Sawal Yeh Hai - 27th March 2010


Voter (50+ posts)
1. I do not feel ashamed to say that pakistani people are too illitrate to elect proper parlament. 2. Two many out side powers are mixingup in our internal affairs,esspecialy Briten and US.for example what buisness Milliband has to call Nawaz regurding 18th amendment.When these pakistani looted biilions and murdered thousands where do they run to ????????. OPEN YOUR EYES.


Minister (2k+ posts)
To criticize the govt is not to insult them but instead bring them in line so they can perform their job honestly and efficiently,not everyone is a yesman of the govt or the opposition, if govt dont like my criticism thats their problem. I do criticize the opposition in the same way is also the same reason.First the politcians keep on bragging about the poors but when they get elected, they dont like to see or hear the poor's name,like they are alergic to them.Sheikh Afzal of Haris steel mills gave the money to about six lawyers who promised to quash the cases of bank loans against him but did't so he exposed all of them and what happened to them,nothing.As a matter of fact,one of them got sitara-e-imtiaz , i gues, and promoted as a minister.He should have cleared his name first but perhaps he thought ,this kind of opportunities dont come everyday so take it.Other lawyers have the big names but still nothing happened to them.Khanani and kalia were arrested long time ago and govt said nation will hear the good news in a week,that week never came because the people involved in money laundering were all from elite class, most likely belong to the this govt.Khanani and kalia are nation's robers,they should have been exposed publicly and tried in open court-tell them to name the people in money laundering,bring the money back and send them to jail for a long time so no one dare to act like this against the national interest. If we criticize the govt not taking any steps against them then what else do you expect from us,sing a song in your favour- sorry we can't do that. when we talk about the poor and national interest,someone in the govt have a heartache why we mention these things ,may be the whole country is their family estate they think .I am afraid if i open up a bit more they wont have a heart attack. i was talking to a retd politican about corruption with khan baba and he said corruption is in the blood,does not make any difference who you are and what religion you belong to.he gave me a big lecture which i can't mention right now but this govt should do better and watch their ministers and bureaucrats because corruption on any level will ruin the reputation of this govt.May be my column will not appease this govt but its the reality i have said .
