Is this topic boring " WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED"


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I noticed that not a single member want to comment on the article posted under this thread "WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED". I see members debating endlessly on unnecessary topics. Is unity of Muslims not important to us? Does it mean that this is a "boring" topic? Or are we scared of knowing the truth. I make all of you witness that I have delivered the message that keeping intact to Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) is the only way to keep Muslims united.

Allaah says: "And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (i.e., this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves." Surah Aali-`Imraan [3:103]

Now a days Muslims are judging their beliefs based on the sayings of Durwaish, Peer, Faqeer, Walis and Imams etc. but not as per Allah's instructions:

"And if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it back to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allaah and in the Last Day. That is more suitable for final determination." Surat-un-Nisaa' [4:59].

"refer it back to Allaah" = Qur'aan
"and His Messenger" = Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????)

Following is the link to the thread posted under heading"WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED" :

Please if you find something against Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) in the above thread then please let me know so that I may correct myself. But it has to be against Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) NOT against saying of Durwaish, Peer, Faqeer, Walis and Imams etc.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistani1947 said:
I noticed that not a single member want to comment on the article posted under this thread "WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED". I see members debating endlessly on unnecessary topics. Is unity of Muslims not important to us? Does it mean that this is a "boring" topic? Or are we scared of knowing the truth. I make all of you witness that I have delivered the message that keeping intact to Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) is the only way to keep Muslims united.

Allaah says: "And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (i.e., this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves." Surah Aali-`Imraan [3:103]

Now a days Muslims are judging their beliefs based on the sayings of Durwaish, Peer, Faqeer, Walis and Imams etc. but not as per Allah's instructions:

"And if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it back to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allaah and in the Last Day. That is more suitable for final determination." Surat-un-Nisaa' [4:59].

"refer it back to Allaah" = Qur'aan
"and His Messenger" = Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????)

Following is the link to the thread posted under heading"WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED" :

I guess now you got the answer.. no one reply to this post.just your title says..Muslims are divided..


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistani1947 said:
I noticed that not a single member want to comment on the article posted under this thread "WHY MUSLIMS ARE SO DIVIDED". I see members debating endlessly on unnecessary topics. Is unity of Muslims not important to us? Does it mean that this is a "boring" topic? Or are we scared of knowing the truth. I make all of you witness that I have delivered the message that keeping intact to Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) is the only way to keep Muslims united.

I was waiting to see all the Indian guys kicked out before I could comment [funnny]

seriously brother, you have picked a subject that requires huge amount of time amd analysis and lots of knowledge. This is a very complex subject

all I can say in one senetence: we left Quran and Sunnah


Councller (250+ posts)
We are not following what we were being told. Instead,We are too busy trying to make balance between deen, dunya and wut not. certainly, one can not blame others for this (divide n rule).

hmmmm... pakistani1947 there is no such thing as nationalism in islam.

***If everything fails read the instructions.***


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I agree 100 % this is the most important topic for all Muslims.
Qur'aan and Sunnah (??? ???? ???? ???? ????) is the only way to keep Muslims united.
But in my point of view we are lacking truely honost leadership in all Islamic countries and where Muslims are minorty they are living under tough conditios and have less Freedom and in Muslim majority countries are full of CRUPT leaders who are just looting their own people and people are taking this in hope one day true leaders will serve them as their SERVANTS.
I would like to add one more point if we are UNITED let say we have issue like Danmark
my answer to that is PEACEFULLY all Muslims must do i.e SOCIAL BY-COUGHT DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM DANMARK.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I agree to gazoo bhai (not relating to indian kicking :-) ) but as this is complex topic, v difficult to explain views. As for this there should be one aalim or expert personality of this topic.. I was searching for one hadith in Mushkath Sharif (video posted by pshyco about kharjis) i didnot find in all the three volumes, instead i find v interesting hadeeths relating to FITNA & PREDICTIONS before day of judgement..
I am compiling these & will insha ALLAH share with all u guys.
About muslim divided, there is v clear hadith in that collection.
Sorry for not taking part in this. As i have v little knowledge..

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistani1947 said:
Now a days Muslims are judging their beliefs based on the sayings of Durwaish, Peer, Faqeer, Walis and Imams etc. but not as per Allah's instructions:

If you will judge beliefs of Muslims like your above statement then dont even imagine the unity of Muslims. Such statements will only be helpful to further divide the Ummah.

We could not achieve unity unless we educate ourselves about the different schools of thought on academic ground and tolerate the difference of opinions.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hope it will clearify some doubts..


Minister (2k+ posts)
"WHY, So divided"

a) Ramifications of the everlasting effects started from the War of Jamal (Camel War) due to political strife;
b) Feud between two strong dynasties in the Islamic history, Abbasi and Ummayad, again nothing on religion but for political gains and identities.
c) Depend more ( or permit me to say that 100 percent depending) on the Institution of Hadith, than Quran.
d) Mutual rivalries between Muslims Ulema and a level of extreme "intolerance" in Muslims.
e) Illiteracy of the Highest level. thus leading to the dependency upon others than to learn something themselves.

f) Hypocricy: When confronted that what is this Hanfi, Shafi, Hanbali etc, then instead of accepting the reality of "sects", just side track the issue by saying that these are not sects but "Madhab".

g) Politics on the basis of religion: Leaders use and abuse religion in politics but do not do any service to "religion" when they are actually in Power.

h) Reducing the Quran to the level of just reading it on ceremonial occasions without knowing its guiding principles.

i) Waiting for something from someone else for solving their problems.

ii) Past-worshipers, ignoring the present realities, and planning-less for future.

