How dare Nawaz challenge the two nation (us and them) theory the very foundation of Pakistan. He should be tried for treason:angry_smile:
Dear Unicorn, do you know what two nation theory is about? Would you be kind enough to educate me about it? Pakistan was created as a pilot project to try and get the world out of animosity and double standard which is real cause of us and them. Islam is divine rule of law for unity of mankind based upon one standard for all.
I see you people stayed away from the thread I created for debating islam please join in and see what you can contribute and if you have anything better than what islam has to offer mankind.
Two nation theory has many enemies because people including muslims do not understand it so how can they explain to nonmuslims?
I do not want to post articles and videos about india that show how hindus treat hindus. You pick any country of your choice double standard is everywhere and that is what islam came to fight. It is unfortunate that even muslims became enemies of muslims and set a very bad example of islam and that was the point of creation of pakistan to change all this in muslims and then throughout the world.
I am still very much hopeful for pakistan but muslims must kick out the ruling elite and its mullahs if pakistan is to survive as an ideological state for the good of mankind.
In the quran Allah tells us that he brought forth real followers of the quran for the good of mankind. Those people are not many but their arguments are solid as a rock and none can challenge them because they are based on facts.
I invite people to study the quran to see what it is all about. Islam that is spread world wide and is condemned is misinterpretation of the quran and misrepresentation by the ruling elite and their priests. These people have same mindset and attitude and approach to life as the nonmuslims and all their struggle is centered on wealth and power to control the rest of humanity to use and abuse it. These are facts and I can post tonnes of articles and video.
Islam is the only solution because the quran is the only book of its kind in the world. No other religious scripture is as straight forward as the quran. If there is I would love to know it. In india our hindu brothers have so many books eg vedas, mahabharata, ramayana, upnishads, puraanas etc erc yet none of them can match the quran. Parsis have avesta and dasateer yet that is no match for the quran, jews have torah but even that is no match for the quran and of course christians have the new testamant.
The quran is totally a different kind of book that has no match. If you have read any of these books, you will know it. For those who have not please see the link.
Regardless people follow the quran or not they will come to same conclusions about everything stated in the quran already if they ever bothered to know things.
The fact is quran is stating nothing much new rather all books before it said the very same that were of the same origin so the statements in the quran are not 1400 years old but thousands of years old. How is it possible that never has anyone written any book like the quran ever? It is not that people did not try to write any, of course they did because we have hindu scriptures, parsi scriptures, jewish scriptures, christian scriptures and all these prove that people were very clever yet none has been able to write a book like the quran. The question is, why not?
So if the quran is a unique book of its kind then obviously islam is a unique system for living for mankind.
This is what was realised most recently by iqbal who convinced jinnah for creating pakistan for the purpose I stated. Pakistan was certainly not created for animosity with any people but to build a modal state for people to show how to live like good human beings. Unfortunately the ruling elite and their mullahs took this country in the wrong direction but there is still hope that people will wake up and get rid of ruling classes and mullaism who are behind theory of us and them ie muslim on muslim use and abuse and even killing. Any people who use and abuse their own people are worse than animals regardless muslims or nonmuslims and this is what islam came to stop.
What they (ruling elite and their mullahs) say about islam is mostly in their own context not in the context of the quran. The quran is all about humanity and all its needs nothing else and that is why islam is the only solution to all the problems we have in the world. This is challenge of the quran that you cannot come up with any system better than the one told about in the quran.
The surprising thing is that this system is thousands of years old ie not new at all.
regards and all the best!-Nice-Column-by-Orya-Maqbool-Jan/page5