
Voter (50+ posts)
India will be able to control all that since they are in bed with the international Zionists,which oprate through Mosad and all their western allies.You have seen it in Dubai shooting of Hamas leader using western Passports.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
Racial riots have once again errupted in muslim populated areas of Hyderabad in india.
In the 2nd link you will see the police fring teargas and they are in civil clothes!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/india/2010/03 ... date.shtml" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return


have you tried loging in to brasstacks lately? I am getting weird error. I wonder it gothacked or munfeqeen took it off the air


Minister (2k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
Racial riots have once again errupted in muslim populated areas of Hyderabad in india.
In the 2nd link you will see the police fring teargas and they are in civil clothes!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/india/2010/03 ... date.shtml" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return


Star Gazer

Here we go again you got another interesting topic to discuss.

Pakistan is heaven on earth. You never have any conflicts among the Shia and Sunnis. You never have any communal tensions, you never have in fightings among the states.

My god all these happens in India

Please take a walk.

What is so important about this issue.

As I told you in my other comments, please grow and show some maturity in your thought process.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
There are many racial riots in other countries as well. Some how they are not exposed in the International media. Tolerance should be promoted everywhere as that is a critical ingredient for a best society that is fit for all. Muslims somehow are being punished everywhere for the acts of the Taliban as they give a bad image to the entire Ummah!

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Racial riots express a feeling of intolerance among the society. Pakistan has also witnessed the cruel events in the past and many precious lives have been lost to soothe the ego of few. Violence due to racism happening in any part of the globe needs to be condemned and addressed.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Zeeshan Khan said:
Racial riots express a feeling of intolerance among the society. Pakistan has also witnessed the cruel events in the past and many precious lives have been lost to soothe the ego of few. Violence due to racism happening in any part of the globe needs to be condemned and addressed.

Agree with U 100%


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
Racial riots have once again errupted in muslim populated areas of Hyderabad in india.
In the 2nd link you will see the police fring teargas and they are in civil clothes!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/india/2010/03 ... date.shtml" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return


star Gazer
check this out
http://blog.dawn.com/2010/03/30/denial- ... e-reality/

But the fact remains that the issue of the dismal conduct with religious minorities in Pakistan is home-grown and not one where American foreign policy or any other outside force even remotely factors in. Though, unfortunately, that was what some of the journalists suggested as explication, if not justification, for the violence meted out to religious minorities here.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
jimpack said:
Pakistan is heaven on earth. You never have any conflicts among the Shia and Sunnis. You never have any communal tensions, you never have in fightings among the states.

Hindus are neither shia nor sunny do not let ur stupidity compare these two casts with two religions.

secondly since we were in power for 1000 years how many times hindus were massacred ?

how many time in pakistan hindus or sikhs were massacred ?

and indian history is .....massacre of sikhs in punjab, muslim in gujrat , kashmir , hyderbad, massacare of left wing communist in north india , burning of churches, massacare of christians in 2008.

well done ............brave indians killing unarmed civilians to spread hindusim.

and jimpack......pack ur stuff and go for a walk from Goa to gujrat........no one needs you here you are wasting our time ur time is a waste anyway

khan afghan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
pakistan is peacefull country nothing like this will happen here.Anything at the present
going in pakistan is carried out by the CIA,RAW,And MOSSAAD.If eliminate the agent in
the govt department and bring them to justice then we will see a totally differnt pakistan,
These forces want to engage pakistan in conflicts and the corrupt politician with DUAL nationality
are fully responsible for theese happening in pakistan.If the supreme court trys to do the same thing
on the issue of high treason and bring all those who are working for agencies to justice,you will
see these politicins and officials will bag in the court like they did in supreme court yesterday.


MPA (400+ posts)
sarbakaf said:
jimpack said:
Pakistan is heaven on earth. You never have any conflicts among the Shia and Sunnis. You never have any communal tensions, you never have in fightings among the states.

Hindus are neither shia nor sunny do not let ur stupidity compare these two casts with two religions.

secondly since we were in power for 1000 years how many times hindus were massacred ?

how many time in pakistan hindus or sikhs were massacred ?

you have been told a different history......if you see how sikhs 9th guru and his follower
were torchered and killed by muslim rulers.indian history under muslim rulers is synonyms for looting, killings,forced conversion and dark ages.(that was culture
of muslim invaders what they brought with them from desert.)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mr. Sarbakaf

Stop your bak bak. Every other post you mention the same. Talk something new man.

