Khattab: story of Arab Mujahid who terrorized Russian invaders in Caucasus mountains


MPA (400+ posts) (Read complete story by clicking on the link)

When I talked to his mother all the feelings were clear on her face, pain, sorrow, happiness and proudness. She said in an eloquent language "I wasn't surprised at his assassination since he was seeking martyrdom and went on that path" and added "the dream that I saw has become true while I was pregnant with him and I'm happy about that" but what is that dream?" I asked Khattab's mother, so she said:

_ "yes, I saw separated groups of men and women gathering around a large basin of water that stretched across the sight, raising their hands and doing Dua to Allah and their eyes were looking at the sky and waiting for the emergence of the moon. They looked like those who come for Hajj from the Caucasus, so I promised his father in the dream that Allah will give us a baby who will have a wide reputation, an agile body and strength, after waking up I chose not to tell anybody about the dream and kept it a secret for twenty years until I saw "Khattab" a leader for the mujahedeen in Chechnya


Anniversary of 911 is approaching It would be nice to see a tribute to Mujhid O'sama. This guy is small potato compared to him he killed bunch of kids plus a fer adults.
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MPA (400+ posts)
That is whats gonna happen to the indian army if they carry with there ways in Kashmir
The USSR use to think its tough too [hilar]


MPA (400+ posts)
bunch of kids???? i think you have to first read the whole story first.

Anniversary of 911 is approaching It would be nice to see a tribute to Mujhid O'sama. This guy is small potato compared to him he killed bunch of kids plus a fer adults.


MPA (400+ posts)
We have already gone through it, this is the best you could do.

Not really my friend, thks to that knob bush and his 9 11 drama, and the zionist crew. There was a distraction and also friendly india helping in karachi,cross border afghanistan at the moment.

But things a gonna get better in karachi inshallah soon, and its time for you, its in your destiny dont fear it embrace it. India got loads of pieces to brake up, and is gonna be ruled by one, we ruled for 1000 yrs and there was no discrimination, so it wont be all that bad.

Or just leave kashmir alone and you might buy some time, buts its inevitable


Not really my friend, thks to that knob bush and his 9 11 drama, and the zionist crew. There was a distraction and also friendly india helping in karachi,cross border afghanistan at the moment.

But things a gonna get better in karachi inshallah soon, and its time for you, its in your destiny dont fear it embrace it. India got loads of pieces to brake up, and is gonna be ruled by one, we ruled for 1000 yrs and there was no discrimination, so it wont be all that bad.

Or just leave kashmir alone and you might buy some time, buts its inevitable

No we are not leaving Kashmir alone. We are sick of Hindu rule and we want the 1000 yr rule back.