
Minister (2k+ posts)


New Member
Ma-Shaa-Allah Good efforts. Nice stories.
<a href=""> Read Quran Online with Tajweed</a>


Minister (2k+ posts)
فقہ الصحابہ

فقہ الصحابہ
اللہ کی عبادت کے لیے بنائے گئے معبدوں کا احترام، گو وہاں شرک بھی ہوتا ہو
وجاء وا الی بیت المقدس فصالحہم فصلی عند کنیسۃ مریم ثم بزق فی احد کمی قیصہ فقیل لہ ابزق فیہا فانہ یشرک فیہا باللہ، فقال: ان کان یشرک فیہا باللہ فانہ یذکر اللہ فیہا کثیرا (الاصابہ، ترجمہ ابو شعیب، ص ۲۲۶۸، طبع دار المعرفۃ ۲۰۰۴ء)

فتح بیت المقدس کے موقع پر سیدنا عمر نے کنیسہ مریم کے پاس نماز ادا کی۔ پھر تھوکنے کی ضرورت پیش آئی تو اپنی قمیص کی آستین میں تھوک لیا۔ ان سے کہا گیا کہ آپ کلیسا میں ہی تھوک لیں، کیونکہ یہاں تو اللہ کے ساتھ شرک کیا جاتا ہے۔ سیدنا عمر نے جواب دیا: اگر اس میں اللہ کے ساتھ شرک کیا جاتا ہے تو کثرت سے اللہ کا ذکر بھی کیا جاتا ہے۔

(سیدنا عمر کا یہ تبصرہ بنیادی طور پر سورۃ الحج کی آیت پر مبنی معلوم ہوتا ہے: ولو لا دفع اللہ الناس بعضہم ببعض لہدمت صوامع وبیع وصلوات ومساجد یذکر فیہا اسم اللہ کثیرا)

Afaq Chaudhry

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

کاش یہ بات مسلمانوں کے ساتھ ساتھ دیگر مذھب بھی سمجھ لیں اور دنیا امن کی گہوارہ بن جائے ،ورنہ یہاں کیا ہر جگہ نفرت پھیلائی جاتی ہے ، مسلمان فرقوں کو چھوڑ کر سیرت رسولpbuh اور سیرت صحابہ رضوان الله عنھم سے سیکھیں گے تو ہی کسی بات کا حل نکل سکتا ہے ،ورنہ یہاں تو ہر وقت فرقوں کے نام پر ایک دوسرے کو نیچا دکھایا جاتا ہے ،جیسے فتح اور شکست کی جنگ ہو،الله ہم کو سیدھے راستے پر چلنے کی توفیق دے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Muhammad Mustafa - (Prophet of Islam ) - A unique personality of the Universe (PBUH)

The entry of Prophet of Islam on the world Theatre was a Unique event in the History of Mankind. Mankind was laden with King gods , Idol gods, Animal gods , Male and female organ gods , monkey and dragon gods and what not . Sorcery , astrology , high priests all ruled the world . These so called religions which was superstitious cults were region centric , race centric and class centric .

They consummed a lot of energy of the population and still do in remote areas of the world where Islamic preachers did not make a determined entry to educate. You can easily find even now cults which sacrifice humans. The tragic aspect was that despite earlier prophets the message of One God was hard to imbibe for the society and situation was as a Hindu Acquintance of mine put it , (we have these dummy gods as praying to God is not easy for the common man) . The high priest is a common denominator to all these religions and effort was always to limit cults to classes of people.

There were and there are people who try to predict future , there are people who practice various forms of self denial and yoga to remain alive without food , there are people who are prepared to fight for leadership , there are and were occasional people who believed in some reform , some government , there were kings who were prepared to improve lot of some race or region but were there people who combined all that , Prophet of Islam combined good will towards humanity for all , rich and poor , Arab and non Arab .

He knew the unknown , he was not afraid of hunger if someone at the last moment asked for food, he was ready for battle if imposed , he was ever ready for prayer , for acceptance of every soul ready for a change , he was All in one yet claimed to be a mortal man not divine .

