
  1. L

    Saudi contractor claims his visas stolen and sold' Hun Fer Mojaan E Mojaan

    By Arab News HAFR AL-BATIN: More than 100 work visas were stolen from a contracting company within days after they were approved. The Labor Office in Hafr Al-Batin issued the visas to a contracting company to recruit workers from various countries a few days ago. However, soon after issuance...
  2. hans

    Refugee claims in CanadaWho can apply

    Canada offers refugee protection to people in Canada who fear persecution and are unwilling or unable to return to their home country. Convention Refugee Convention refugees are people who are outside their home country or the country where they normally live, and who are unwilling to return...
  3. WatanDost

    Imran Khan Claims, he can restore peace in just 3 months in Karachi

  4. WatanDost

    An American newspaper claims, "America is paying 30 Million $ per month to Pakistan"

    Are they paying these 30 Million to Media, NGOs, Zardari n co? or To people of Pakistan?
  5. Night_Hawk

    Fighting in Pakistani city of Karachi claims 34 lives

    2 August 2011 Last updated at 17:24 ET Fighting in Pakistani city of Karachi claims 34 lives Shops and vehicles have been set ablaze At least 34 people have...
  6. crankthskunk

    PM Gilani lied to the Parliament: The NEWS

    After claiming that he is the Executive with the highest authority according to the Constitution, and not the SC, the thief Gilani is now lied to the Parliament. But what is little lying for the Politicians of Pakistan? Send your dogs, like Abidi, Sharmila, Qamar Zaman to the shows, and...
  7. Night_Hawk

    Fighting in Pakistani city of Karachi claims 31 lives

    2 August 2011 Last updated at 08:38 ET Fighting in Pakistani city of Karachi claims 31 lives The Pakistani government appears helpless to stop the violence in Karachi At least 31 people have been killed...
  8. Mysticreed

    Afghan Parlimanterian Huma Sultani claims Mullah Omar had been residing in her home.

    Mullah Omer in Afghanistan Afghan parliamentarian Huma Sultani said Tailban’s chief Mullah Omar is in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the Afghan’s National Directorate of Security has claimed that Mullah Omar was in detention or custody of Pakistan. Huma Sultani from Ghazni claimed that...
  9. Pakistani1947

    He claims that he circumambulates the Kabah in his dreams and tells them about the future

    Question: I got to know a person who told me that in his dreams a Muslim jinn comes to him and he says that he performed tawaaf with him in Makkah and gave him Zamzam water to drink, and he visited the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with him. He says that...
  10. mohib

    I read the Koran every day, says Tony Blair who claims it keeps him 'faith-literate'

    I read the Koran every day says former prime minister Tony Blair who claims it keeps him 'faith literate' He was notoriously reluctant to discuss religion while Prime Minister, with his chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell famously commenting: We dont do God. But since leaving Downing...
  11. Khari Baat

    Khari Baat - 7th June 2011 - Salim Bukhari & Naseem Zahra - Budget---- Promises & Claims???

  12. L

    FIFA's Valcke claims Qatar 'bought' 2022 World Cup ,Buray Naseeb Qatar k

    By ROB HARRIS, AP ZURICH (AP) FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke confirmed Monday that he sent a private email suggesting Qatar had "bought" the right to host the 2022 World Cup. The email was made public by FIFA Vice President Jack Warner after he was suspended by FIFA on Sunday over...
  13. gazoomartian

    Enrichment continues, claims A.Q. Khan

    Gazoo notes: i am impressed with his last sentence. Undoubtedly kullu nafsin zaaqat-ul-maut but only when Allah wants you back Enrichment continues, claims A.Q. Khan By Syed Irfan Raza | From the Newspaper (2 hours ago) Today Answering a question about safety of the nuclear assets, Dr...
  14. biomat

    Iran claims to break CIA spy ring, arrests 30

    By wmw_admin on May 22, 2011 Borzou Daragahi Los Angeles Times May 22, 2011 Iran declared Saturday that it had uncovered and dismantled what it called a U.S. espionage and sabotage network and arrested 30 people allegedly spying for the CIA. Tehran claimed that it also had...
  15. Wadaich

    A Web Presence, Which Claims to Present Some Facts About MQM

    On a forum some user shared the link to a websites which claims representing some facts about MQM. However, the website developer seems to be a very emotional lover of MQM;). The link is being shared for comments. Disclaimer: This post is not intended to...
  16. Fursan

    Eye witness of Osama incident - He claims Osama Raid was a Fail!

  17. biomat

    Hoax: White House Claims 4-Year-Old Bin Laden Video Is New Footage

    By Paul Joseph Watson on May 8, 2011 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet May 7, 2011 In a desperate effort to bolster its crumbling official narrative, the White House today released a set of dubious Bin Laden home movies purportedly seized from his compound during the raid on...
  18. karachiwala

    No sign Gaddafi bombed Tripoli NATO wages war on false claims

    RT April 24, 2011 In Libya, Colonel Gaddafi’s troops are reportedly being withdrawn from the rebel-held city of Misrata in the face of NATO airstrikes. It follows an almost two month standoff. Meanwhile, allied aircraft carried out fresh airstrikes on the capital Tripoli overnight, with a...
  19. sarmad

    Mahatma Gandhi 'racist and bisexual' claims new book

    "A controversial biography of Mahatma Gandhi has claimed that the revered political leader was racist and bisexual. Great Soul, written by former New York Times executive editor Joseph Lelyveld, makes several new claims about the man who led India to independence. "...
  20. simple_and_peacefull

    Benazir's assassins arrested, claims Malik

    Updated at 1900 PST Friday, March 25, 2011 RAWALPINDI: Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik Friday said that all the culprits involved in the killing of former premier Benazir Bhutto have been arrested. Talking to media here in Gujar Khan tehsil after inaugurating the passport...
