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We migrated from india because of hindus(who are not good to their own dalats,how they can be for muslims and other minorities),we left our home,land,business,freinds.allmost every thing and this dirty bi.tch says rubish.
you b.itch who will compensate for the loses we had becasue of this migration........your father?
..it was just purely to have our own homeland and if your b.itch not happy here go back to india and live in slum.
you moved from india because you were opportunist...you wanted jobs in khairat.....you never wanted to compete with hindus!!
why dont you count no of muslim billionaires in india and count no of billionaires in pakistan?
if you are hard working,true to yourself;india has no virtual discrimination against muslims..reason being muslims not having enough jobs in india was due to migration of middle class muslims who left india for pakistan..we lost middle class muslims !!
Ghandi was also responsible ..........being pasive GAY character he was touching nerve's of quide ,so .....quide wana scape to paksitan...otherwise history would have included jinah WIth GAY gandahi..........azat sub ko payari hoti ha.;)
for more info flip the history pages to get more knowledge about jew body builder and ghandi.
good to know jinah scaped from this GAY Ghandi and muslims from facist hindus.
ghandi saves lives of millions muslims in india..he fasted unto death in kolkata...........we are thankful to jinnah for making pakistan..fascist hindus are happy with peaceful pure muslims getting away from india...
ghandi saves lives of millions muslims in india..he fasted unto death in kolkata...........we are thankful to jinnah for making pakistan..fascist hindus are happy with peaceful pure muslims getting away from india...
dont live in past.........gujrat riot is 10 year old incident.such riots are happening regularly in pakistan.........
babri masjid had some ideological dispute with babur bringing down ram mandir ;although i dont condone a mosque being brought down but it is again 20 year old news!!
learn to live in present..Modern india is secular and it gives equal opportunity to every indian!
We are Indian first ;then hindu,muslim,sikhs or christians !!
modern indian...............is more worst than it was.if 10 year is history why your indian is investing money to defy 2 nations theory and why agents like you try to bring this fact to attention after 7 decades ????????????????????????/
looser indain agent.
such a shame to mainstream cable channel...
Such hatred against hindu being evil,traitor,backstabber is the voice of pakistan mainstream news channel.
I would support indian govt to give permanent residence to evil hindus of sindh and rajashthan!!
We can show you many hatred clips from your TV channels against muslims and Pakistans also
FYI :: I wanted to dislike post, by mistake clicked on LIKE
show me a single clip in indian news channel by commentators ,anchors ;which speaks against muslim or islam!!
Pakistan is portrayed bad in india ;due to global jihad propagation ideology !!
26/11 and many other attacks were perpetrated by pakistan groups in india with liaison of isi;which was busted ,proved and later accepted by musharraf and other politicians!!
So admonishing pakistan;rheotic against paki is gift of pakistan based terrorist which had made us to believe that pakistan will always remain hub of all terror activity,let it be current JEM,LET,JUD ,dawood ibrahim (who married his daughter to miandad son) or hafeez saeed who openly talks about doing multiple mumbai blast;why all terrorist from indonesia,malaysia,india,uk,america,afganistan take shelter in pakistan!!
In the same way we can also say that KARACHI KILLINGS is sponsored by RAW
Talk with evidences, show me where Musharraf accepted that ISI did Mumbai Attacks, talk with proof
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