حقیقت روایات میں کهو گئیulma-e-kram say guzrish hy kay Islam main chalahum ka reference dain? please stop glorifying a murderer.
ulma-e-kram say guzrish hy kay Islam main chalahum ka reference dain? please stop glorifying a murderer.
حقیقت روایات میں کهو گئی
یه امت خرافات میں کهو گئی
میں حدیث په کوئی بحث نهیں کرونگا مگر آپ یه بتاو که یه شہید کیسے هو گیا یه تو جہنم واصل هوا هےEVIDENCE FROM AHADITH
1) In the book Anwar-e-Satiah (page 145) and Hashiyah Khazanatur Riwaayaat it is written that RasulAllah Sallallahu Alay Wa Alihi Wasallam offered Sadaqah on the THIRD , SEVENTH AND FOUR THE DAY of the Wafaat (Shahaadah) of Sayyidina Amir Hamzah Radiyallahu Taala Anhu and repeated the same at every SIX MONTHS and at the end of the year. Thus it is Sunnah to offer some gift to the deceased at certain time periods after someones passing away. We can offer Sadaqah or indeed read the Quran Al Karim, (see my previous post on Why should we read Quran Al Karim for the deceased) and this reward can be transferred as the Ahadith have indicated. Why would the beloved Nabi Paak Sallallahu Alay Wa Alihi Wasallam instruct the Quran Al Karim to be read or offered Sadaqah unless it benefitted the deceased?
2) Narrated Hadrat Anas Radiyallahu Taala Anhu, that the Prophet Sallallahu Alay Wa Alihi Wasallam said : The Prophets are alive in their graves and they are praying. Indeed, the Prophets settle in their graves after 40 NIGHTS where they pray until the trumpet.
Reference: 1)Muwahib Lidunya Volume 3 page 414, 2) Baihaqqi
میں حدیث په کوئی بحث نهیں کرونگا مگر آپ یه بتاو که یه شہید کیسے هو گیا یه تو جہنم واصل هوا هے
........اچها کونLike other shaheeds
........اچها کون
اوه یار آپ تو ناراض هو گئے چلو غصه تهوک دو آپ کی بات مان لیتے هیںDonald Trump will tell you in a few months
اوه یار آپ تو ناراض هو گئے چلو غصه تهوک دو آپ کی بات مان لیتے هیں
اس نے سلمان تاثیر کو قتل کرکے اسکو جنت میں پہونچکر خود دوزخ میں چلا گیا
BC Jahil Qaom.
چلو اس بات په ایک شعر نذر هے آپکیDonald Trump
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