Oh my god, here we go again, one more blind Pakistani taking credit.

Stop bullshitting about you guys ruled India for 1000 years ( how did you calculate 1000 years, are you sure, you are not missing any days, weeks or months. If not you can add those also Nincompoop) , stop this nonsense rhetoric of Zahil Hamid. Blind following the blind here. Go do your history properly and come back.


God Joke man.

And stop teaching us the history we read the correct history in our Country and not like what rubbish is thought in Pakistan.

sarbakaf said:
jimpack said:
Pakistan is heaven on earth. You never have any conflicts among the Shia and Sunnis. You never have any communal tensions, you never have in fightings among the states.

Hindus are neither shia nor sunny do not let ur stupidity compare these two casts with two religions.

secondly since we were in power for 1000 years how many times hindus were massacred ?

how many time in pakistan hindus or sikhs were massacred ?

and indian history is .....massacre of sikhs in punjab, muslim in gujrat , kashmir , hyderbad, massacare of left wing communist in north india , burning of churches, massacare of christians in 2008.

well done ............brave indians killing unarmed civilians to spread hindusim.

and jimpack......pack ur stuff and go for a walk from Goa to gujrat........no one needs you here you are wasting our time ur time is a waste anyway

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Before you tell anyone else to grow up why don't you do some of it yourself.
Your adolescent antics of taking criticism with a bad attitude of accusing others speaks of the fear that you feel at being exposed, fear of the world seeing the true face of the indian politics and racism part and parcel there.
What ever is in the post is not my making it is reported by the 'International Media' that you savour so much and set stock by, not a Pakistani news paper! Go tell the international media to grow up before they dare to write anything about shinning india.
Riots in Pakistan are also reported but we do not start to cry over it, we declare openly that they are mostly caused by interference especially by an immature RAW, you blame most everything on ISI why not blame this too? because you can not and it is openly anti muslim,go figure!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
Before you tell anyone else to grow up why don't you do some of it yourself.
Your adolescent antics of taking criticism with a bad attitude of accusing others speaks of the fear that you feel at being exposed, fear of the world seeing the true face of the indian politics and racism part and parcel there.
What ever is in the post is not my making it is reported by the 'International Media' that you savour so much and set stock by, not a Pakistani news paper! Go tell the international media to grow up before they dare to write anything about shinning india.
Riots in Pakistan are also reported but we do not start to cry over it, we declare openly that they are mostly caused by interference especially by an immature RAW, you blame most everything on ISI why not blame this too? because you can not and it is openly anti muslim,go figure!

STAR DAZER - I guess you really see stars in Daylight

Haaaaa what a joke. I salute your analytic skills.

All the problem and issue in Pakistan are done by RAW. What is your security forces doing, wearing bangles?

If you dont have words to defend you start your same old analysis or you pour out your frustrations.

I would say Lady take a break.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
jimpack said:
Star Gazer said:
Before you tell anyone else to grow up why don't you do some of it yourself.
Your adolescent antics of taking criticism with a bad attitude of accusing others speaks of the fear that you feel at being exposed, fear of the world seeing the true face of the indian politics and racism part and parcel there.
What ever is in the post is not my making it is reported by the 'International Media' that you savour so much and set stock by, not a Pakistani news paper! Go tell the international media to grow up before they dare to write anything about shinning india.
Riots in Pakistan are also reported but we do not start to cry over it, we declare openly that they are mostly caused by interference especially by an immature RAW, you blame most everything on ISI why not blame this too? because you can not and it is openly anti muslim,go figure!

STAR DAZER - I guess you really see stars in Daylight

Haaaaa what a joke. I salute your analytic skills.

All the problem and issue in Pakistan are done by RAW. What is your security forces doing, wearing bangles?

If you dont have words to defend you start your same old analysis or you pour out your frustrations.

I would say Lady take a break.

Indian politicians cry ISI,ISI at the drop of a hat and start pointing fingers at Pakistan, surely that means the indian security agencies are doing an excellent job of killing their own people and then cheating them by pointing to others.
Indians have only been in power for about 70 years and do not know how truely big nations behave. No fault of theirs they were not prepared for it, 1000 years rule by muslims and then 100 years by british ofcourse they have frustrations which they take out by back stabbing.
