To The Gheedar Pervez Musharraf


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I receive emails from. Just now this one:
President's address to Multan Rally

I just made a comment on his site that is waiting moderation. I bet they are not gonna approve it :lol:

Mush should be charged with treason. he has destroyed the country in exchange for $$.

He admits in his book that he sold Pakistanis for about $300mil. My question is why did he do that, did he include any of his relative in that bunch, why should we believe that he is right for the country?

he should be put on trial.

even I can do better job he can.

Gazoo Martian, Chairman
Pakistani Patriots,
virtual today, actual tomorrow

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Politically Musharraf was a dictator but morally he is way better individual than Zerdari or sheriff.......
I supports musharraf, bring back the musharraf !!!!!!! He is the only one who has guts to resolve Kashmir problem.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dear Gazoo Martin,

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Musharraf Supporters have calibre and credibility. They have the knowledge to reply back as well. Your comment has been answered as below, on the website as well. Lastly, you received an email because you have subscribed yourself to the website.

Gazoo Martin,

For your very kind information Gazoo, Musharraf NEVER said that he sold Pakistanis, as you put it. Misinformation hurts one’s credibility, more than anything else.

Read his book, he writes “Since shortly after 9/11- when many Al-Qaeda members fled Afghanistan and crossed into Pakistan. We have captured 672 and handed over 369 to the USA. We have earned bounties totalling millions of dollars…..”

Understand few things – he wrote:
1- Al-Qaeda members CROSSED over into Pakistan
2- We handed over only 369 out of 672

Musharraf RETURNED back foreigners/aliens/terrorist to their own countries or alternatively, to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. These foreigners for whom you feel pain, crossed over into Pakistan, WITHOUT legal passports, and destabilized Pakistan flaring extremism and suicide bombings. They were members of Al-Qaeda – Tajiks, Uzbeks, Arabs, Afghans, Chechans, etc.

I ask you, why were only 369 handed over from total 672? Why not all 672? Hence proven, he handed over only NON-Pakistanis. Not one single Pakistani was handed over.

Those who misguide ordinary Pakistanis should be held for trial, for lying!

Long Live Musharraf
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Politically Musharraf was a dictator but morally he is way better individual than Zerdari or sheriff.......
I supports musharraf, bring back the musharraf !!!!!!! He is the only one who has guts to resolve Kashmir problem.

At Least Hindus and Zionists both have acknowledged Kashmir Problem.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Long love Musharraf and long live Pakistan. Hang Zardari and his gang members and Sherif and his gang members and exterminate Altaf and his cult and Pakistan will become a great country under Musharraf Leadership.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We always did, and we demand that Pakistan should vacate POK.

This probably would be the best solution, Pakistan should vacate this side of Kashmir and India should vacate the other side of border, let Kashmiris decide their destiny.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Dear Gazoo Martin,

Your comment has been approved. View it HERE (clap)

Musharraf Supporters have calibre and credibility. They have the knowledge to reply back as well. Your comment has been answered as below, on the website as well. Lastly, you received an email because you have subscribed yourself to the website.

Gazoo Martin,

For your very kind information Gazoo, Musharraf NEVER said that he sold Pakistanis, as you put it. Misinformation hurts one’s credibility, more than anything else.

Read his book, he writes “Since shortly after 9/11- when many Al-Qaeda members fled Afghanistan and crossed into Pakistan. We have captured 672 and handed over 369 to the USA. We have earned bounties totalling millions of dollars…..”

Understand few things – he wrote:
1- Al-Qaeda members CROSSED over into Pakistan
2- We handed over only 369 out of 672

Musharraf RETURNED back foreigners/aliens/terrorist to their own countries or alternatively, to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. These foreigners for whom you feel pain, crossed over into Pakistan, WITHOUT legal passports, and destabilized Pakistan flaring extremism and suicide bombings. They were members of Al-Qaeda – Tajiks, Uzbeks, Arabs, Afghans, Chechans, etc.

I ask you, why were only 369 handed over from total 672? Why not all 672? Hence proven, he handed over only NON-Pakistanis. Not one single Pakistani was handed over.

Those who misguide ordinary Pakistanis should be held for trial, for lying!

