Nawaz Sharif Victory Speech..

Re: نواز کیوکٹری سپیچ

Today Imran Khan has Lost Nothing , but the People of Punjub has Lost everything for next 5 years. Yes the Pushtons of KPK proved they aren't for SALE


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This ishaq daar samdhi of noora will always b finance minister, no matter what happens, this idi.ot was proves total Flop but he will again b playing with pakistan economy ,Punjab what have u done to us, very sad


اور جاگ پنجابی جاگ کا نعرہ جیت گیا ، ڈوب مرو پنجاب کے لوگو ، تمہاری وجھ سے پورے پاکستان کی مزید ایسی تیسی ہونے والی ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Sorry guys for askin this question....who won the election?
whole day i was on journey and couldn't follow the election transmission. Just came home and my elder brother silently went away although he is a die-heart pti supporter... my dad is silent as well.... i guess the worst, isn't it?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: نواز شریف کا فتح کا اعلان...

Now we will have two thieves (dakoos) Zardari and Nawaz.They will togther loot the national wealth and
launder it to their overseas accounts as they have been doing for decades.

Iam a PTI die hard fan, but remember as muslims and Pakistanis should forgive these shareef brothers, who knows may allah give them hidayat and they this time will really serve Pakistan honestly. Dont be sad IK will create a huge NAYA KPK model for next time around for entire Pakistan inshallah. TIMES are BAD, we all Pakistanis need to unite on one platform forgive everybody as everybody being humans have errors and support them for sake of pakistan right, inshallah specially be with the army also its ours.LONG LIVE PAKISTAN(bigsmile)(clap)


Minister (2k+ posts)
yeh m*drch***d yahudi ki aulad jo humain yahudi kehta hai!!! i donated party fund from overseas means i am yahudi too.....bast**d


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
oh just shut up!!! :angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile:
shut your filthy gob.Nawaz is a thief who laundered money ,defaulted on loans and took bribes from ISI.
The elections were rigged as well.What can you expect from thieves.


Voter (50+ posts)
Moman cant get bite twice from same hole!!

AHAHAHAHAHAH ..... What a fake and bookish quote!! WE GAVE THEM 6TH TURN NOW!!

iI am stupid Punjabi!

You are not helping any one by your racist comments everywhere, not even the party you are supporting.

Get life man & learn how to accept defeat. I salute Mr. Bilour for his great conceding speech.
You are not helping any one by your racist comments everywhere, not even the party you are supporting.

Get life man & learn how to accept defeat. I salute Mr. Bilour for his great conceding speech.
It has nothing to do with racism! u r in denial. What I talked what I observed. Sharif family won for 6th time in Punajb!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
people didnt vote pti because of bad langauge and dirty thaughts no one want this type of music dancing all marasi party total begharat
PTi i was playing national songs to raise the spirits.If music is bad then why don't they ban it.The jahil Pakistanis get upset about trivial matters but don't see the core issues of corruption,bad governance,nepotism,abuse of human rights etc.Good luck to them if they are happy being ruled by crooks.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Nawaz Sharif Declares Victory In Historic Election


05/11/13 08:38 PM ET EDT

ISLAMABAD — Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared victory following a historic election marred by violence Saturday, a remarkable comeback for a leader once toppled in a military coup and sent into exile.

The chief of Pakistan's election commission, Fakhruddin Ebrahim, said turnout was near 60 percent of registered voters, the highest since the 1970 election. Many Pakistanis expressed pride that so many of their fellow citizens chose to vote.
The apparent victor, Sharif, is the son of a wealthy industrialist, and his party is seen to have a pro-business stance. He is perhaps best known for testing Pakistan's first nuclear weapon in 1998.

Sharif was toppled in a military coup by then-army chief Gen. Pervez Musharraf in 1999 and spent years in exile in Saudi Arabia before returning to the country in 2007. His party came in second in the 2008 elections to the Pakistan People's Party and is seen as more religiously conservative.

Sharif faced a strong challenge from Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party. The winner of the 1992 cricket World Cup tapped into the frustrations of many Pakistani youths fed up with the country's traditional politicians.

"It's now our turn. We youngsters want our say in national affairs," said voter Rubina Riaz in Lahore.
Khan couldn't vote Saturday because he was in the hospital following a horrific accident this week at a campaign event in Lahore in which he fell off a forklift and broke three vertebrae and a rib.

Sharif countered the challenge from Khan by pointing out how much more experience in government he has and touting key projects he completed while in office, including a highway between the capital Islamabad and his hometown of Lahore.

"It's all about delivering," said Nayyar Naseem, a voter in Lahore. "Nawaz Sharif has delivered. He is experienced."
Sharif also relied on old-style Pakistani politics, which focuses on doling out political patronage, such as government jobs, to win the loyalty of voters.

The battleground between Sharif and Khan was in Pakistan's most populous province, Punjab, where both parties appealed to urban middle class voters. The province contains nearly half of the 272 directly-elected seats in the national assembly.

The outgoing Pakistan People's Party was expected to fare poorly in the election because of unhappiness with its performance leading the last government. The party, which rose to power in 2008 in part by widespread sympathy after the death of party leader Benazir Bhutto, has carried out what many called a lackluster campaign.

The vote in the southern city of Karachi was not only marred by violence Saturday, but also threats to election commission staff. The commission said it would re-do the vote at 40 polling stations in one constituency in the city.

Sharif inherits a country struggling on a number of fronts. Pakistanis suffer from rolling blackouts that can be as long as 18 hours a day as well as a stuttering economy. The government's shaky financial situation means it will likely have to seek another unpopular bailout from the International Monetary Fund.

The country is also battling Taliban militants who want to overthrow the government, while on the western border there are fears that a U.S. military departure from Afghanistan will send violence spilling over into Pakistan.

Sharif has favored negotiations with militants in the country's tribal areas. That could put him at odds with the country's powerful military, potentially exacerbating a relationship that is already prickly because of the coup carried out against the former prime minister.

While Pakistan has been under civilian rule for the last five years, the military still is considered the country's most powerful institution and usually makes the major decisions when it comes to militancy or foreign policy issues such as Afghanistan or India.

In what appeared to be a show of support for democracy in Pakistan, the country's most powerful military officer, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, went to the voting booth himself instead of mailing in his ballot. His gesture was broadcast live on local TV.

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AA Khan

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Nawaz Sharif Declares Victory In Historic Election

Congratulation to our sheer leader nawaz sharif . After a long dark night you achieve your goal and hope to start where you left