religious extremism must be tackled


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I am doing this thread because earlier today on a separate thread a member called [MENTION=25719]MuslimPak[/MENTION] mentioned to me that the Mazaar of Hazarat Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah R.A. would be blown up to make the grave of the Quaid level with the ground. I am in a complete state of shock for people that hold such extremist views for the founder of the nation.

I feel has a role to play not to facilitate such extremist views which are detrimental to our national interests and have a sectarian side and only seek to cause disharmony amongst us.

Moreover, there was a complete lack of sympathy and tolerance towards other sects. I really feel we must tackle such people that are using this forum to voice their barbaric views.


Tolerance is acceptance that you could be wrong and the other could be right.

If the OP couldn't do that than the discussion is futile


MPA (400+ posts)
things all sects agree on, we dont even do them properly...things that really matter (namaz, roza, zakkat , haj, tuheed, hussnai salook, haqool ibad) are on back burner and leveling a qabar is more important. other day i was reading about this molvi who had declared so called jihad against polio workers. wth man .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
thread starter is a perfect example of what i mean when i call someone a " Jinnah worshipper "

My dear brother please come towards nationalism, we must love our nation and because of Hazarat Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah R.A. you people were given freedom to practice your religion otherwise you would have been beaten in India.


MPA (400+ posts)
THanks for starting a thread on me, lets see if moderators delete it or not,

Anyway i would not respond to you, if you guys can bombard the whole tribal areas, destroy mosques, kill thousands , sell thousands for dollars , then me being called a savage or barbaric is nothing in the sea of bloodshed which your beloved army did in last 10 years. Anyway i would post two hadith below.

Abu'l-Hayyaj al-Asadi told that 'Ali (b. Abu Talib) said to him: Should I not send you on
the same mission as Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent me? Do not leave an image without obliterating it, or a highgrave without levelling It. This hadith has been reported by Habib with the same chain of transmitters and he said: (Do not leave) a picture without obliterating it. (Book [URL=]#004 [/URL] , Hadith [URL=]#2115 [/URL] )

Thumama b. Shafayy reported: When we were with Fadala b. 'Ubaid in the country of the Romans at a place (known as) Rudis, a friend of ours died. Fadala b. 'Ubaid ordered to prepare a grave for him and then it was levelled; and then he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanding (us) to level the grave. (Book [URL=]#004 [/URL] , Hadith [URL=]#2114 [/URL] )


I am doing this thread because earlier today on a separate thread a member called @MuslimPak mentioned to me that the Mazaar of Hazarat Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah R.A. would be blown up to make the grave of the Quaid level with the ground. I am in a complete state of shock for people that hold such extremist views for the founder of the nation.

I feel has a role to play not to facilitate such extremist views which are detrimental to our national interests and have a sectarian side and only seek to cause disharmony amongst us.

Moreover, there was a complete lack of sympathy and tolerance towards other sects. I really feel we must tackle such people that are using this forum to voice their barbaric views.


MPA (400+ posts)
You think pakistanis are free, let alone in practicing religion ??

My dear brother please come towards nationalism, we must love our nation and because of Hazarat Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah R.A. you people were given freedom to practice your religion otherwise you would have been beaten in India.


MPA (400+ posts)
lol satanic forces , nice

i do not know why but i really like it when moderate muslims ( not extremists ) declare some one else shaitan or give kufar fatwa by calling them takfeeri. Anyway this was bound to happen in the game of takfeer.

My leader is IK. Your leader is shatanic forces TTP.


MPA (400+ posts)
Jinnah called this pakistan a laboratory for islam where islam could be established. Does pti has establishing sharia in its moto ??

My beloved brother you must stop killing each other in the name of religion, please give up this madness, vote for PTI and lets achieve the true Jinnah's Pakistan an Islamic welfare state.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol satanic forces , nice

i do not know why but i really like it when moderate muslims ( not extremists ) declare some one else shaitan or give kufar fatwa by calling them takfeeri. Anyway this was bound to happen in the game of takfeer.

My dear brother, please give up your weapons, Join PTI and lets go for a prosperous Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol satanic forces , nice

i do not know why but i really like it when moderate muslims ( not extremists ) declare some one else shaitan or give kufar fatwa by calling them takfeeri. Anyway this was bound to happen in the game of takfeer.

TTP has nothing to do with Islam. This gangster group murdered thousands of muslims for money. A satanic group which killed innocents and received dollars for that.


The thread is going in exactly opposite to what it purport to be.

As I pointed out earlier in the thread, if OP cannot listen to any opposite viewpoint then he can also be termed as liberal extremist.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Jinnah called this pakistan a laboratory for islam where islam could be established. Does pti has establishing sharia in its moto ??

My Beloved brother we must build tolerance for each other and live in a cohesive society. Our nation is going through a crises first and foremost we must rid our country of all evils. Establish an Islamic Welfare state which is the agenda for PTI that will care for the needy and poor.

We must respect our elders Hazrat Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah R.A. and Hazarat Allama Iqbal R.A.
