The Reporters 6th December 2016 - Supreme Court Asks Three Questions

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
No Kafeel in Dubai or Saudia--Amazing

3 million dollars from Dubai mill and then Loan from Saudi Arab== Jaddah factory
"No loan from either Dubai or Qatar or Saudi Arab" Hussain Nawaz

All fortune from sales are directly deposited to the accounts of Sharif family- Kafeels did not get even ONE penny from their investments.
No banks asked for any repayment of loans which were given to Sharif's per Nawaz Sharif--Super amazing

All final sales for London investments happened after 2001 and yet the apartments were bought before 2000--wow amazing.

"Mairey, mairay behen bhaiyoon key koi property London main naheen" Maryam
And the brother said Maraym has property in London, he said his mother also owns a house "somewhere"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

nawaz ky karnamy !


