
  1. K

    Worst Condition of Govt Civil Hospital Chiniot 6 May 2016,

  2. Y

    Pakistan passport ranked worst in the world (2015 ranking).Pakistan ranks along with Somalia, Afghan

    Henley & Partners, a global company specializing in residence and citizenship planning has published the Visa Restrictions Index for 2014. The index, done annually, ranks more than 200 countries according to the travel freedom that their citizens enjoy. Henley & Partners drew up the ranking...
  3. fahid_asif

    Funny Leader.... Never imagined about these worst conditions at the time of CoD - Nawaz Sharif

    زرداری جیسے شخص سے دوستی کر لی اور یہ نہ جانا کہ نتیجہ کیا ہوگا ! حیرانگی ہے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
  4. F

    We are NOT worst ARABS but better african - People in South Sudan

  5. A

    The worst is yet to come - ( A Must Read Article )‏

    Pakistan: The worst is yet to come Posted on 05. Jun, 2011 by Asif H Raja This seems closer to realities. By Brig Asif Haroon Raja The US in pursuit of its strategic and economic objectives in this part of the world arm twisted Gen Musharraf in September 2001 soon after 9/11 and made...
  6. mohib

    Balochistan: Declining Insurgency, Afghan & Indian Invovlment, Worst Policies of Musharraf and Solut

    Start Time 04:50
  7. J

    The Best & The Worst By Ayaz Mir PML-N October 28, 2005, Friday Ramzan 23, 1426 جئیے الطاف

    Today PPP and PMLN using all the administrative machinery and their terrorists faught pitch battles against each other injuring and killing each others workers to get seats in Kashmir elections, but the 2 big parties were no where to be seen when Kashmiri's needed them the most, After...
  8. janbazali

    Asma Jahangir (The worst traitor of Pakistan) Exposed bigtime

    http://chasif.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/asma-jahangir-a-saffron-crusader/ see this image....she is meeting with Baal thakray
  9. Geek

    The Ten Worst Hosts on Pakistani Television

    Its a bit old one but a fun to read, and dont forget Jasmeen Manzoor's part. its awesome. :)
  10. A

    Worst Political Party Of Pakistan?

    PPP PML-N PML-Q MQM Jamat-e-Islami JUI-F Tehreek-e-Insaf ANP Participate please.
  11. Pak-MUSLIM

    C.V. of Rehman Malik -One of the Worst man in PPP

  12. C

    Balochistan Situation Getting Worst | 90% youth want separation

  13. Policy Matters

    Policy Matters - 3rd June 2011 - Hamayun Akhter & Shokat Tareen - Budget : Inflation at The Worst Le

  14. H

    Top 5 worst Pakistani Personalities I have ever seen

    1- Altaf Hussain 2- Asif Zardari 3- Musharraf 4- Gillani 5- Yahya Khan Who is in your list ?
  15. abbasiali

    Pakistan under attack, Karachi is facing the worst breach of security.

    We as all should pray to get rid of this cruel situation, Its really annoying to see these elements access to the most sensitive locations governed by government authorities.
  16. PAINDO

    Worst Political System of Pakistan is based on its Worst Electoral System

  17. Muhammad Ikhlaq Siddiqui

    Our society is the worst example of Racism???
