Iran shares millennia of historical ties with other neighboring countries.
The Sunni-Shia theological divide goes back to the earliest days of Islam in the 7th century.
But it was only until relatively recently that the divide became a toxic sectarian schism often with internecine violence.
Promoted by CIA/Mossad in all Muslim countries to justify the existence of tiny tumor called ISRAHELL.
For many Muslims, the sectarian dichotomy is lamentable and should be deplored, viewing all members of Islam as brothers and sisters, regardless of the formal Sunni or Shia identity.
Middle East observers point out that the toxic sectarianism escalated following the Iranian revolution in 1979 when US forces were kicked out of Iran along with Washington’s puppet dictator, the Shah.
As a way to roll back the Iranian revolution, it was Washington and its hardline Sunni client regime in Saudi Arabia that fomented the tensions and antipathies towards Shia Islam.
The Wahhabi version of Islam held by Saudi rulers is distinct from other Sunni branches in that it vilifies the Shia as “infidels” who should be put to death.
That’s partly why the Jew instigated American propaganda war against Iran found such a useful instrument with the Saudi child rapist autocrats.
The Middle East region with its ancient historical knowledge must realize that centuries of common Islamic heritage transcend recent decades of sectarian conflict based on a contrived Sunni-Shia divide that has been inflamed for selfish geopolitical reasons.
The countries of the region must surely realize by now that the destabilizing imposter is not Iran – which has bestowed millennia of benign influence – but rather it is the Jew controlled Washington.
The devastation and trauma that Dajjali Washington has inflicted on the Middle East is there for everyone to see.
Pakistan you are next on the target of crusading Satanic army.
From its illegal wars and invasions, to inflaming of sectarian tensions and sponsoring of terrorist cults to act as cat’s paws for regime change.
Not to mention the despicable suppression of Palestinian national rights by backing an illegally occupying Israeli regime with decades of massive military support and duplicitous political kowtowing.
A dying empire of Dajjal will attack Pakistan. Only two countries are left, to confront Satan, Pakistan & Iran.
Divide & conquer is the hallmark of the British; it was Britain who orchestrated 1955 military coups against the Iranian PM Sadiqi & with CIA to install their man Shahin Shah Riza Pahlavi.
USA was in long planning to jump in the Middle East to replace Britain influence.
Iranian influences in the gulf region goes back to centuries. Most of the gulf regio families are mixed of Arab & Iranian heritage.
The most prominent UAE, Oman, Qater, Kuwait & the eastern region of Saudi Arabia are of an Iranian decendent.
So in effect USA is asking & promoting a family war in the gulf region.
All this death and destruction to protect tumor of Illegal Zionist entity?.
Pakistani Nation wake up and Defend your country. Modi wants Nawaz/ Zardaree gang back.
The Sunni-Shia theological divide goes back to the earliest days of Islam in the 7th century.
But it was only until relatively recently that the divide became a toxic sectarian schism often with internecine violence.
Promoted by CIA/Mossad in all Muslim countries to justify the existence of tiny tumor called ISRAHELL.
For many Muslims, the sectarian dichotomy is lamentable and should be deplored, viewing all members of Islam as brothers and sisters, regardless of the formal Sunni or Shia identity.
Middle East observers point out that the toxic sectarianism escalated following the Iranian revolution in 1979 when US forces were kicked out of Iran along with Washington’s puppet dictator, the Shah.
As a way to roll back the Iranian revolution, it was Washington and its hardline Sunni client regime in Saudi Arabia that fomented the tensions and antipathies towards Shia Islam.
The Wahhabi version of Islam held by Saudi rulers is distinct from other Sunni branches in that it vilifies the Shia as “infidels” who should be put to death.
That’s partly why the Jew instigated American propaganda war against Iran found such a useful instrument with the Saudi child rapist autocrats.
The Middle East region with its ancient historical knowledge must realize that centuries of common Islamic heritage transcend recent decades of sectarian conflict based on a contrived Sunni-Shia divide that has been inflamed for selfish geopolitical reasons.
The countries of the region must surely realize by now that the destabilizing imposter is not Iran – which has bestowed millennia of benign influence – but rather it is the Jew controlled Washington.
The devastation and trauma that Dajjali Washington has inflicted on the Middle East is there for everyone to see.
Pakistan you are next on the target of crusading Satanic army.
From its illegal wars and invasions, to inflaming of sectarian tensions and sponsoring of terrorist cults to act as cat’s paws for regime change.
Not to mention the despicable suppression of Palestinian national rights by backing an illegally occupying Israeli regime with decades of massive military support and duplicitous political kowtowing.
A dying empire of Dajjal will attack Pakistan. Only two countries are left, to confront Satan, Pakistan & Iran.
Divide & conquer is the hallmark of the British; it was Britain who orchestrated 1955 military coups against the Iranian PM Sadiqi & with CIA to install their man Shahin Shah Riza Pahlavi.
USA was in long planning to jump in the Middle East to replace Britain influence.
Iranian influences in the gulf region goes back to centuries. Most of the gulf regio families are mixed of Arab & Iranian heritage.
The most prominent UAE, Oman, Qater, Kuwait & the eastern region of Saudi Arabia are of an Iranian decendent.
So in effect USA is asking & promoting a family war in the gulf region.
All this death and destruction to protect tumor of Illegal Zionist entity?.
Pakistani Nation wake up and Defend your country. Modi wants Nawaz/ Zardaree gang back.