UK Government answers Lord Nazir's questions relating to MQM


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


to summarise it,

lord nazir: i want to ask a question related to MQM

british govt: abe paindu, its our matter not yours, be in your limits (auqaat) :lol:

Altaf Lutfi

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اگست کے مہینے میں ھر محبِ وطن پاکستانی کو دو باتوں پر خاص نظر رکھنی چاھیے، ایک یہ کہ کیا برطانیہ اپنی سرزمین سے پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کی تبلیغ کرنے والوں کا نمدہ کسے گا یا نھیں ؟ دوسرا یہ کہ پاکستان نے ستمبر میں اقوامِ متحدہ میں ھندوستان کی پاکستان کے اندر دہشت گردی کی سرپرستی کے ثبوت پیش کرنے کا جو اعلان کر رکھا ھے، اس پر عمل ھوتا ھے یا نواز حکومت بھی زرداری کی طرح بھایؑی مودی کی دلداری کے چکر میں پاکستان کی آواز دبا دے گی


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think they have left some flexibility on their stance relating to MQM in the event the Investigations go against the party. This is a subtle and distinct change from their previous correspondence.


Senator (1k+ posts)
AH is protected by MI6, and will remain untouchable as long as they protect him. @alimohsen52 I appreciate your efforts but nothing is going to happen as long as MQM keeps a strong hold in Karachi.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
to summarise it,

lord nazir: i want to ask a question related to MQM

british govt: abe paindu, its our matter not yours, be in your limits (auqaat) :lol:

I am sure living with Altaf has driven you completely mad. My sympathies are with you and your family


Senator (1k+ posts)
actually if you bother to actually read it it says

The UK Government will NOT screw AH directly

It is up to Scot Yard and the UK Courts..................... who will make a fine job of it

But you go celebrate that she did not say AH is the greatest leader that mankind has seen for over 1000 years.

If she DID NOT DENY IT than it could be true................ MQM Logic



Minister (2k+ posts)
The british govt only fulminating the charges against mqm and do nothing is not the answer .british m16 is fully supporting mqm efforts and funding it also along with others .this is the weakness on the part of our pak govts respectively to keep mqm under its shadow and that traitor monster asteen ka kamp created havoc in karachi and govts stayed quiet . To me first of all , all who were in the govts and helping mqm should be brought to justice and punished , they are as much responsible as he is , no reprieve for them.its good malik ishaq the devil with 14 others killed today--i thank god for their deaths who were responsible for the deaths of lots of innocents .he deserves hell and will go there-cruel people .i was after this gang for a long time but finally they got him. Now mohd ahmed ludhianvi, leader of ss is left, police should get him too . Mr.raheel sharif is doing a good job , getting the big fish one by one--thanks rh.