Long Live Musharraf

Tell me why did you not deny when an analyst said on TV that Mush sold Pakistanis for $300mil. and he, as per the analyst, wrote in his book. Were you not watching the show or did you not just bother because there has to be some truth to it?

by the way, I have no desire to waste my money on buying his books and read it

I need every penny i can get. (bigsmile)

What Pakis really need a new blood. We have seen Mush, NS, and AZ currently. They all have proven to be incompetent and useless.

Pakis need me or Imran Khan, rest are detrimental to the country and or slave to the US,India, UK.

Experienced ruler and politicians are just like used cars, you always get what you pay for, specially if it comes with no warranty. :)
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Long love Musharraf and long live Pakistan. Hang Zardari and his gang members and Sherif and his gang members and exterminate Altaf and his cult and Pakistan will become a great country under Musharraf Leadership.

Thats what Pakis thought and voted PPP and you know where we are now


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Dear Gazoo Martin,

Your comment has been approved. View it HERE (clap)

Musharraf Supporters have calibre and credibility. They have the knowledge to reply back as well. Your comment has been answered as below, on the website as well. Lastly, you received an email because you have subscribed yourself to the website.

Gazoo Martin,

For your very kind information Gazoo, Musharraf NEVER said that he sold Pakistanis, as you put it. Misinformation hurts ones credibility, more than anything else.

Read his book, he writes Since shortly after 9/11- when many Al-Qaeda members fled Afghanistan and crossed into Pakistan. We have captured 672 and handed over 369 to the USA. We have earned bounties totalling millions of dollars..

Understand few things he wrote:
1- Al-Qaeda members CROSSED over into Pakistan
2- We handed over only 369 out of 672

Musharraf RETURNED back foreigners/aliens/terrorist to their own countries or alternatively, to the NATO forces in Afghanistan. These foreigners for whom you feel pain, crossed over into Pakistan, WITHOUT legal passports, and destabilized Pakistan flaring extremism and suicide bombings. They were members of Al-Qaeda Tajiks, Uzbeks, Arabs, Afghans, Chechans, etc.

I ask you, why were only 369 handed over from total 672? Why not all 672? Hence proven, he handed over only NON-Pakistanis. Not one single Pakistani was handed over.

Those who misguide ordinary Pakistanis should be held for trial, for lying!

Long Live Musharraf

Mr Admin, do me a favor. Ask Mush if he passed the ISSB in 69 (or nearby) in Dacca. There was a fellow with one of his name, Pervez or Mush, cant remember, its been a long time. He may have been in my group, I was testing for Air Force. Only at that time I found out that I am afraid of height. So much for my AF career. (cry)(cry)


Senator (1k+ posts)
I receive emails from. Just now this one:
President's address to Multan Rally

I just made a comment on his site that is waiting moderation. I bet they are not gonna approve it :lol:

Mush should be charged with treason. he has destroyed the country in exchange for $$.

He admits in his book that he sold Pakistanis for about $300mil. My question is why did he do that, did he include any of his relative in that bunch, why should we believe that he is right for the country?

he should be put on trial.

even I can do better job he can.

Gazoo Martian, Chairman
Pakistani Patriots,
virtual today, actual tomorrow
Everyone's up for democracy I think but twisting facts isn't gonna get you anywhere my friend. I am no one's supporter , just have love for Pakistan . Even if it was true that he sold each prisoner for 300 million ( which is not what he said in his book) he could turn around and say ...he at least made Pakistan 300 mil ....Your present democracy is doin worse for free ? what would you had said ....and please don't start goin around asking for proofs .... all you need to do is open your eyes. "some things are better virtual" " A dictator doesn't always have to be in a uniform" "twisting facts is ranked amongst biggest sins"


Minister (2k+ posts)
Politically Musharraf was a dictator but morally he is way better individual than Zerdari or sheriff.......
I supports musharraf, bring back the musharraf !!!!!!! He is the only one who has guts to resolve Kashmir problem.

What that ghaddar was doing during his eight years rule? He only destroyed all the institutions on Pakistan. We don't have anything left for destruction. He will only come back to face the justice. InshaAllah.

