Ashraf Gujjar NA48 PMLN Candidate is FAN & Lawyer of MUMTAZ QADRI


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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muslim01 - Blogger
Although I support PTI, but if we highlight that Gujjar was a staunch supporter of Mumtaz Qadri, alot of pro PTI and neutral votes will go for him.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ممتاز قادری جیسے سفلوں کو کس نے حق دیا ھے کہ نبی کریم سرور کائنات pbuhکے نام پر قتل و غارت کرتا پھرے اس کے سپورٹرز بھت ھی گھٹیا سوچ کے مالک ھیں اور انھیں دین اسلام کی ابجد کا علم بھی نھیں۔
ایسے امیدوار کو جو پارٹی بھی ٹکٹ دے گی اس کے ساتھ بھی برا ھی ھوگا مکافات عمل اسی کو کھتے ھین۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایسے امیدوار کو جو پارٹی بھی ٹکٹ دے گی

He was given ticket because he is well known in Islamabad and also due to bradari factor. In modern legal practice everyone is allowed a lawyer no matter what the crime. For example India provided Ajmal Kasab with a lawyer. If the accused don';t find a lawyer (and govt can't arrange one) then they can't persecute.


Minister (2k+ posts)
thats the sad situation of Pakistan

!خبری داس

الیکشن کے بعد کہاں چھپ گئے تھے ؟





Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Rural votes are more then Urban votes, PMLN can beat Asad. Though they should have gone for a better candidate and top leadership of PMLN should have visited the area for campaigning. Asad Umar's defeat would benefit PMLN a lot and will be a big blow for PTI.

PMLN sadly still doesn't get the importance of Islamabad. Pakistan can't be ruled from Lahore or Karachi, it can be ruled from Islamabad plus Islamabad is the central nerve system which is always under observation, Qadri's circus should have been an eye opener. The seat deserves a lot more attention then being given to it at the moment.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Shame on the shameless Nawaz league.

Shame on PPP which ran away and left Taseer alone to face the wrath of fundamentalists. You lot are so shameless that your PM (Gillani) rather then condemning the incident was telling people that had nothing to do with it. Shame shame


Shame on PPP which ran away and left Taseer alone to face the wrath of fundamentalists. You lot are so shameless that your PM (Gillani) rather then condemning the incident was telling people that had nothing to do with it. Shame shame

Nothing but lies.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nothing but lies.

Where was PPP during Namaz e Jinaza of Taseer? There should have been thousands of Jiyalas there that day. You people are so shameless that you first pumped Taseer then ran away. PMLN leaders condemned the murder more then you. Shame shame


Where was PPP during Namaz e Jinaza of Taseer? There should have been thousands of Jiyalas there that day. You people are so shameless that you first pumped Taseer then ran away. PMLN leaders condemned the murder more then you. Shame shame

Taseer family is in PPP and they know the party's stand and input regarding this matter. Your bed time stories have no value.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Taseer family is in PPP and they know the party's stand and input regarding this matter. Your bed time stories have no value.

PPP cowards did not have the courage to protect Taseer, they did not have the courage to even go to his funeral (the man was a Governor for God sake). There are no excuses, PPP ran away with fear. Shame on them for isolating Taseer like this. This is not a bed time story this is history.


PPP cowards did not have the courage to protect Taseer, they did not have the courage to even go to his funeral (the man was a Governor for God sake). There are no excuses, PPP ran away with fear. Shame on them for isolating Taseer like this. This is not a bed time story this is history.

Lolz .... Anyways as I said the Taseer family is in PPP.

Ali Sajid

Councller (250+ posts)
I dont think k anyone has any right to kill any person....if a person has done something wrong, bring him to justice. If everyone starts doing justice on streets on his own, then the state will evidently collapse.

I am not saying Tasser was right, what i m saying is that Qadri killed him unjustly.

On this basis i think he stands nowhere.
