Is Pakistani media a misguided missile?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It has been noticed that Pakistani media is a misguided missile. Apparently it seems to endeavoring to bring the positive change in the country. Most of the anchors are from the print media and they use the same old tactics to get the participants engaged in brawls and at the end, the discussion bears no fruit. And we just end up with wasting our time.

It is dearly felt that there should be some bench mark/Kasooti /a standard metric on which the issue under discussion should be evaluated and the right and wrong should be brought into the light for the enlightenment or education of the common people.

As a case in point:

The anchor should have references from Ayah of Quraan , Sahih Ahadees-e-Mubaraka, and precedents from Khilafat-e-Rashida relevant to the topic and then put all the references before the participants and discuss the issues by setting these references as standard metric to judge the right and wrong and draw the conclusion at the end.

Do you agree with this suggestion or would like to come up with a better solution?
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
current lot of anchors are made up of jahil journalists, who overnight became journlists after Mush freed the media. Is the any school of journalism in Pakistan? Do universities have a depart called Journalism. Have you noticed how anchors were 'doctors' before and found media better way to make money and got into it?

These are idiots, absolutely no idea of ethics of journalism. their sole purpose is to increase their ratings and show the CEO that they are worth keeping.

This is what my plan is:

1. Order all media to submit their corporate info, which is head quartered outside of Pakistan

2. order them to bring the HQ in Pakistan in 6 months

3. Barr all of my ministers from interview with a media that is not head quartered in Pakistan. PTV and some others are good examples of patriotic TV's

4. My ministers will only be allowed on an emergency basis.

5. All companies will be ordered not to sponsor any program on a 'foreign' TV

6. Any sponsors of foreign Tv will not be allowed to deduct the advertising expense from taxes. Also, we shall levy penalty being the sum they spent on advertising

There will be a continuous watch by a Media Council to watch their loyalty to the country

You will see how quickly they become Pakistani


Councller (250+ posts)
yes, i strongly agree that Pakistani media is misguided and not practicing standard.

For crime reports media should not highlight crime, but should highlight the punishment of crime.
For discussion Media can play a vitol role with positive debates.
in this age, the social responsibility is more on media but unfortunately media is zero in this matter and is not educating public for Law, science, education, IT and computer, Ethics, trafic laws etc.
Foreign policy and foreign image is highly distrubed by current media in Pakistan. foreign news must be filtered before publishing.
Media is responsible for bad character of Youth of our nation.
Govt should take strict actions and should ban permanently for media chanels who not adhere standar.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
current lot of anchors are made up of jahil journalists, who overnight became journlists after Mush freed the media. Is the any school of journalism in Pakistan? Do universities have a depart called Journalism. Have you noticed how anchors were 'doctors' before and found media better way to make money and got into it?

Do you agree with my suggestion? Should there be a metric for discussion?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
yes, i strongly agree that Pakistani media is misguided and not practicing standard.

For crime reports media should not highlight crime, but should highlight the punishment of crime.
For discussion Media can play a vitol role with positive debates.
in this age, the social responsibility is more on media but unfortunately media is zero in this matter and is not educating public for Law, science, education, IT and computer, Ethics, trafic laws etc.
Foreign policy and foreign image is highly distrubed by current media in Pakistan. foreign news must be filtered before publishing.
Media is responsible for bad character of Youth of our nation.
Govt should take strict actions and should ban permanently for media chanels who not adhere standar.

Same question!

Do you agree with my suggestion? Should there be a metric for discussion?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Paki media is in infancy , needless to say how shameful pak media has become .
it will take time to act as one decent media .


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
i think we need a a BIG ehtesaab same as we demand for corrupt politicians and feudals . we have to to do that in Media persons . we have to separate those "Lifafa" journalists . one thing more . WEstern govts specially USA govt is spending and funding huge amount of Dollars in our media to promote its agenda . just keep an eye on those suspicious programmes which promotes false believes and propa****a . what i see in talk shows is fights and fights nothing productive . with few exceptions .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
i think we need a a BIG ehtesaab same as we demand for corrupt politicians and feudals . we have to to do that in Media persons . we have to separate those "Lifafa" journalists . one thing more . WEstern govts specially USA govt is spending and funding huge amount of Dollars in our media to promote its agenda . just keep an eye on those suspicious programmes which promotes false believes and propa****a . what i see in talk shows is fights and fights nothing productive . with few exceptions .

Who do you think would decide the rules of the game for these so called ANALYSTS?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
NO-1 no politial affiliation with any party or with any religious party .
2- All there Control rooms A.k.a command centers should be here in pakistan .
3- Take down (ehtesab) of "lifafa " journalists .
4- counter Media war against Western propa****a and Polytheist indian Govt propa****a
5 - there should be multiple talk shows on every channel so we dont have to see only FEW faces over and over again .
6 7 8 9 10 11 sugesstion are already given by Mr gazoomartian ! Really good thinking !

will think more on this issue .