Musharraf is the biggest evil whereas other politicians are smaller ones.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Politically Musharraf was a dictator but morally he is way better individual than Zerdari or sheriff.......
I supports musharraf, bring back the musharraf !!!!!!! He is the only one who has guts to resolve Kashmir problem.
Why we shouldn't bring General Kiyani, he is more eligible within current scnerio
BTW just for this reason you create new ID?

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Why we shouldn't bring General Kiyani, he is more eligible within current scnerio
BTW just for this reason you create new ID?

Musharraf is tried and tested, we don't know about Kayani. I would love to see liberal and democratic Pakistan with good and strong leadership. Unfortunately Pakistani society hasn't matured enough to vote for clean and good leaders so it will be a long wait.


Councller (250+ posts)
Tell me why did you not deny when an analyst said on TV that Mush sold Pakistanis for $300mil. and he, as per the analyst, wrote in his book. Were you not watching the show or did you not just bother because there has to be some truth to it?

by the way, I have no desire to waste my money on buying his books and read it

I need every penny i can get. (bigsmile)

What Pakis really need a new blood. We have seen Mush, NS, and AZ currently. They all have proven to be incompetent and useless.

Pakis need me or Imran Khan, rest are detrimental to the country and or slave to the US,India, UK.

Experienced ruler are politicians are just like used cars, you always get what you pay for, specially if it comes with no warranty. :)

Gazoo, I have serious obligations on your name. You don't have your own Pakistani name. Half is Western and i don't know what the hell Gazoo means.
How you can represent whole nation when your own name don't represent you.

Jawab do Gazoo Jawab do..... :D


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Gazoo, I have serious obligations on your name. You don't have your own Pakistani name. Half is Western and i don't know what the hell Gazoo means.
How you can represent whole nation when your own name don't represent you.

Jawab do Gazoo Jawab do..... :D


All in due time brother.

My name is Gazoo, I am from Mars, hence Martian. And here is my picture. Hope you can see it

If you don't, let me know, I will save in other format and post here



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mr/Miss Admin,

If an employee or a volunteer staunchly support a person, as you are supporting Mush, I don't blame at all for that's what you are supposed to do. if you an employee then I hope he is paying you a good salary for sacrificing your conscience.

Anyways, could you please answer these questions:

1. When Bush (junior) threatened Mush that if he didn't allow the Americans brings troops, he will put Pakistan 'back to stone sage', why he caved in? He, as general, was supposed to stand up for the country, we would have supported him. I see his cowardice in it, don't you?

2. In a joint conference with Bush at the White House, Mush mentioned in front of Bush that Mush said to him at the start that 'My people will be killed' and Bush said 'So what?'. My wife heard this herself.

Now tell me wasn't that very disappointing and subject to treason charges? As a matter of fact, he agreed to American's murder of over 8000 Pakistanis so far and all other related destruction, amounting to $billions in property damage.

3. Does he ever recite Qur'an, does salat? Yes I have seen him on TV doing Umrah. But Umrahs in politician's head is only asking for refuge because he has done something terrible.

4. I have seen him holding two poodles to his chest. (you can not deny, seen him myself). Now tell me, does he not know that where there are dogs, Angel do not come.? Or may be deos not believe in angels or doesn't know what angels are?

5. Does he drink beer, alcohol, or else, its a question, I have not seen him on TV but I do have the following pic. Now tell me sir! who is he representing, president of a kafir country or a Muslim country?

And please don't tell me that 3,4,5 are his personal matter.

View attachment 318

In my opinion, Mush would be a terrible choice over IK for Pakistanis, but Pakis are used to making wrong choices. Granted, IK is not the kosher one either but at least he has not proven to have done anything wrong....

By the way, Mush cant even talk like a politician. NS made a serious judgment error in promoting him to the General.

Good evening
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
For those who want to read: In the line of fire by Pres. Musharraf I have uploaded the book you can download it from the link below.
On the filefactory page go to bottom of the page and click on download tag.
Then follow the instructions.

thanks. Do you know what page he has said that he sold Pakis for $300mill? An analyst on a show said that, this sentence was whitened out in the Urdu version... Thanks
