Nawaz Sharif Did Biggest Harm to Pakistan, Facts Included!


Minister (2k+ posts)

Let me tell you that mine family always voted to PML(N), but gone are days, and i fee regret over.

Sharif did more harm to Pakistan than a USA, Zardari, Gailani, Foreign hands combined togather could have, Here
is mine analysis. Kindly back with logic and facts,

He considered "Zia ul Haq" as his God father and Governed Pakistan in same way of him. He got 2/3rd majority in 96,
when he was in clear position to change fate of pakistan, he invested all energies in becoming "Amir ul Momeneen"
by fighting judiciary, military, changing laws to become more powerful, and all the stuff.

He forced "Jahangir Karamat" to resign and promoted "Musharaf" ahead of "Ali Kuli Khan" despite negative reports from agencies.
Hence he is directly responsible for all the mess Musharaf left country in like War of West, Terrorism, Balochistan, Energy crises,
Lal Masjid, Karachi, Judiciary, Benazir Murder ect...

If Shairf could have worked on merit and not forced Jahangir Karamat just to become more powerful. Pakistan could't have avoided
all the mess of "Musharaf".

I request PML(N) supporter, to kindly request their leadership to make a open apology to nation for all the mess they left country
in and to promise not to do same in future, so i can ever dare to think them vote again.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Let me tell you that mine family always voted to PML(N), but gone are days, and i fee regret over.

Sharif did more harm to Pakistan than a USA, Zardari, Gailani, Foreign hands combined togather could have, Here
is mine analysis. Kindly back with logic and facts,

He considered "Zia ul Haq" as his God father and Governed Pakistan in same way of him. He got 2/3rd majority in 96,
when he was in clear position to change fate of pakistan, he invested all energies in becoming "Amir ul Momeneen"
by fighting judiciary, military, changing laws to become more powerful, and all the stuff.

He forced "Jahangir Karamat" to resign and promoted "Musharaf" ahead of "Ali Kuli Khan" despite negative reports from agencies.
Hence he is directly responsible for all the mess Musharaf left country in like War of West, Terrorism, Balochistan, Energy crises,
Lal Masjid, Karachi, Judiciary, Benazir Murder ect...

If Shairf could have worked on merit and not forced Jahangir Karamat just to become more powerful. Pakistan could't have avoided
all the mess of "Musharaf".

I request PML(N) supporter, to kindly request their leadership to make a open apology to nation for all the mess they left country
in and to promise not to do same in future, so i can ever dare to think them vote again.

They already made apology to Jeddah


Minister (2k+ posts)
I fail to even understand what sort of people consider Sharifs as their leaders. I wont talk about his corruption, lies and hypocrisy. Not even argue about how he and his supporters attacked Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1997.

But a person who is so coward to run away to either Jeddah or London whenever he is faced with a difficulty, how can he become a leader? He farted, wrote an apology letter and ran away to Jeddah along with his family and lived there for 9 fu*king years enjoying his life in palace when people like Javed Hashmi spent years in Adiala Jail. Then, again in Raymond Davis case, he farted and ran away to London and lived there for 3 weeks in the name of heart disease.

Kyon bhaag jaata hai ye Phattuon ki tarah hamesha?


Minister (2k+ posts)
I fail to even understand what sort of people consider Sharifs as their leaders. I wont talk about his corruption, lies and hypocrisy. Not even argue about how he and his supporters attacked Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1997.

But a person who is so coward to run away to either Jeddah or London whenever he is faced with a difficulty, how can he become a leader? He farted, wrote an apology letter and ran away to Jeddah along with his family and lived there for 9 fu*king years enjoying his life in palace when people like Javed Hashmi spent years in Adiala Jail. Then, again in Raymond Davis case, he farted and ran away to London and lived there for 3 weeks in the name of heart disease.

Kyon bhaag jaata hai ye Phattuon ki tarah hamesha?

Absoluteyly spott on. I do also fail to understand ppl still believing them and considering them leaders. But its not their fautl, they don't know what leader means as no leadership been developed in country from years.


