Minister (2k+ posts)

Let me tell you that mine family always voted to PML(N), but gone are days, and i fee regret over.
Sharif did more harm to Pakistan than a USA, Zardari, Gailani, Foreign hands combined togather could have, Here
is mine analysis. Kindly back with logic and facts,
He considered "Zia ul Haq" as his God father and Governed Pakistan in same way of him. He got 2/3rd majority in 96,
when he was in clear position to change fate of pakistan, he invested all energies in becoming "Amir ul Momeneen"
by fighting judiciary, military, changing laws to become more powerful, and all the stuff.
He forced "Jahangir Karamat" to resign and promoted "Musharaf" ahead of "Ali Kuli Khan" despite negative reports from agencies.
Hence he is directly responsible for all the mess Musharaf left country in like War of West, Terrorism, Balochistan, Energy crises,
Lal Masjid, Karachi, Judiciary, Benazir Murder ect...
If Shairf could have worked on merit and not forced Jahangir Karamat just to become more powerful. Pakistan could't have avoided
all the mess of "Musharaf".
I request PML(N) supporter, to kindly request their leadership to make a open apology to nation for all the mess they left country
in and to promise not to do same in future, so i can ever dare to think them vote again.
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