Zaid Hamid Vs Ahsan Iqbal | Pak Army Vs PMLN (Must See!)

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

Sobia (Star Gazer) I think your extreme sense of xenophobia and blind faith with the ruling establishment (Pakistan Army and its ancillary organizations & individual asse(t)s like Zaid Hamid) is one of the main reason to blur and obscure your rational and cognitive sense. Unlike you no sane individual of this world including the experts of political science and military affairs in the past and present seems to have given any leeway or apertures in the governing system of a state where military establishment seems to dictate its affairs.

During my stay in England I once had the experience of following a massive campaign on one of the British terrestrial Channels there in order to nominate the greatest hero of UK in its recorded history based on the opinions of general public and after the two months of that whole exercise people of Briton overlooked several giants like Fleming, Hume, Shakespeare, Marx, Milton, Keats etc and nominated Winston Churchill due to his pivotal role of supervising the two great wars of last century.

The same Churchill, the great hero of common Britons, once used these golden words during the crucial stage of WWII that “(Even) War is too serious a business to leave solely at the hands of Army Generals” and imagine what we in Pakistan have gained from our Generals with their excesses and encroachments.

We don’t require and even wish to get the certificates of nationalism and patriotism from these daft and inept leaches and their zombie supporters of Pakistan. We only hold supreme those organizations and individuals who have their utmost respect and honour for its constitution which was drafted by the collective wisdom of the masses of this state through their elected representatives. Anyone else who try to contravene, undermine, circumvent or try to mutilate its original spirit with the deceptive coatings of national security and higher interests of the state is the biggest enemy of this state and its citizens and require no sympathy and respect from the well aware individuals.

Dear brett-hawk(Whatever your real name is)
I have no xenophobia and do not defend any one emotionally. I am only trying to bring out to be noted that one part of our society can not be blamed 100% for all the ills, all those who have collaborated with them or allowed them to do so by becoming parts of their governments are equally to be blamed if not more.
I agree we have to be fair and that is why you need to read what I have said once again probably before you give opinions on that.
The ruse of saving the country and for the higher interest of the country has been used by the politicians more than the Army, and in order to be fair distribute xenophobia equally to all those others also if you think you are so dispassionate and fair minded. It is important for justice not only to be done but also to be perceived that it is done.
As for Churchill he also said about the then undivided india "Soon there will be a time when the politicians of india will tax the air that their people breathe" Has that not been done or you do not feel that?
Please do not pick and choose as suits your purpose, because that is where the wrong starts.
as for my sanity and giving leeway to the military, you seem to have lost the point or did not pay enough attention to what I have been saying. I do not know if there is any point in repeating them at this point.It is easy to give labels to others but even if you call me anything I am bound by my sense of fairness to say what I truly believe to be the truth, believe me I will be the first one to accept my mistake as soon as I realize it, and that is the sole purpose of my writings/responses. I have strived to be objective and always refrained from being personal,prejudiced,biased and disrespectful and expect the same from at least some members yourself included, ofcourse it is only MY expectation!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

You can not keep anything simentic. As far as you being my fan, it's good, not that I am dying for it though!
Fortunately for me I never appreciated Zia or his MO, I have always maintained that it was a mistake even when he was the boss,sorry to burst your bubble on that.
By 60 I was not even born, so could not have left Pakistan, ha ha.
Pakistan was ahead of india until late 60s and what ZAB did was he dragged us down to neck-to-neck and then it was a down hill course.remember the great over-night nationalization that destroyed the business community in Pakistan and to this day we are struggling.
Please stop feeling sorry for yourself, your being an overseas Pakistani is not a fault of Army, it is your choice and say shukar to Allah as he has provided you with an independent and happy life.
Try to be objective about issues without being sarcastic and personal.


Thanks for making me didn't even born in 60's but talking so authentically about that age, shows about your imaginary approach.......

Army take over had put down Pakistan , which had broke economy so badly, that no one could survive in Pakistan. However those who manage to got out from Pakistan including ME & YOU were lucky enough to cover cost of living with dignity (with out any luxury)

My dear it was not my choice to leave my country and my people, neither I feel, it was case for you as well, however it was worst living circumstances, which drag us out towards overseas, however again there could be a possibility, in your case, you could have left Pakistan with your own choice, however every one like & love better and bright future full of opportunities.

You always make me feel, you want me to be your fan, so I am...........that is my choice;);););)

Well thanks for advise again, Alhamdulilah I am more than thankful to Allah then anyone else could be.

However I was never sarcastic to any one personal, but why people (Including your self) become personal to me instead of reply to the context...........just think about it.............probably it will change your approach towards every single living human being.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Which country in the world has got UNSC permanent seat on basis of religion??
regarding pakistan:Pakistan govt itself said that it doesnt want UNSC permanent membership!!

