Serious Mistakes in Government's Report on Anti- State Tweets - Analysis


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Note: It is a serious issue. Please do not comment if you have not seen this show or you are not aware of this issue.

Digital Media Wing Tweets:

Detailed Analysis about this Report on Dawn News:

Main Points:

  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Error in Graphs
  • No clear criteria of data analysis
  • Confusion and contradictions
  • No clear methodology
Despite all these mistakes Zaki Khalid verify this report but said if we change the presentation and give proper methodology then we can better present it at the international forum.

Twitter Profile:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

His Comments:

Final Question: Please can anyone help me to counter or verify these facts?
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Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Note: It is a serious issue. Please do not comment if you have not seen this show or you are not aware of this issue.

Fawad Chaudhry and Moeed Yousuf Joint Press Conference on 11 August 2021.

Digital Media Wing Tweets:

Detailed Analysis about this Report on Dawn News:

Main Points:

  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Error in Graphs
  • No clear criteria of data analysis
  • Confusion and contradictions
  • No clear methodology
Despite all these mistakes Zaki Khalid verify this report but said if we change the presentation and give proper methodology then we can better present it at the international forum.

Twitter Profile:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

His Comments:

Final Question: Please can anyone help me to counter or verify these facts?
Whose got time to waste on Dawn news bullshit!

Nauzibillah agar PTI Quran bhi bhaante ghi to us mein se bhi yeh log nuqs nikal deing ge.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Whose got time to waste on Dawn news bullshit!

Nauzibillah agar PTI Quran bhi bhaant te gi to us mein se bhi yeh log us mein se nuqs nikal deing ge.
Dear Brother, I respect your opinion but Instead of making a blind sweeping statement, you must reconsider.

Just labelling everyone and every piece of information would never serve any purpose.

If you are sincere with the PTI government and Pakistan which I am sure you are so am I then it is better that we must evaluate things dispassionately without coloring them with our emotions.

We should be the eyes and ears of the government and Pakistan rather than blindly trusting whatever is fed by the government.

They are after all humans and they can make mistakes.

Trust me there are mistakes in this report and in Shazaib Khanzada's show, even Fawad Chaudhry was unable to defend his position. Thank you


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Note: It is a serious issue. Please do not comment if you have not seen this show or you are not aware of this issue.

Digital Media Wing Tweets:

Detailed Analysis about this Report on Dawn News:

Main Points:

  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Error in Graphs
  • No clear criteria of data analysis
  • Confusion and contradictions
  • No clear methodology
Despite all these mistakes Zaki Khalid verify this report but said if we change the presentation and give proper methodology then we can better present it at the international forum.

Twitter Profile:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

His Comments:

Final Question: Please can anyone help me to counter or verify these facts?
Subtle Patwari?

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I respect your opinion but Instead of making a blind sweeping statement, you must reconsider.

Just labelling everyone and every piece of information would never serve any purpose.
No, there are certain sources which can never be trusted. Dawn, Geo, Neo, Hamid Mir, Maalik, Matiullah, Toor, Klasra etc etc for the rest you have to use your discretion.

We should be the eyes and ears of the government and Pakistan rather than blindly trusting whatever is fed by the government.
In this day and age, I'm skeptical of everything I see, read and hear including you and if it is something important, I'll do my own fact checking before forming an opinion.

Trust me there are mistakes in this report
Of course there are mistakes, mashallah people who are hired to make these reports are all products of public schooling. SO having mistakes in English and graphs is not unexpected. I agree that if you are making a report public least you can do is have a copywriter check it.

As for rest of the shit this is not a paper submitted for peer review in a medical journal.

The presentation could be shit, some methodology not up to par etc etc but overall the aim was to expose certain anti Pakistan elements an cretins and how large numbers this is happening, which it did.

