Muqabil 12th December 2016 - New Army Leadership And Panama Case


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
​This pakistani judiciary is part of the problem not part of solution.You want to see fair judments from these judges ,,,,,,,,,,,, GOOD LUCK


Sultan Alvi

Minister (2k+ posts)
Aamar Mateen Sahib, please don't tell us that you don't know whether Nawaz Sharif is honest or not. Judges don't have the balls to give a judgment against Noora Nawaz.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Judiciary carries the onus for trying to dissipate and delay the results of Panama case.
People most likely have not gained any trust in the judiciary which is a huge blow in the strong box of the judiciary. SC had an opportunity to correct decades old damaged image of the judiciary, and now they have placed themselves in the category of being politically aligned and NOT standing up for the right, for the people or for rule of law.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
See the body language of PM meeting with Gen Bajwa in one of the clips. tell tale signs of the real feelings.

jaago jaago

MPA (400+ posts)
.. Ex cheif J was nothing more than a topi drama. He was selling his adalti manjan to increase his boli. Now he try his best to save ganjjjjja and company bastaaaaaaard .