Minister (2k+ posts)
PMLN be GT road party in next election & or able to get 30-35 seats in NA..........................

AOA, the way PMLn loosing grip on Punjab becoz of bad Goverance.............and Hazara is gone also.......looks like if they won 30 seats ..........that be a miracle...............
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: PMLN be GT road party in next election & or able to get 30-35 seats in NA..........................

30 seats including Provincial seats then I think you are right !!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: PMLN be GT road party in next election & or able to get 30-35 seats in NA..........................

They will won only 12 seat of NA

Zulfi Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: PMLN be GT road party in next election & or able to get 30-35 seats in NA..........................

Brothers, PML(N) may repeat its history of 2002 election when it got 18 seats.
PML(N) is losing its popularity abruptly; it has downgraded from 67% to 41%
in Punjab. It may further lose till elections are held in 2013.

If PML(N) loses its popularity, PTI will grab its seats inshallah! Geo Imran Khan!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sharif did more harm to Pakistan than a USA, Zardari, Gailani, Foreign hands combined togather could have, Here
is mine analysis. Kindly back with logic and facts,

Wow, so Nawaz did more harm then USA, Zardari, Gillani and all foreign hands like India, Iran etc. It is becoming clear day by day that the sole purpose of PTI existence is to blame PMLN. Now look here can any sane person such a claim? You people don't get it Nawaz by behaving himself still has an upper hand no matter what you do, the more you malign Nawaz the more people are going to sympathize with him.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
apology is not enough, is ko aur iss k poray khandan ko lahore ki sarkon per latka kar sare amm phansi dayni chahye...

takay ainda koi jurat na kar sakhay is qoom k saath ghaddari karnay ke


MPA (400+ posts)
Coward tu ho ga hi jo Leader jalsa mai logo sai 100 meter door bullet proof glass mai speech karta hi us ki mai kiya juraat uur bahadari ho gii.

mai phir kaho ga Na.Liaq, Na,liaq hi hota hai chahay Shahbaz ho ya Nawaz


Minister (2k+ posts)
Wow, so Nawaz did more harm then USA, Zardari, Gillani and all foreign hands like India, Iran etc. It is becoming clear day by day that the sole purpose of PTI existence is to blame PMLN. Now look here can any sane person such a claim? You people don't get it Nawaz by behaving himself still has an upper hand no matter what you do, the more you malign Nawaz the more people are going to sympathize with him.

Lets put it this way to help you understanding simple point and its not a emotional but factual plea,

1. By Participating in WOT not only we lost 40,000 ppl but also 60 Billion Dollar Financial loss. We did't had
many choices but we gone to extent handing over our own ppl in containers, destroying our infrastructure
in heavy traffic of containers, investment cease due to terrorism. Do you agree ??

2. Lal Masjid incident triggered the bombings and terrorism, resulting in deaths of many and investors running away.

3. Balochistan issue handled in most brutal way possible. Results ?? We know all..

These are some highlights of Musharaf regime. He could't have been Chief had Sharif not promoted him not following
the merits and agencies reports. Argument is such a simple and we can chose to remain in denial. Whenever a problem
is analysed, root causes are identified. And if Musharaf is the root cause of actual mess in Pakistan then how Sharif
who promoted him out of way can get away from responsibility ???

ITs not question of whome we follow or not, its more of question of country and culpirts who took our country to
this stage. All we want is that he comes forward and apologies for "Musharaf" appointment by not following merits
so it can heal a bit wounds of the nation.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Wow, so Nawaz did more harm then USA, Zardari, Gillani and all foreign hands like India, Iran etc. It is becoming clear day by day that the sole purpose of PTI existence is to blame PMLN. Now look here can any sane person such a claim? You people don't get it Nawaz by behaving himself still has an upper hand no matter what you do, the more you malign Nawaz the more people are going to sympathize with him.