Read Bukhari Sharif , the Hadith collection , the saying of prophets are not endless sermons , they are few lines long , very succinct and very deep in meaning and very just .

In law he did not burden Muslims with endless law , he did not burden them with endless taxes , he did not burden them with grotesque practices , all what the Muslim religious establishment was at best a Muezzen , few regular students and noble soles like Abubaker to represent in prayer . He certainly did not leave any sects .

Muhammed Mustafa had achievements beyond imagination for a man who was even not formally literate , Amongst Prophets he is the only one send for whole humanity not just Israeli people like jesus .

Not every cult which has some written jantar mantars are people of the book as some mislead people want us to believe.

But disaster strikes every human endeavour without fail , sects were predicted by prophet himself . Muslims tried to make elaborate law which was not ordered in Quran , they tried to make an elaborate clergy , they resurrected High priest type personalities , they tried every thing to make Islam look like other religions with elaborate overburdening formats .

They tried to resurrect spirtualism of preislamic type of vague nature in preference to clear cut Quran and saying of prophets . Many rode on the boat of some return of Mahdi and almost declared prophethood like status , others made Tombs of impressive variety to gather people . People who were not even following Quranic precepts were made into saints of some type and even lately known adulterers and heavy drinkers have elaborate tombs constructed for them where Muslims frequent .

Islam is superior to all religions of the world , in fact it is the only religion in which God is God and Man is Man , it is the only religion where a person has a presence outside religious books as a historical character by himself from other sources .

Islam succeeded in removing infanticide , it was successful in allowing master and slave to stand in prayers together , it was successful to some extent in sustainance of family life , it was due to primitive attitudes of converts not able to properly end injustice , slavery and violent struggles in name of religion by resource hungry kings and Maliks .

Prophet did succeed in tying slave women as responsibility of the owner as if she is the wife , a wedlock of the sort for all .

It is not possible to enumerate the blessing of Islam and it is not possible to enumerate life of Prophet but a link is there for those whom wish to understand Islam and Prophet of Islam Muhammed Mustafa .

We Muslims are much richer than say hundred years back , we are much educated too now but gone is spirit of spread of word of God , gone is faith itself , gone is courage , gone is self confidence that our doctrine is superior to all , just because we are governed by knowledge less people , we are governed by democracy instead of shura of the learned , we are governed by limited worldly knowledge religious scholars , were burdened by so called Islamic law which has no basis or sanction in the Quran .

We are like slaves of Banushed Nazzar time , lost language and scripture , not really but in our sick minds .

Quran link :
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PM ImranKhan

MPA (400+ posts)
Please some one share any wakiya of Sahaba ikram, who gather and celebrate Prophet (PBUH) Birthday.

Please some one share any wakiya of Sahaba ikram, who gather and celebrate Prophet (PBUH) Birthday.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Lambi Omar Paane Wale

گوجرانوالہ کے اک قبرستاًن میں اک نو گز کی قبر بہت مشہور تھی. میں پانچویں جماعت میں پڑھتا تھا اور قبرستان سکول کے راستے میں تھا اک دن سوچا دیکھیں تو سہی کتنی بڑی ہے نو گز کی قبر . پاس گئے تو مشکل سے آٹھ فٹ کی نکلی .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Lambi Omar Paane Wale

گوجرانوالہ کے اک قبرستاًن میں اک نو گز کی قبر بہت مشہور تھی. میں پانچویں جماعت میں پڑھتا تھا اور قبرستان سکول کے راستے میں تھا اک دن سوچا دیکھیں تو سہی کتنی بڑی ہے نو گز کی قبر . پاس گئے تو مشکل سے آٹھ فٹ کی نکلی .
آپ شائد ہڑپہ کے کھنڈرات دیکھنے نہیں گئے میں وہاں جا چکا ہوں نوگز لمبی قبریں وہاں موجود ہیں ہو سکتا ہے کہ سات ہزار سال پہلے لوگ لمبے قد والے ہوتے ہوں