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
what i see is , Mr javed chaudry most of the time act as PML(N) worker , same goes for kashif abbasi .
Dr shahid masood is ( is he really a journalist ??? ) only making grounds for" Boots " to step in politics again !
Mubashir luqman favours MQM .
and list goes on ...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
what i see is , Mr javed chaudry most of the time act as PML(N) worker , same goes for kashif abbasi .
Dr shahid masood is ( is he really a journalist ??? ) only making grounds for" Boots " to step in politics again !
Mubashir luqman favours MQM .
and list goes on ...

Since different factions are favored by different people you get a mixture of views and you can base you judgment on the diversity of the opinions. This is actually a good thing instead of having one state own PTV (Patriot TV as Caliph Gazoo named it) which just TCs the government point of view!


Minister (2k+ posts)
It has been noticed that Pakistani media is a misguided missile. Apparently it seems to endeavoring to bring the positive change in the country. Most of the anchors are from the print media and they use the same old tactics to get the participants engaged in brawls and at the end, the discussion bears no fruit. And we just end up with wasting our time.

It is dearly felt that there should be some bench mark/Kasooti /a standard metric on which the issue under discussion should be evaluated and the right and wrong should be brought into the light for the enlightenment or education of the common people.


Do you agree with this suggestion or would like to come up with a better solution?

Journalists are the eyes and ears of the public. In a democratic society they must be free to investigate and report matters of public concern. However, there should be some internal and external mechanisims to keep them from running astray.

Some sort of "Rules and Standards" should be developed and implemented.

The media should be governed by a Charter and should also have its own internal regulatory system.

There should be some statutory regulation of the media.

Many laws should be made to restrict what can be published, broadcasted or televised. There should be legal ramificatios for inaccurate reporting.

Serious breaches of those "Rules and Standards" and "Statutary Regulations" should result in heavy fines or even the loss or suspension of licence to broadcast or telecast.

Libel and Defamation laws should made and strictly enforced.

These are just some suggestions from the top of my mind. I am sure there are so many other things we can think of.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
current lot of anchors are made up of jahil journalists, who overnight became journlists after Mush freed the media. Is the any school of journalism in Pakistan? Do universities have a depart called Journalism. Have you noticed how anchors were 'doctors' before and found media better way to make money and got into it?

These are idiots, absolutely no idea of ethics of journalism. their sole purpose is to increase their ratings and show the CEO that they are worth keeping.

This is what my plan is:

1. Order all media to submit their corporate info, which is head quartered outside of Pakistan

2. order them to bring the HQ in Pakistan in 6 months

3. Barr all of my ministers from interview with a media that is not head quartered in Pakistan. PTV and some others are good examples of patriotic TV's

4. My ministers will only be allowed on an emergency basis.

5. All companies will be ordered not to sponsor any program on a 'foreign' TV

6. Any sponsors of foreign Tv will not be allowed to deduct the advertising expense from taxes. Also, we shall levy penalty being the sum they spent on advertising

There will be a continuous watch by a Media Council to watch their loyalty to the country

You will see how quickly they become Pakistani

current lot of anchors are made up of jahil journalists, who overnight became journlists after Mush freed the media. Is the any school of journalism in Pakistan? Do universities have a depart called Journalism.

Yes they do. If you get your head out of your butt and head over to the website for Punjab University you will find that they have the oldest department of journalism studies in the sub continent.

Institute of Communication Studies

It was the first Department of Journalism in the Indo-Pak subcontinent when established in 1941. Its nomenclature was changed in 1985 from Journalism Department to Mass Communication Department.

It has produced almost all the major journalists in the country till today.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Journalists are the eyes and ears of the public. In a democratic society they must be free to investigate and report matters of public concern. However, there should be some internal and external mechanisims to keep them from running astray.

Some sort of "Rules and Standards" should be developed and implemented.

The media should be governed by a Charter and should also have its own internal regulatory system.

There should be some statutory regulation of the media.

Many laws should be made to restrict what can be published, broadcasted or televised. There should be legal ramificatios for inaccurate reporting.

Serious breaches of those "Rules and Standards" and "Statutary Regulations" should result in heavy fines or even the loss or suspension of licence to broadcast or telecast.

Libel and Defamation laws should made and strictly enforced.

These are just some suggestions from the top of my mind. I am sure there are so many other things we can think of.

Very well explained. This is how the media is put under checks and balances. Through the judicial system by enforcing laws that stop the media from misinforming the public and not through gag and shut-up tactics like the venerable Caliph Gazoo has suggested!