کن لوگوں کی بات کر رے ہو جناب جو ایک بوری اٹا اور ایک گھی کے ڈبے پر اس ملک کے مستقبل کا سودا کرتے رے ہے وہ اور وقت تھا تب لوگوں میں اس بات شعور کم تھا کے ان کا یہ ووٹ اٹےکی بوری اور گھی کے ڈبے سے زیادہ اہم ہے آج لوگ جان گے ہیں اگر ان کو اپنا اور اپنے بچوں کا مستقبل ان لوٹیروں سے بچانا ہے تو ان کو ووٹ عمران خان کو دینا ہوگا نہیں تو یہ زرداری اور نورا دونو باری باری ملک لوٹیں گے اور دونو مفاد پرست ہیں کوئی بھی عوام سے مخلص نہیں ہے یہ میڈیا جتنا بھی گندا ہو ایک کام انہو نے بہت اچھا کیا ہے لوگوں کو جگا دیا ہے ان مفاد پرستوں کے چہروں سے نقاب اتر چکی ہے اگر آپ کی آنکھ کا پردہ ابھی نہیں اترا تو جناب کسی اچھے ماہر نفسیات کو دیکھائیں آنکہ کا مسلہ نہیں ہے دماغ میں خلل ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There is no where for nawaz sharif to go...
If he runs from the country now, IK will get him deported from saudi when he comes to power, and have him tried for treason, corruption, default, money laundering and mis use of govt resources. And have him and his familys assets frozen in UK and elsewhere.

If he does not run and tries to prevent Pti from coming to power with his dirty politics and propaganda... he is still going to get washed away in the Tsunami. Ik will still become PM... Nawaz and Zardaris names will be put of ECL if they take this option.

I dont see a third option so Nawaz career is nearing its end were going to see desperation now from PPP and PMLN to save this system, status quo is a sinking ship. They cant stop the change because it has already come.

PMLN is trying to hurt PTI vote bank. If you vote for PMLN then there will be hung parliament, there trying to get PPP in power again but trying to break PTI vote bank.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Let me tell you that mine family always voted to PML(N), but gone are days, and i fee regret over.

Sharif did more harm to Pakistan than a USA, Zardari, Gailani, Foreign hands combined togather could have, Here
is mine analysis. Kindly back with logic and facts,

He considered "Zia ul Haq" as his God father and Governed Pakistan in same way of him. He got 2/3rd majority in 96,
when he was in clear position to change fate of pakistan, he invested all energies in becoming "Amir ul Momeneen"
by fighting judiciary, military, changing laws to become more powerful, and all the stuff.

He forced "Jahangir Karamat" to resign and promoted "Musharaf" ahead of "Ali Kuli Khan" despite negative reports from agencies.
Hence he is directly responsible for all the mess Musharaf left country in like War of West, Terrorism, Balochistan, Energy crises,
Lal Masjid, Karachi, Judiciary, Benazir Murder ect...

If Shairf could have worked on merit and not forced Jahangir Karamat just to become more powerful. Pakistan could't have avoided
all the mess of "Musharaf".

I request PML(N) supporter, to kindly request their leadership to make a open apology to nation for all the mess they left country
in and to promise not to do same in future, so i can ever dare to think them vote again.

A part from political damage NS has caused untold financial damage to Pakistan.
I will write another article soon on what impact he had in the destruction of Pakistan. All what they tried to claim their achievements, are in fact caused destruction of Pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
A part from political damage NS has caused untold financial damage to Pakistan.
I will write another article soon on what impact he had in the destruction of Pakistan. All what they tried to claim their achievements, are in fact caused destruction of Pakistan.

Not to mention Motorway scam. Motorways are supposed to reduce travel between major cities and capital for trade and communication purpose. But this is the only motorway in world which did the opposite. Mr. Sharif shortest distance between two point is a straight line not the plots of your beneficiaries.


Minister (2k+ posts)
next time give vote some better person please

Brother so true the timeline of Sharif regime. It reflect exactly my life timeline. But its never too late.
Had Musharaf not stolen 10years of this country, they would hv been exposed lot earlier.