Now these bunch of worthless wankers on the payroll of the anti state news org are going to sit and nit pick it, oh look the I wasn't dotted and T not crossed, The graph is on 39 when it should be on 40 is just a lame attempt to make in controversial and discredit it, which is part of their overall anti state agenda.

And its sad people like you fail to see through this targeted propaganda.

P.S : Whats with the ridiculously large fonts? typing in big bold letters will not give your argument any more weight, in fact take away from it. And please don't give me any bullshit of vision issues. So please stop this shouda-pan


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
And its sad people like you fail to see through this targeted propaganda.
Simply because i have a rule that I never pre-judge or label anyone.

If i want to extract exact information then never read any information with predetermine mind.

I Always clear my mind from all the baises.

And it is challenging because most my brothers here have defined their boundaries. They are quick to react and fast to make judgments. However, I respect every one.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The presentation could be shit, some methodology not up to par etc etc but overall the aim was to expose certain anti Pakistan elements an cretins and how large numbers this is happening, which it did.

Now these bunch of worthless wankers on the payroll of the anti state news org are going to sit and nit pick it, oh look the I wasn't dotted and T not crossed, The graph is on 39 when it should be on 40 is just a lame attempt to make in controversial and discredit it, which is part of their overall anti state agenda.
I agree with the point that despite all these discrepancies we do not discredit this report.

The point is clear that India and Afghanistan are against Pakistan and are having a systematic campaign.

PTI government has done a great effort by continuously exposing their agendas.

Unlike previous governments of PML N and PPP were sleeping at the international front.

They have never made any effort to counter-campaign against Pakistan. Which was indeed shameful for the entire nation.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
admin Adeel
دوسرے فورموں کی اس فورم پر تشہیر کرنا سختی سے منع ہے ماضی میں ایسے کاموں پر لوگوں کو تاحیات بین کیا گیا ہے ، اس کو کب کریں گے؟؟
میرے بھائی کس نے تشہیر کی ہے؟ آپ کیوں بلاوجہ شکایت لگا رہے ہیں۔ میں سیاست ڈاٹ پی کے کے رولز کو فالو کرتاہوں۔


Minister (2k+ posts)
I agree with the point that despite all these discrepancies we do not discredit this report.

The point is clear that India and Afghanistan are against Pakistan and are having a systematic campaign.

PTI government has done a great effort by continuously exposing their agendas.

Unlike previous governments of PML N and PPP were sleeping at the international front.

They have never made any effort to counter-campaign against Pakistan. Which was indeed shameful for the entire nation.

But main objective of this report is to target main stream political parties of Pakistan. They are calling opposition leaders traitors , is this the right way to govern??


Minister (2k+ posts)
آپ ثابت کریں کے یہاں کہاں ڈیفنس ڈاٹ پک

میرے بھائی عارف صاحب نے مجھ پر الزام لگایا ہے کہ میں ڈیفنس ڈاٹ پی کے سے ہوں۔ اسے آکر آپ نے مزیید تصدیق کردی ہے۔ حالانکہ میرا ایسا کوئی تعلق نہیں اور نہ ہی میں کسی کی تشہر کررہاہوں۔ یہ تو عارف صاحب کو ثابت کرنا ہے کہ انہوں نے خامخواہ ایسا کیوں الزام لگایا؟

میں سیاست ڈاٹ پی کے اصولوں کا احترام کرتاہوں اور کسی فورم کی تشہر کا سوچ بھی نہیں سکتا۔

میں نے آپ پر الزام نہیں لگے بلکہ عارف صاحب پر الزام لگایا ہے جو بہانے بہانے سے دوسرے فورم کی تشہیر کرتے رہتے ہیں

دوسرے میرا تبصرہ رپورٹ اور اس کے بعد وزراء کی پریس کانفرنس پر تھا کہ انہوں نے اس رپورٹ کو سیاسی پوائنٹ سکورنگ کیلئے استعمال کیا ہے اور اس کا سل مقصد کہیں فوت ہوگیا ہے