I think it is enough for the time now.


Minister (2k+ posts)
We are divided becouse we have left the book of Allah and thereby
the original Islam.

This write up discusses an important issue related to " Islam of to-day" as against the original Islam that was established by our Prophet Mohammad( S) .




In course of his Presidential address in the annual session of the All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, Allama Iqbal while presenting his demand for a new Islamic State, said," .....I therefore demand the formation of a consolidated North- Western Indian Muslim State in the best interest of India and Islam.

For India, it means security and peace resulting from an internal balance of power, for Islam an opportunity to rid itself of the stamp that Arabian imperialism was forced to give it, to mobilize its laws, its education, its culture and to bring them into close contact with its own original spirit and with the spirit of modern times".

He further elaborated the said view-point in his monumental work, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam ( 6th lecture ) wherein he said, He deplores that during the course of history the moral and social ideals of Islam have been gradually de- Islamized through the influence of local character and pre-Islamic superstitions of Muslim nations. The ideals to-day are more Iranian, Turkish or Arabian than Islamic.The only alternative open to us, then, is to tear off from Islam the hard crust which has immobilized an essentially dynamic outlook on life, and to rediscover the original verities of freedom, equality and solidarity with a view to rebuild our moral, social and political ideals out of their original simplicity and universality.

The term Ajami Islam used by Iqbal vis-a-vis the original pristine Islam, refers to the degradation of real Islam after the reign of khulafa-I-Rashidin ,as described below:--

The rapid conquests made in the neighboring Persian and Roman empires by Arabs, led to conversion to Islam of Iranians, Romans and others, en-masse. This massive conversion, however, hurt cause of Islam a lot more than promoting it as the masses accepted Islam without understanding its concepts and precepts. Real and calamitous damage was done by their religious leaders and chieftains who had not digested their defeat and humiliation at the hands of Arabs.
Outwardly, they posed themselves as Muslims but in their hearts, they despised Islam and Muslims and conspired to take revenge not physically because they were vanquished but on intellectual level. They were far more learned than the Arabs. What they did was to introduce their own or other non-Islamic concepts and practices among Muslims, under the pretext of it being Islamic ones. Gradually and steadily they replaced most of the Islamic teachings with their fabricated fake and distorted versions.
Iqbal calls it Ajami conspiracy against Islam . This eventually resulted in converting Islam (Deen) into Ajami Islam ( Mazhab).

It is necessary to understand the meaning and significance of the terms Deen and Mazhab before we proceed further. The English word religion is usually translated as madhhab and since Islam is generally described in English as madhhab, the word madhhab has come to be used for it in Urdu also. This, however, is a fallacy. Islam is not a religion in the ordinary sense of the term. The word Mazhab does not occur anywhere in the Quran. The Quran has, instead used the word Iddeenfor Islam. Deen is a broader and deeper concept than religion. Religion usually means, a set of dogmas, an elaborate ritual and a host of trivial practices. Deen as presented in the Quran, is not a matter of ritual or ceremonial. Religion is nothing more than a sort of private relationship between man and his Creator. It is the experience of an individual of a purely subjective nature having no relation with the world affairs. On the other hand Islam is neither a private relationship between man and God, nor is it characterized as being the experience of an individual of a subjective nature; but is essentially a code of life regulating the conduct of affairs concerning the individual as well as the collective life of human beings. Islam, as Iqbal puts it,is neither a dogma, nor priesthood, nor even ritual. It aims at the establishment of a social order based on permanent values (enshrined in the Holy Quran), whose members strive for a higher and noble cause of making mans abode on earth beautiful as also making him fit for further evolutionary stages of life, herein after.

The injunctions and principles enshrined in the Quran, form the corner stone of Islamic polity and the limits laid down by it provide the framework within which the laws of the Islamic State are to be formulated. These principles or limits or framework, are immutable but the statutes made by the state within these four corners, are open to modification according to needs of time. The Divine Laws in its original form and contents have been meticulously preserved in the Quran. So long these laws remain in their original form, these constitute the Deen, but when these are tampered with extraneous matter like fabricated traditions,forged history etc. they fall from their high pedestal and become what in known as mazhab( religion).

The primary aim and objective of the Quran is directed toward the establishment of a universal order based on the Divinely-ordained values as enunciated in the Quran; and the Islamic State is the agency for the enforcement of these laws and injunctions in the country..


Minister (2k+ posts)
The primary aim and objective of the Quran is directed toward the establishment of a universal order based on the Divinely-ordained values as enunciated in the Quran; and the Islamic State is the agency for the enforcement of these laws and injunctions in the country.
Perfect and absolutely correct. But the ongoing "aim & objective" of Quran is:
a) get from it two to three surahs, just recite them at the opening of
a speech on whatever purpose it may be.
b) Read it only for the sake of reading in the hope of getting "ten rewards for its one word"
c) Read it for the dead and then enjoy the feast.
d) project it as the "most difficult to understand", "only few to understand", tie it with
specific personalities or a dynasty.
e) The extreme ignorance in certain remote parts, to marry the girls with it.(to say that such n such girl has been only married to Quran), Astagfarullah.

Division of Muslims is, because they themselves wish to remain divided for their own motives or interests.