Stockton is making plans that could drastically change the lives of millions of Americans. He models disasters that can destroy tens of thousands of people, undermine the economy, and make a huge gap in national security. "And the terrorist who will be responsible for these atrocities is Mother Nature", indicates the newspaper.
The deputy minister and other experts have no doubt: a disaster, more destructive than Hurricane Katrina, will definitely occur. Global warming and rising sea levels already generate more powerful hurricanes and more dangerous and extensive storms, says the author. The problem is that the areas in the way of natural disasters are densely populated, as more people move to metropolitan areas, located on the coast, the experts explain.
There is an even direr scenario than the March earthquake in Japan, which led to a tsunami and an accident at a power plant, writes the American weekly. Thus, in winter 1811-1812, there was a series of strong earthquakes north of Memphis. The Mississippi River flowed back then, river banks began to fall down, and new lakes were formed. But the casualties were small, because at that time it was a sparsely populated area, the article says.
American scientists calculated that if an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes again, up to 86,000 people in the same area will die or be injured today. The direct losses to economy would make $ 300 billion, and 15 nuclear power plants would be possibly damaged. It will take 42 000 rescuers and, therefore, the authorities would have to use the army. That's why Stockton has such an intense interest in potential natural disasters, explains the author of the article.
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
In case of an apocalyptic disaster, Stockton is making plans that could drastically change the lives of millions of Americans. He models disasters that can destroy tens of thousands of people, undermine the economy, and make a huge gap in national security. "And the terrorist who will be responsible for these atrocities is Mother Nature", indicates the newspaper.
The deputy minister and other experts have no doubt: a disaster, more destructive than Hurricane Katrina, will definitely occur. Global warming and rising sea levels already generate more powerful hurricanes and more dangerous and extensive storms, says the author. The problem is that the areas in the way of natural disasters are densely populated, as more people move to metropolitan areas, located on the coast, the experts explain.
There is an even direr scenario than the March earthquake in Japan, which led to a tsunami and an accident at a power plant, writes the American weekly. Thus, in winter 1811-1812, there was a series of strong earthquakes north of Memphis. The Mississippi River flowed back then, river banks began to fall down, and new lakes were formed. But the casualties were small, because at that time it was a sparsely populated area, the article says.
American scientists calculated that if an earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes again, up to 86,000 people in the same area will die or be injured today. The direct losses to economy would make $ 300 billion, and 15 nuclear power plants would be possibly damaged. It will take 42 000 rescuers and, therefore, the authorities would have to use the army. That's why Stockton has such an intense interest in potential natural disasters, explains the author of the article.
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
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