We do need OUR ALLAH guide lines to be follow as A person of Allah Mr. Zaid Hamid ALLAH give him long life not for him self but for all Pakistan.
We need NO more edcuation from UK , USA . JUST our Quran and his simple partically actiontions to make Pakistan a better holly place.
Just now every things is diecied by artiffically way, all quations , anwerers ,govtvernment, solultions, all types of handeling, and time wasting are artiffical.
Mr. Zaid Hamid is correct and right person among all in pakistan right now for better easy , quick and cheap for the HOLE country then the big losserrss
are present powers uk ,usa and its alies zadari and compony.
Allah save us from those evils who damages us and our childrens and our lovelly pure country PAKISTAN.