
  1. moazzamniaz

    Maulana Afzal getting threats for leading Salman Taseer's funeral, applied for asylum in UK-نماز جنا

  2. usman710

    History in The Making Again*** IMRAN KHAN*** LEADING THE ***CORNERED TIGERS***

  3. ahmadalikhan

    Dr. A.Q Khan giving example of Donkey Leading .......lolz

    Read the example of Donkey Leading our Leaders in last column of this Column....[hilar][hilar][hilar] http://ejang.jang.com.pk/06-06-2011/Karachi/images/06_03.gif
  4. FaisalLatif

    Arab Revolt: Panic In Israel; by Haaretz (Israeli Leading Newspaper)

    (The article illustrates a panic in Israeli Government and public opinion in face of the Arab Revolts. They now resent not making peace with Palestine when it could pressure Palestinians through its friends like Mubarak and Ben Ali. They now realize that it would difficult for Israel to get away...
  5. S

    Who is the leading Mir Jafar & Mir Sadiq, after Davis release?

    Bismillah Assalam o Alaikum, Ishfaq Pervez Kiyani + Military establishment Zardari & Party Nawaz Sharif & Shahbaz Sharif Judiciary