Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Priest

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)

Pork meat is prohibited in Bible. Famous Christian priest Joel Osteen explains some scientific reasons in this subject.

I have shared this video with my christian colleagues and found it very helpful for Dawah.
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Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

Very good information my dear Brother.May Allah reward you for that.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

Very useful information. But as far as I know "All food were made lawful for Israel(Yaqub(as), except he himself made Haraam". Anyhow there is great Hikmat in declaring unlawful pork and its products.


Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

Very nice analysis :) hope masses catch up with it.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

The Jews were the original people who said that eating pork was not allowed or not right etc.
So, this is nothing new.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

Nice thread , and decent conversation until this idiot contra jumped into this , and as usual he had to contradict even when there is no reason to..this dumbo doesnt know it wasnt jews who "allegedly" did research into this matter ... they were told by same Allah .. but he wont understand since in his religion u can eat pig and even worship pig as god .. sad

it was same Allah who told jews not to eat pork and told christians and eventually muslims the same ..

grow up contra .. sometimes if u dont have anything nice to say .. just keep ur mouth shut ..

May Allah save us from Munafaqeens


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Pork meat is Prohibited(Scientific Reasons)-Christian Pr

The Jews were the original people who said that eating pork was not allowed or not right etc. So, this is nothing new.
The Jews are followers of Israel (as) (known as Yaqoob (as). I give you benefit of doubt that I have undeniable source, according to my faith, which says that:

"All Food were lawful for Israel, except what He himself declared as Haraam........."

I do not know what you mean by "So, this is nothing new". If you mean declaration by priest, fine. For Muslims, the eating of Pork and food containing its ingredients is unlawful. But unfortunately, for us there are so many other things are also "unlawful", but many from us "make hay while sun shines", and that is the real dilemma and cause of our so many present day problems.