Solution for the Establishment in Pakistan

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
Yeah isn't it surprising you patwaris and noora himself had absolutely no issue with this for the past 30 plus years when you were the beneficiary of this. Now all of a sudden you lot have become idealists. All your crying and whinging are more hollow than an empty barrel.

Your only actual real complain is why is the army not interfering this time, specially in your favour as it has done in the past. Also you people are triggered by the fact that without Armys intervention you lot are useless and not even capable of winning in your own province.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
!!!جو عوام لائن اور لین کا فرق نہیں سمجھ سکی اسے کیا سمجھا رہے ہو