Jews & Muslims: Mohammad Ali Attends His Grandson's Bar Mitzvah


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Jews & Muslims: - An example of Islamic Shariah Generosity !

Do you know that Muslims and Jews never fought each other for more than 1,300 years? At all?

During a succession of Muslim empires, or caliphates, Jews and Muslims maintained a very close relationship.

A saying became famous in those times among Arab Muslims: If you're travelling, eat with a Jew because his food is halal, and sleep at the home of a Christian, because he will never betray you.

In one caliphate, a Jew rose through the ranks to become a prime minister under a Muslim caliph. Often Jewish citizens of Islamic caliphates were recruited as ministers in the government, often assuming the position of finance ministers. The caliphates of Umayyads, Abbasids and Ottomans followed this policy. And this did not violate the shariah law implemented throughout Muslim lands.

In fact, Jewish scholars, artists and scientists always found a seat in the courts of Muslim caliphs and kings.

Even today, Jews are members of parliament in Morocco, Bahrain and Iran. In Bahrain, the kingdom's ambassador to the United States was until recently a Bahraini Jewish Arab lady. I think she's still there.

It gets better. In 15th century when Christians expelled the Jews from Muslim Spain after defeating Muslims, where do you think the Jews preferred to go?

Europe? Not a chance. The elders of the Jewish community in Spain decided to go to the most powerful and rising Muslim nation at the time, the Ottoman Turkey, an Islamic caliphate and one of the most powerful nations on earth at the time.

Misunderstandings between Muslims and Jews rose only when Zionists, members of a political movement, decided to launch a war against the Arabs in Palestine under British protection. Jewish gangs were formed and instructed to bomb and kill the Arabs in the first two decades of the 20th century, producing enmities and hate.

Even then, most Jews and most Muslim did not see one another as enemies. It is safe to say the enmity was created by the members of a movement who called themselves Zionists. The Zionists wanted the Jews to fight Arabs for Palestine. To motivate the Jews for a fight, you had to create an enmity first.

Even today, hardcore Zionists continue to emphasize a policy of hating Arabs and Muslims in order to keep the Jews at war with their Muslim neighboring nations. Under this misguided policy, some Israeli officials even encourage the United States and Europe to fight Muslims under the false notion that Muslims are the archenemy.

Before Israel, there was no conflict between Jews and Muslims for over 1,300 years, almost since the birth of Islam.

The story of a Muslim grandfather attending his Jewish grandson's bar mitzvah is a reminder of how Jews and Muslims lived in peace for centuries. In fact, no one gave the Jews a better hone for centuries than Muslim caliphates ruled by shariah.

Can you believe that? It's true. But you won't read about this in mainstream American media because this knowledge does not serve the future war planners at Pentagon and CIA.​

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes ...that is not allowed and He will be answerable for this ...however the message of the article relates to how jews and muslims used to live in peace and harmony. The article does not discuss inter-religious marriages.

What Mohammed Ali's daughter did is definitely Haram ...however lets focus on historical relations between the jews and Muslims before the advent of zionists.

It is ALSO meant to show HOW UNDER SHARIAH LAW ...jews and other minorities have risen to the HIGHEST positions in Powerfull Islamic States !
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
apologies if it offended you ...but the content of the article if to show the benevolence of Shariah and the Muslim tolerance that has allowed Jews and Christians access to Equal opportunities when we were in a powerful position - Equal Opportunity.... what the daughter did is obviously haram !

non sense , utterly rubbish and u don't have to come with a little pic of allays name ..


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Obviously, a devout Muslim will never do that ...but she is a daughter of a convert and only GOD knows what kind of upbringing she has been given. However, the message focuses on muslim tolerance when we are only accused of intolerance. it focuses on opportunity for minorities and how those opportunities were provided.

How can a muslim allow his daughter to marry a Jew and also have his grandson brought up as a Jew?


Councller (250+ posts)
Obviously, a devout Muslim will never do that ...but she is a daughter of a convert and only GOD knows what kind of upbringing she has been given. However, the message focuses on muslim tolerance when we are only accused of intolerance. it focuses on opportunity for minorities and how those opportunities were provided.

According to Wiki M.Ali had "two other daughters, Maya and Khalia from extra marital relationships."
I think your example is totally out of context. Your write up of Muslim-jewish history is valid and well taken. There is no justification of using this example to support that write up.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I see where your coming from ..however, the grandfather Mohammed Ali is Muslim. Again what khalia did is totally Haram and UNlawfull Islamically. However Mohammed Ali attending his grandsons event shows tolerance when Muslim and particularly Muslims in america are targeted with words like "radical, intolrant" and so on and so forth. So this example shows that Muslims are not so but rather they are tolerant and this happens in their own american society !...Plus the history lesson which shows how we the Muslims have always protected the minorities under shariah law.

