What best of luck,we stand no chance to win any medal.Second it will show we don,t have any standing in world community.Real democracy ,political stability,economic prosperity and education is the key to have higher place in sports and world standing.
اس سڑے ہوئے مجاور کے نزدیک جمہوریّت صرف وہ ہے جس میں مسٹر بمبینو صدر، بلورانی وجیرِآجمWhat best of luck,we stand no chance to win any medal.Second it will show we don,t have any standing in world community.Real democracy ,political stability,economic prosperity and education is the key to have higher place in sports and world standing.
Same standards should be applied to Baigum Safder and Bilawal Zardari! No?What best of luck,we stand no chance to win any medal.Second it will show we don,t have any standing in world community.Real democracy ,political stability,economic prosperity and education is the key to have higher place in sports and world standing.
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