India 5th most powerful nation, says govt index


Senator (1k+ posts)
By year 2020 - 2030 , India will have population enough to sleep on almost every inch of the country. To avert zero ratio of land to people, India will have option on hand:
1. send 100's of millions to other countries with empty land. due to the terrorist behavior of Indian they will not be accepted willingly. the only place they can settle would be northern belt of the US from Montana to Wisconsin - lots of empty land. In the south, from South Carolina to Arizona - California os already populated. But by 2050, the States in the Us forming the letter U, from Maine to Florida, to California, to Washing State will be begging to join Pakistan or Pakistan will be able to buy all the green states due the fallen economy of US. Americans at the time, all unemployed, hungry belly, homeless, jobless will see Pakistan's interest free economy as the timely blessing, much needed. Americans will overwhelmingly approve the take over by Pakistan.

so India will consider attacking neighors for land but you can win or loose war but what do you do with the conquored population? It will make it worse because the conquored population will add to the misery of India. So India will have no choice but to apply for becoming part of Pakistan.

Unfortunately I will not be around to see buy my grand children will witness it.

Uncle, Drug is very bad habit .. Please try to Quit!!!!