Who would be able to bring positive change in Pakistan.

Who would be able to bring positive change in Pak?

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Councller (250+ posts)

I would support Zaid Hamid. I do not think democracy can work in Pakistan till people get enough education and awareness. Zaid Hamid is a well aware and strong person, he is the man for Pakistan.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I do not find any other person as patriot and selfless as Imran Khan in the given list of leaders. My second choice would be Zaid Hamid, but unfortunately he has become a very controversial figure. If Imran Khan wants he can make him federal Minister for communication - not more than that.

Rest of list has all corrupt leader except General Musharaf, but the problem is that he can only be a good General or army spokesman, not good politician or president.
I agree with your statement that "I do not think democracy can work in Pakistan till people get enough education and awareness". But i think Imran Khan is more deserving becasue he has contributed a lot to Pak Society in the form of Hospital and University. So i think he should be given a chance...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
dear all

i think mostly our leader honest but spoon peoples dont let honest. so we all as one nation kick out those selfish peoples then we can get good lead. otherwise we waste out time.

so my sugestion is ... we as educated peoples ' educate others with honestly.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
dear pakistani 1947

are they were corrupt at first time. these days top hot seats make everyone corrupt who ever sit on them. even zh or im or etc. if we want correct them then first we have make our self correct. all of us these days some do small corruption and some do big.

secondly i had mentioned mostly leaders not all leaders. i dont az a leader - he is wadirah. ns is businessman. ah is peer baba. so hows these can be our leaders. why we elect them everytime. we need to chenge our system not leaders. system make leader corrupt.

If zh want khalafat type of rules then who will be his members of govrment.
or im get the chance to be head of country then will his members of goverment.

i think other then these two faces ' all others will b same.

3rd thing ... thx for telling i m annocent .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We do need OUR ALLAH guide lines to be follow as A person of Allah Mr. Zaid Hamid ALLAH give him long life not for him self but for all Pakistan.

We need NO more edcuation from UK , USA . JUST our Quran and his simple partically actiontions to make Pakistan a better holly place.

Just now every things is diecied by artiffically way, all quations , anwerers ,govtvernment, solultions, all types of handeling, and time wasting are artiffical.

Mr. Zaid Hamid is correct and right person among all in pakistan right now for better easy , quick and cheap for the HOLE country then the big losserrss
are present powers uk ,usa and its alies zadari and compony.

Allah save us from those evils who damages us and our childrens and our lovelly pure country PAKISTAN.

Zeeshan Khan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
People like ZH don’t need to bring change in a country. They need to focus on changing themselves and some sense of dressing might also be needed (the red cap). After his sudden disappearance due to the failed episode on 23rd March 2010, he is just trying to find reasons to resurface again so that he can start his hate-monger lectures again. We need to stop entertaining ourselves through his blabbering and I am sure we can do much more constructive stuff than whatever he tells.


Councller (250+ posts)
People like ZH dont need to bring change in a country. They need to focus on changing themselves and some sense of dressing might also be needed (the red cap). After his sudden disappearance due to the failed episode on 23rd March 2010, he is just trying to find reasons to resurface again so that he can start his hate-monger lectures again. We need to stop entertaining ourselves through his blabbering and I am sure we can do much more constructive stuff than whatever he tells.

Dont get personal. You seem to be an Indian dress designer I know how they are hahahahahahahaha
