"GO NAWAZ GO" a new twist best so far


Senator (1k+ posts)

This is the best one yet [hilar]


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
زبردست خاص طور پے نواز شریف کے تاثرات


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

اور جاوید ہاشمی خود ہی ختم ہو گیا نواز شریف کی کرسی جاتی دیکھ کر .سیاسی جاسوس
لیکن اس کی گھناؤنی سازش کے باوجود نواز شریف نہیں بچنے والا.

Captain Safdar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

Bilawal KPK kee taraf back ker kay kioon sota hay??? :P

Afaq Chaudhry

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

آپ ٹانگیں توڑنے کی بات کر رہے ہیں ،انھوں نے تو ملک ہی توڑ دیا تھا ،ویسے بھی آج کل حکومت میں نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے سندھی عصبیت کی پرچار بن گئی ہے یہ جماعت
اب دیکھیں بلاول کیا رنگ دکھاتا ہے.نانا کی نقش قدم پر چلتا ہے یا کوئی سبق حاصل کرتا ہے

Captain Safdar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اور جاوید ہاشمی خود ہی ختم ہو گیا نواز شریف کی کرسی جاتی دیکھ کر .سیاسی جاسوس
لیکن اس کی گھناؤنی سازش کے باوجود نواز شریف نہیں بچنے والا.

or yeh Javiad Hashmi to Kursi daikhtay hee aankhain bandh ker laita hay........Ghaddar-e-aaala :angry_smile:


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

We gotta look at other sources too, as per certain journalists Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto never uttered such words (I am not trying to defend his daughter, son-in-law or grandchildren). It was Jung Group or some other establishment backed outlet who attached this slogan to Bhutto sahab.

If we blame Bhutto for breaking the country then what side will you be on when it comes to genocide and atrocities committed by Pakistan Army as well as Mukti Bahini in then East Pakistan?

Moreover racism was indeed shown to Bengali brothers by our elites and bureaucrats. 54 % population East Wing may hai 46 % West may aur history may pehli dafa kabhi koi majority separate hoker apna alag mulk bunati hai. Kamaal hai

Baqi geographically bhi West aur East Pakistan ki locations vague thein. Punjab buttgaya, J&K disputed hogaya, aur idhar U.P., C.P. aur Bihar one piece may India ke khate may dalte hue Bengal ko divide kiya gaya


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

آپ ٹانگیں توڑنے کی بات کر رہے ہیں ،انھوں نے تو ملک ہی توڑ دیا تھا ،ویسے بھی آج کل حکومت میں نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے سندھی عصبیت کی پرچار بن گئی ہے یہ جماعت
اب دیکھیں بلاول کیا رنگ دکھاتا ہے.نانا کی نقش قدم پر چلتا ہے یا کوئی سبق حاصل کرتا ہے

bhai main bhutto ka bohot baRa fan hon ....

bcuz of one reason there was something in this man which has forced world + establishment to create IJI (with help of all *MUNA*FIQEEN) ... at the same time among all the older parties, I respect JI because there is no dynastic politics.

But seriously I really want to know is this true that he did not give bengalis their rights?

@ admin another word that I wanted to write "**********" was censored. Why ????
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

I hate PPP but the fact is, this issue started from the above mentioned statement of Z.Bhutto but negotiations took place & both Mujeeb & ZAB eventually agreed to form coalition govt. but then Yahya Khan started Army Operation in East Pakistan & negotiations broke down. Then we all know Indian interfered & rest is history.
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Afaq Chaudhry

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

bhai main bhutto ka bohot baRa fan hon ....

bcuz of one reason there was something in this man which has forced world + establishment to create IJI (with help of all **********) ... at the same time among all the older parties, I respect JI because there is no dynastic politics.

But seriously I really want to know is this true that he did not give bengalis their rights?
Its so simple that Mujeeb got majority and this was his right to form the govt,but Zulfiqar Bhutto refused to accept his demand, so he threthened all west Pakistan members not to participate in Dakha.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

this ****** was more eager then MUJIB-UR-REHMAN to make PAKISTAN


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Is this true about Bhutto that he did not give right to Mujeeb to form a govt?

اس کے نانا نے کہا تھا ہم ہزار سال تک انڈیا سے لڑیں گے مگر جاتے جاتے پاکستان کو ہی لڑ گیا اب دیکھیں یہ نیا سپولیا کیا رنگ دکھاتا ہے