This thread dealt with Pakistan internal politics ? Your indian visit is accepted. Now listen
carefully. When I give you the reply the topic will be changed. We Pakistanies dont accept your socalled
secularism. Tell me who won the elections in your country ? Why Mrs. Rajaiv Ghandi has not been appointed as
a Prime Minister ? It is a so called secular state in a shape of Democracy we Pakistanies know very well.

You havnt given the reply of your secularism and democracy what I mentioned above ? We know your mentallity
very well. Wait and see UNITED NATIONS OF ISLAM will be next to your door to solve the regional and

international problems, Inshallah. We also have the deuty to protect all the low cast hindus and others
miorities who are deprived from their basic rights, necessities. We are just waiting a real leadership in Pakstan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Dramay baze i met few Indian Muslims at lahore station in 2007, sat and talked with them for few hours, they revealed how they are treated and we have seen more than once how Muslims are treated and what standard they live in.

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
Dear @Star Gazer

You might have heard about this famous proverb of Urdu (Probably) which has this precise meaning in English;

“Those who hold highest authority and responsibility require more stringent accountability”.

I’m sorry to state this once again, once I indicated this point in response to your latest blog entry as well, that you’re simply ill or not at all informed about the ground realities and power politics of Pakistan. For an introductory refresher course try to go through that piece of writing of Dr. Ayesha Siddiqua, who was in the superior civil service of Pakistan and have good expert opinion about the course of funding from public treasury, which is titled as Military Inc. and try to locate the nearest school / faculty of South Asian Studies of a University in that adopted country of yours and I hope most of the points which you have once again raised and based your counter argument in reply to my criticism of yours will become crystal clear of what I’ve maintained in my previous post.

It’s not easy to fathom the depth of a stream by standing (And in your case just visualising from a distant place from Pakistan) on its shore, I think you might have heard about this hackneyed adage of yore as well.

Plus try to locate the Economic faculty of any Pakistani University as well through your friends or relatives here or try to seek the South Asian head of any news agency at your place to figure out that where the Actual funding of Pakistan’s GNP goes and then you will realise that on economic frontier as well how much this ennobled institution of Army is costing us the less privileged class of this unfortunate country. This will give you an appropriate answer to the quote of Churchill which you made in your reply in order to rub the scathing rebuke on my face and sense of perception.

I hope if you’ll try your best to follow my refresher steps then you will Insha Allah change your opinion and by the way I’m not exonerating the inept, stupid and corrupt to the core civilian setup of Pakistan in either of its legislature and administrative pillars but I know where the main fault line is of our problems instead of wasting the bulk of my time on those clowns who never had and still have the wholesome mandate or opportunity of governance along with truncated set of responsibilities and finances as forwarded to them by the strict order sheets from the GHQ in Rawalpindi at the onset of (Every instalment of this Topi Drama) the so called “Restoring the civilian setup” after plundering and shaking the country from its foundations during their direct control of the state of Pakistan.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Which country in the world has got UNSC permanent seat on basis of religion??
regarding pakistan:Pakistan govt itself said that it doesnt want UNSC permanent membership!!


sonia ghandhi is very powerful lady in india..dont underestimate her..she is running the govt from behind!!
her son will become next PM if her party comes into power..she was not made pm because she chose herself to not to become prime minister!!

Khanpanni adds further to above tag with thanks
She is by birth Italian that is why the right of prime minister was disputed by extenist hindus.
Her son is by birth Indian but very often conveys contovircial remarks against Pakistan.
The Gandi dynasty will be forthwith if he would won the elections ? (modern democratic monarch) ?
Same thing our Zardari wants to bring Balawal. Now where the democracy has gone ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Khanpanni adds further to above tag with thanks
She is by birth Italian that is why the right of prime minister was disputed by extenist hindus.
Her son is by birth Indian but very often conveys contovircial remarks against Pakistan.
The Gandi dynasty will be forthwith if he would won the elections ? (modern democratic monarch) ?
Same thing our Zardari wants to bring Balawal. Now where the democracy has gone ?
Yes it was disputed by some, but as per the constitution she could have been the PM , but she chose not to.
True there is lack of inner party democracy, but then finally to become PM you have to get the votes from the people.

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

i don't watch much movies. Movie makers usually make movie for profit. In india zakir naik opencly on live tv converts people to islam. Can you name any single muslim country where a hindu can preach and convert muslim to hinduism? By the way have you watched jodha akbar, my name is khan etc. Surely you know nothing about india and indian muslims.


Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

Indian Muslims are as patriotic as anybody else..I am an Indian Muslim, working for Microsoft and I am really thankful to ALLAH , that I was not born in Pakistan where Muslims are slaughtering Muslims daily, 125 dead in Karachi last week. I have never been bullied or discriminated against in my life!! India Rocks!!
What are you then doing on, make some siasat.indi, my friend, you know that a Muslim can not lie specially if he is saying BY GOD, I dont think you are a muslim any way, I am not lying and those people were not resident here, they had to go back to INDIA. Once again i am not lying, Now lets talk about Karachi, Muslims are not killing Muslims, that is another lie, It is Indian Raw, and Mossad doing Target Killing using criminal elements, but riots in Gujrat and Hyderabad are known to every body, Killing in Golden temple and humilating Sikhs and Kashmiris is known to every body, i can send you links to KHALSA TEhreek if you want so do not talk rubbish, may Allah give you Hadayat


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

i don't watch much movies. Movie makers usually make movie for profit. In india zakir naik opencly on live tv converts people to islam. Can you name any single muslim country where a hindu can preach and convert muslim to hinduism? By the way have you watched jodha akbar, my name is khan etc. Surely you know nothing about india and indian muslims.

Joda Akbar is hitoric reallity
and my name is Khan

I didnt watched
Give me some more name

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear @Star Gazer

You might have heard about this famous proverb of Urdu (Probably) which has this precise meaning in English;

Those who hold highest authority and responsibility require more stringent accountability.

Im sorry to state this once again, once I indicated this point in response to your latest blog entry, that youre simply ill or not at all informed about the ground realities and power politics of Pakistan. For an introductory fresher course try to go through that piece of writing of Dr. Ayesha Siddiqua, who was in the superior civil service of Pakistan and have good expert opinion about the course of funding from public treasury, which is titled as Military Inc. and try to locate the nearest school / faculty of South Asian Studies of a University in that adopted country of yours and I hope most of the points which you have once again raised and based your counter argument in reply to my criticism of yours will become crystal clear of what Ive maintained in my previous post.

Its not easy to fathom the depth of a stream by standing (And in your case just visualising from a distant place from Pakistan) on its shore, I think you might have heard about this hackneyed adage of yore as well.

Plus try to locate the Economic faculty of any Pakistani University as well through your friends or relatives here or try to seek the South Asian head of any news agency at your place to figure out that where the Actual funding of Pakistans GNP goes and then you will realise that on economic frontier as well how much this ennobled institution of Army is costing us the less privileged class of this unfortunate country. This will give you an appropriate answer to the quote of Churchill which you made in your reply in order to rub the scathing rebuke on my face and sense of perception.

I hope if youll try your best to follow my refresher steps then you will Insha Allah change your opinion and by the way Im not exonerating the inept, stupid and corrupt to the core civilian setup of Pakistan in either of its legislature and administrative pillars but I know where the main fault line is of our problems instead of wasting the bulk of my time on those clowns who never had and still have the wholesome mandate or opportunity of governance along with truncated set of responsibilities and finances as forwarded to them by the strict order sheets from the GHQ in Rawalpindi at the onset of (Every instalment of this Topi Drama) the so called Restoring the civilian setup after plundering and shaking the country from its foundations during their direct control of the state of Pakistan.

Thank you for your suggestions. I think all of us need a refresher course in this field.
If you do not place the responsibility where it lies then you can never find the solution. Try to read what I have written once again with an open mind without preconcieved ideas and without the the belief that you know all and any one who disagrees with your point of view needs a refresher course.
I rest my case, time will tell.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

Zaid Hamid sahab, Indian Muslim are not living life of "SHUDERS" ask any Indian Muslim and see their Patriotism towards India.....class differential are existing in third world, however by saying Indian Democracy is an artificial Democracy is only a escape towards reality. They are united and delivering all over the world with their human resources, as well as their export dominate in international Market.

Thanks for the post. I agree that not many Muslims in India are well off but but that does not mean that every Hindus/Christians or other religions are well off. For any human being to come out of poverty has to be his own struggle,I suppose Indian Democracy helps supports whoever wants to do that struggle without any religious tags or beliefs.

There are lot legal acts governing the Hindus in India whereas there is no one act which can govern Muslims freedom of thinking outside religion. Any religion which is outside the purview of Democratic Govt. and it's legal system cannot reap benefits. (the best cast study is Shah bano case)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Political Blackmail exposed by Zaid Hamid --- True Lion

i don't watch much movies. Movie makers usually make movie for profit. In india zakir naik opencly on live tv converts people to islam. Can you name any single muslim country where a hindu can preach and convert muslim to hinduism? By the way have you watched jodha akbar, my name is khan etc. Surely you know nothing about india and indian muslims.

Hindus don't believe in conversion, but staying in their own religion adopt Hinduism's practices like Yoga, chants etc.,