Zaid Hamid Vs Ahsan Iqbal | Pak Army Vs PMLN (Must See!)


MPA (400+ posts)
Somebody should ask this dumb hate-monger Zahil Hamid why is the world against Pakistan and India is always referred to as "largest democracy".

Correct point. And it's a fact that some Musharaf, Zia and Ayyub like Indian Generals tried to get into indian power politics but all the politicians stood united against them. Our politicians are divided and lick Army boots all the time to be in politics. Even this Nawaz Sharif who has started speaking against Army coz now he saw that his assumption of "his turn" next time is not being met.


MPA (400+ posts)
The army exploited the situation because of a vacuum of political leadership.

I agree with Bret Hawk's analysis, but the politicians who have had the chance to rule Pakistan, are not only poor powerless clowns, but corrupt, evil and equal participants in this topi drama. The army is an institution that needed to be guided by the political leadership of vision. Otherwise, the corrupt forces in its ranks will leech on whenever they will get the chance, and this is what happened. This is true for any institution unchecked.

And since as quoted by Brek Hawk, the primary responsibility lies with the most powerful, which according to the constitution, in any form of civilian rule, is on the commander in chief and the chief executive, ie President and Prime minister. Their powerlessness is then an unforgivable crime. They are not only committing crimes of corruption and incompetency, they are laying to waste and destroying the sanctity of the most important offices of Pakistan.

In no way the corrupt politicians be allowed to overturn their share of blame to the army. Why would I play into Zardar's hand by putting the responsibility on the army in the current scenario when the most powerful offices belong to PPP led government? I am no Nawas Sharif, the fool and the greedy.

I will first demand resignation of this corrupt government, put primary responsibility on the PM and the president, and defer any action to be taken with regards to the military, to a credible government which I would advocate should come through a free and fair election conducted under Supreme Court of Pakistan. That is, I will advocate what Imran Khan is advocating, and right so.

Your point well taken and now stupid army supporters should understand why Ayub's era was not the golden era but the black era of Pakistan and even worse was Zia and finally topped by Musharaf.....


MPA (400+ posts)
Very true comments by Ahsan Iqbal just discounting if he projects Nawaz Sharif too much, ofcourse he is supposed to do that for his leader. But other than that, really true answers to baseless assumptions and comments by Zaid Hamid. I really liked the comment when Ahsan corrected Badami saying that Army did not do a favor but is duty bound to come in front of Parliament and give explanation.

I don't know how long we want to continue debating this issue of our Army. People who are very emotional for Army need to understand that when we criticize Army we are talking about leadership and their bad policies. If we do not get the Army fixed, Pakistan will disintegrate again (God Forbid) and will keep on disintegrating till we see many small countries on the map. Our Army leadership is dangerous for us.

Plz Zaid Hamid, army is promoting everything instituted by Pervez Musharaf. Kayani was fully involved in NRO. ZH ko full chup laga dee Ahsan Iqbal nay... LOL....

ZH is wrong in saying that Army is not interfering in politics....ISI political wing is still doing that. Army is playing it's cards right now.

ZH has a baseless point that "halat e jang" hai so don't curse Army. Out of all ghaddars in the country, our army leadership is on top of the list. Out of all the ghaddars Pakistan has seen from the beginning Pervez Musharaf tops the list, followed by Kayani, Yahya, Niazi, Ayyub Khan, etc.

Ahsan Iqbal is right.....many of our friends have been mad at us, e.g. China. It's in China's strategic interest to back Pakistan, however, they have given enough signals to Pakistan, to correct Pakistan's actions.

Everyone on this forum, please donate 1% of your patriotism and AQAL/sense (if you have these two) to Zaid Hamid so that he stops licking Army boots. I agree with a lot of his theories which are rejected by others as conspiracy theories. I am not the one who will either fully reject or start worshiping someone. Yes, ZH is right in telling about how Zionist lobby is working against Pakistan - agreed. However, ZH needs to stop getting dollars from Army so that his vision and comments can be clear and he can be really patriotic instead of "appearing patriotic".

Army is subordinate to Parliament and people of Pakistan and it should remember this thing. Why they thing they are Kings.

Zaid Hamid seems like a crying Baby... LOL .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nahi nahi aap fauj k khilaf bol rahay hain.... mai nahi bolta (bigsmile)(bigsmile)(bigsmile)(bigsmile).

Ahsan Iqbal is right in saying that this is not to weaken army but to strengthen the Army. There is no way to strengthen Army without starting strict accountability. We need to remember these institutes are ran by humans not super beings. How do you control a human who has no accountability at all???


Minister (2k+ posts)
Probably no one read your comment and I haven't read it too. Just quoted to make a suggestion: Divide your comments in paragraphs and write clearly either in english or if u write english-urdu then it should be even clearer in terms of paragraphing so that your comments are read...Hope it helps.
thanx 4 suggestion.




Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . . Zaid Hamid the defence analyst . . . . Aisay munafiq sirf Army hi deserve karti hai . . . .