According to Wiki M.Ali had "two other daughters, Maya and Khalia from extra marital relationships."
I think your example is totally out of context. Your write up of Muslim-jewish history is valid and well taken. There is no justification of using this example to support that write up.


The day after the championship bout with Liston, Muhammad Ali publicly announced his conversion to Islam. The public was not happy. Ali had joined the Nation of Islam, a group led by Elijah Muhammad that advocated for a separate black nation. Since many people found the Nation of Islam's beliefs to be racist, they were angry and disappointed that Ali had joined them.

Up to this point, Muhammad Ali was still known as Cassius Clay. When he joined the Nation of Islam in 1964, he shed his "slave name" (he had been named after a white abolitionist that had freed his slaves) and took on the new name of Muhammad Ali.


Nation of Islam !


Minister (2k+ posts)
perhaps M.Ali is the best boxer is the history , everyone who interest in boxing will love/respect this man, but he don,t knew nothing about islam , when he became muslim he was the follower of ALLI JA Mohamad , who claim as a prophet like Ahmadi,,,,,,,,,,then after some years M.A changed and became true muslim.but this is America and YAHAN HARAAM ORE HALLAL MAIN FARQ NAHIN HOTA...You can make children without marriage.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
perhaps M.Ali is the best boxer is the history , everyone who interest in boxing will love/respect this man, but he don,t knew nothing about islam , when he became muslim he was the follower of ALLI JA Mohamad , who claim as a prophet like Ahmadi,,,,,,,,,,then after some years M.A changed and became true muslim.but this is America and YAHAN HARAAM ORE HALLAL MAIN FARQ NAHIN HOTA...You can make children without marriage.
thats true


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
nothing wrong in it,,,, muslims are allowed to marry anyone who is ehl-e-kitab. what is the problem?
muslim mails are allowed to marry ahle kitab women cant without converting them ,and in both scenario their children must be Muslim,,thats what i have read ,but if i am wrong please clarify n correct me


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Yes ...that is not allowed and He will be answerable for this ...however the message of the article relates to how jews and muslims used to live in peace and harmony. The article does not discuss inter-religious marriages.

What Mohammed Ali's daughter did is definitely Haram ...however lets focus on historical relations between the jews and Muslims before the advent of zionists.

It is ALSO meant to show HOW UNDER SHARIAH LAW ...jews and other minorities have risen to the HIGHEST positions in Powerfull Islamic States !

A great disappointment Bro......A thread of this nature started by person like U. I am really sorry if it hurts U....I simply could not help saying so.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
nothing wrong in it,,,, muslims are allowed to marry anyone who is ehl-e-kitab. what is the problem?

It is only Muslim male....that too is not appreciated, and allowed only if there is no fear that the children shall grow up as non muslim.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I see where your coming from ..however, the grandfather Mohammed Ali is Muslim. Again what khalia did is totally Haram and UNlawfull Islamically. However Mohammed Ali attending his grandsons event shows tolerance when Muslim and particularly Muslims in america are targeted with words like "radical, intolrant" and so on and so forth. So this example shows that Muslims are not so but rather they are tolerant and this happens in their own american society !...Plus the history lesson which shows how we the Muslims have always protected the minorities under shariah law.

Accepting the mistake only increases one's respect......insisting to it....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I earnestly take your comments with a full heart ...the intent of the article was not to advocate inter religious marriages but rather to show the compassion of Muslim History and how we treated the Jews. I agree that the example used may not be the best one but that only starts the topic.

Like i said it is totally Haram for a Muslim Woman to marry a person of another religion. My apologies if it offended you and i appreciate you letting me know your true feelings.

I should be more respectfull of the general muslim sentiment in the future !

A great disappointment Bro......A thread of this nature started by person like U. I am really sorry if it hurts U....I simply could not help saying so.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Guys i feel i owe all of you an apology for creating confusion about my true stance. The purpose of my article was to show how the Muslims treated the Jews in power. The example starting of the article is a bad one and hence I have decided that I will remove this example which has hurted my friends and brothers.

I sincerely apologies for any sentiments Ive hurt in good faith and hope that you all will look beyond this mistake and be able to appreciate any positive things i post in the future.

I am removing aspects of the post which have been the cause of contention.

Wadaich bro i love you ...and hopefully we can have this behind us !


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Guys i feel i owe all of you an apology for creating confusion about my true stance. The purpose of my article was to show how the Muslims treated the Jews in power. The example starting of the article is a bad one and hence I have decided that I will remove this example which has hurted my friends and brothers.

I sincerely apologies for any sentiments Ive hurt in good faith and hope that you all will look beyond this mistake and be able to appreciate any positive things i post in the future.

I am removing aspects of the post which have been the cause of contention.

Wadaich bro i love you ...and hopefully we can have this behind us !

May Allah (SWT) Bless U brother.........I have great respect for U regarding your efforts on this forum to counter false flag attacks on ummah and Islam. Thanks once again.
