Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I receive emails from. Just now this one:
President's address to Multan Rally
I just made a comment on his site that is waiting moderation. I bet they are not gonna approve it :lol:
Mush should be charged with treason. he has destroyed the country in exchange for $$.
He admits in his book that he sold Pakistanis for about $300mil. My question is why did he do that, did he include any of his relative in that bunch, why should we believe that he is right for the country?
he should be put on trial.
even I can do better job he can.
Gazoo Martian, Chairman
Pakistani Patriots,
virtual today, actual tomorrow
President's address to Multan Rally
I just made a comment on his site that is waiting moderation. I bet they are not gonna approve it :lol:
Mush should be charged with treason. he has destroyed the country in exchange for $$.
He admits in his book that he sold Pakistanis for about $300mil. My question is why did he do that, did he include any of his relative in that bunch, why should we believe that he is right for the country?
he should be put on trial.
even I can do better job he can.
Gazoo Martian, Chairman
Pakistani Patriots,
virtual today, actual tomorrow