Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It has been noticed that Pakistani media is a misguided missile. Apparently it seems to endeavoring to bring the positive change in the country. Most of the anchors are from the print media and they use the same old tactics to get the participants engaged in brawls and at the end, the discussion bears no fruit. And we just end up with wasting our time.
It is dearly felt that there should be some bench mark/Kasooti /a standard metric on which the issue under discussion should be evaluated and the right and wrong should be brought into the light for the enlightenment or education of the common people.
Do you agree with this suggestion or would like to come up with a better solution?
It is dearly felt that there should be some bench mark/Kasooti /a standard metric on which the issue under discussion should be evaluated and the right and wrong should be brought into the light for the enlightenment or education of the common people.
As a case in point:
The anchor should have references from Ayah of Quraan , Sahih Ahadees-e-Mubaraka, and precedents from Khilafat-e-Rashida relevant to the topic and then put all the references before the participants and discuss the issues by setting these references as standard metric to judge the right and wrong and draw the conclusion at the end.
Do you agree with this suggestion or would like to come up with a better solution?
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