Get Out of USA's war on(of) Terror before Pakistan becomes a War Zone


MPA (400+ posts)
The fact that this was published in Washington Post means this is very very serious for Pakistan. Afghanistan's war should never have been pushed in Pakistan. Unfortunately musharraf did it for USA and now things are getting worse.


MPA (400+ posts)
Vietnam vs. USA. Combodia and Laos were bombed ruthlessly and Vietnam fought with courage. Vietnam won, USA lost and transported the Vietnam war to Laos and Combodia.

Afghanistan vs. USA. Pakistan is being bombed ruthlessly. Afghanistan is fighting with courage. Afghanistan is winning, USA has lost and now transporting the Afghanistan war to Pakistan.

Vietnam's history and Afghanistan's is going the same way. History is repeating itself. rightly said


Vietnam won so will Afghanistan. Pakistan ka hashar Laos aur Combodia wala ho ga agar USA ke sath cooperation jari raha to


Petraeus if confirmed CIA Chief will fight 3rd war in Pak: report
Updated 4 weeks ago

NEW YORK: General David H. Petraeus has served as commander in two wars launched by the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. If confirmed as the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Petraeus would effectively take command of a third in Pakistan, Washington Post published in its report.

Petraeuss nomination comes at a time when the CIA functions, more than ever in its history, as an extension of the nations lethal military force.

CIA teams operate alongside U.S. special operations forces in conflict zones from Afghanistan to Yemen. The agency has also built up a substantial paramilitary capability of its own. But perhaps most significantly, the agency is in the midst of what amounts to a sustained bombing campaign over Pakistan using unmanned Predator and Reaper drones.

Since Obama took office there have been at least 192 drone missile strikes. Petraeus is seen as a staunch supporter of the drone campaign, even though it has so far failed to eliminate the al-Qaeda threat or turn the tide of the Afghan war.

His nomination coincides with new strains in the CIAs relationship with its counterpart in Pakistan, and a chaotic reshuffling of the political landscape in the Middle East.

During an interview late last year in Islamabad, a high-ranking Pakistani intelligence official repeatedly referred to the U.S. commander as Mr. Petraeus, refusing to acknowledge his military rank.

Now Patreaus has been confirmed CIA chief and his third war in Pakistan is getting started. Our generals think that cooperation with USA is necessary. YE soch hume le dobe gi


Senator (1k+ posts)
We actually will be better off, without these US thugs' relationship. These 10 years of humiliation and bloody terrorism, and murder of civilians as well as army jawans are the gifts of the US. US has always been a cowardly country as soon as the casualties mount, the public pressure will twist their arm to remove themselves from the region which is the sure possibility about Afghanistan[the graveyard of empires], let these thugs get to fend for themselves. Kick pro-US elements like civilian govt. and the rubber stamp parliament, ensure that these Zardari and other cowards are quarantined from the power structure, And tax these US NATO supply line to the max and threaten them the way they do to us in cutting that suply line anf gettting benefits in more money from these US terrorists. these cowards will pay up.
ISI and Pak army if they are serious about saving Pakistan need to focus on the US presence in our cities and treat this matter as an intelligence and security breach.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Its political leadership's duty to get nation united. But these selfish leaders can't do this. If they do this how can they earn profit from their political shops.
Supreme command of all forces is in hand of president of country Asif Zardari.

Those who keep on barking that USA's war of terror is our war should stop tis at once.

Pakistanis should wake up.


Any Al Qaeda or Pakistani Taliban will have no reason to be used by RAW, Mossad or CIA after Pakistan declares that Pakistan is not a part of War of Terror.


Its our responsibility . . . What we need is a sit in Dharna of the scale of what did by Hizbullah in Lebenan . . . . The venue will be the GHQ


Imran khan would never do dat

We have to do it . . . . We have to gather drop by drop to form a river or a sea . . . . Imran have the guts and we d got a leader in his form even how imperfect he may be . . . .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
who will do it?

We just need one person of integrity and 180 million will follow him.Dont forget Mr Muhammed Ali Jinnah singlehandedly secured this Country inspite overwhelming odds.He outflanked both cunning Indian politicians and The British.If you have read the history most of Muslim League leaders even at that time were not very different from the present lot,with very few exceptions.Mr Jinnah knew that very well.If you go thru period between Mr Jinnah's death and Ayub Khan's martial law in Oct 1958,facts are astounding.Very similar to what is happening today.Ayub Khan took advantage of that and here we are today fifty three years after......!!!!!


Not MQM but ISI . . . Who cleared the way for Dharna . . . MQM cant even control Karachi so how could they challenge the ISI