
  1. C

    Save the Children Started Working in Punjab???

    'First CH.Nisar says that Save the Children is Funded by India, USA and Israel and it works against Pakistan.We will not allow this NGO to Carry on their Work in Pakistan.After the Pressure of Master, Pakistan Withdrawn from their Decision. Now on the order of Interior Ministry Save the...
  2. Muslimonly

    Valentines day , Hasan Nisar & orders of Prophet SAW

    Valentines day , Hasan Nisar & orders of Prophet SAW -----------------------------
  3. Muslimonly

    گھٹیا امیدوار کو لیڈرشپ کے منہ پہ ماریں

    ????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?????
  4. W

    ن لیگ رے۔۔۔تیری کون سی کل سیدھی؟؟؟

    ن لیگ رے۔۔۔تیری کون سی کل سیدھی؟؟؟ 05 ستمبر 2012 (20:29) اسلام آباد(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک )پاکستان مسلم لیگ ن میں پیپلز پارٹی سے مذاکرات کے بارے میں کوئی واضح پالیسی سامنے نہیں آسکی بلکہ ہر لیڈ ر اپنی مرضی کے مطابق اظہار خیال آرہاہے،ن لیگ کے اہم رہنماءاسحاق ڈار کہتے ہیں کہ پیپلز پارٹی سے کسی بھی...
  5. News Beat

    News Beat - 8th September 2011 - Hassan Nisar, Sharmila Farooqi, Shahi Syed

  6. Geek

    Only PTI is Genuine Opposition in Pakistan : Hassan Nisar

  7. MediaCell

    Reply to Hassan Nisar on Muslim History
  8. Meray Mutabiq

    Meray Mutabiq with Hasan Nisar - 4th September 2011

  9. mrcritic

    Orya Maqbool & Professor Rafiq Akhatr defending Pakistan vs Nusrat Javed, Hassan Nisar & Imtiaz Alam

  10. moazzamniaz

    یہ امت خرافات میں کھو گئی- حسن نثار

  11. Lekin

    Lekin - 29th August 2011 - Hasan Nisar, Khawaja Saad Rafiq ans Shah Mehmood Qureshi

  12. Capital Talk

    Capital Talk - 28th August 2011 - Zulfiqar Mirza, Hassan Nisar, Ansar Abbasi & Abdul Malik(Must Must

    Complete In Parts Watch this too...recommended.
  13. lafatah

    Hasan Nisar & Mubashir Luqman Overwhelm Imran Khan

    Great show overall. Hasan Nisar just stole the show, although i find him a pesimist most of the time but yesterday he was clearly in "Action Mode" Although the show started with the regular rhetoric, especially by Imran Khan who kept on repeating everything he says on every other show, Income...
  14. Khari Baat

    Khari Baat -23rd August 2011 - Imran Khan and Hassan Nisar.

  15. canadian

    Mian Mao, Pedal Drop long March Aur Drop Scene by Hassan Nisar !!

  16. 11th Hour

    11th Hour - 17th August 2011 - Hassan Nisar - 17th August---- End Of The Zia ul Haq's Regime & Life!

  17. canadian

    Aaway Ka Aawa by Hassan Nisar !!

  18. Awam Ki Adalat

    Awam Ki Adalat - 14th August 2011 - Hasan Nisar, Abrarul Haq & Mujeeb Shami - We are a Nation Not a

  19. Meray Mutabiq

    Mere Mutabiq with Hasan Nisar - 14th August 2011

  20. Bilal_Mushi

    Ch. Nisar puts off resignation as PAC chairmanship on PML(N) instructions.

    Nisar puts off resignation as PAC chairman Opposition leader in NA Ch Nisar Ali Khan has postponed his decision to resign as PAC chief. He has taken the decision to not resign as Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman on instructions from his party, PML...
