
  1. msrx5jj2

    India-US secret game : the Butterfly Effect Theory

    "In retrospect, the initiation of Pakistan Spring has already started. It is in its initial phase. Once it gains momentum, it becomes Katrina." The writer uses the butterfly effect theory to analyse how the US and India are working together to undo Pakistan. For the full copyrighted...
  2. az.ay

    Is Two Nation Theory valid today?

    Yes, it is. Why? Consider the following points: What is Pakistans ideology: Two Nation Theory. What is Two Nation Theory: Muslims and Hindus of subcontinent are separate nations. How Two Nation Theory caused creation of Pakistan: Muslims ruled India for 700 years because of an...
  3. K

    Is Peace Possible When Dealing With Israel? Their theory of Gentiles by American writer? Through this article we can have comparative studies ? The real death star by web Israel is referred to as a democracy even though it doesn't even have a constitution. The reason it doesn't...
  4. H

    Azizi Answer to Marvi Sarmad [Two Nation Theory Importance (for new pakistani generation)]

  5. janbazali

    Two nation theory is the base of Pakistan

    Last night a saw a programe of Shahid Masood, i was amazed to see that lady (Marvi Sarmad), she was openly and bluntly opposing the two nation theory which is the base of Pakistan According to her Pakistan is and was a secular state. I want her to listen very clearly that Pakistan ka matlab La...
  6. GraanG2

    Nawaz Sharif ki Indian Wafad se Mulaqat...Comments about Religion,Culture,and Two Nation Theory.

    Ok here is the clips of What Nawaz Sharif said while addressing the delegation from India.Decide for yourself...I think He was trying to be over friendly.Please avoid abusive language ,just analyze and let the members decide.Thanks.
  7. Bilal_Mushi

    Zaid Hamid furious over Nawaz Sharif's statement on Two-Nations Theory [/COLOR]
  8. WatanDost

    Why Pakistan Created on Two Nations Theory?

    The political leaders who Differ with DO QOUMI NAZRIYA. And there followers. Just feel the heat of Slap and Insult after listening this. Very basic defination of TWO NATION theory. ALHAMDOLILLAH WE GOT PAKISTAN. PAKISTAN ZINDA ABAD PAKISTAN PAINDABAD LISTEN FROM 7;50 MIN
  9. adnan78692

    A bizarre theory By Afzal Ahmed Syed On Rehman Malik's Statement

    A bizarre theory By Afzal Ahmed Syed | From the Newspaper I LOOKED up the online Merriam-Webster Thesaurus for the entry for girlfriend. It is a noun meaning female romantic partner, with the synonyms, gal, gill, inamorata, lady, ladylove, old lady and woman. Other words used in...
  10. moazzamniaz

    Most Pakistani doctors in US accept evolutionary theory: Survey

    Most Pakistani doctors in US accept evolutionary theory: Survey Published: July 3, 2011 More than 80 per cent of Pakistani doctors in the United States accepted the theory of evolution The Muslim world stands at a unique moment in its...
  11. fahid_asif

    Darwin's Theory of Evolution & pk politics

    Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Natural Selection While Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a relatively young archetype, the evolutionary worldview itself is as old as antiquity. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander postulated the development of life from non-life and the evolutionary...
  12. Aapas Ki Baat

    Aapas Ki Baat - 8th June 2011 - Discussion on Ahmadinejad 's Statement: Conspiracy Theory or Reality

  13. T

    Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura - Haarp!

  14. janbazali

    Two nation theory of European Union - Orya Maqbool Jan
  15. S

    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura HAARP (Conspiracy or Truth?)

  16. Z

    False Alarm - Bush Administration raised threat level for political gains - Conspiracy theory prove
