Chicanery No More: COAS Sends Message To US Thru Ahmed Shuja Pasha !!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
UK gives 128000.00 pounds of aid annually but the question is did India asked for it? the answer is no. I don't know why the British are debating weather they should continue or not when it is clear that they should not.

China receives more AID then India check this out as well with the same question did they asked for it? the answer is no.

I hope you are correct if in future if Pakistan is economical viable it would be good for every one and cure many other diseases associated with it.

I told you to stop your non-sense, Pakistanis had been well off compare to Indians over the decades. Your so-called shining is limited to few opportunists. Majority of Indians are very poor, over 1 billion live on less than Rs 50 a day. Get a reality check.

You are wrong, India is a beggar country. You shouldn't point the fingers at Pakistan, look at your own house. No need to bring China in to the discussion, Chinese are not claiming they are the richest people on the face of the earth, nor are they calling Pakistanis beggars.

You are foolish to think only UK gives you aid.

Here is the proof;



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indians call centre miracle at work; Cheap labour

Paul or David AKA Bhagwan Lal taking tech support call at Microsoft call centre.[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]


I told you to stop your non-sense, Pakistanis had been well off compare to Indians over the decades. Your so-called shining is limited to few opportunists. Majority of Indians are very poor, over 1 billion live on less than Rs 50 a day. Get a reality check.

You are wrong, India is a beggar country. You shouldn't point the fingers at Pakistan, look at your own house. No need to bring China in to the discussion, Chinese are not claiming they are the richest people on the face of the earth, nor are they calling Pakistanis beggars.

You are foolish to think only UK gives you aid.

Here is the proof;

You still have not shown me when did India went out to beg. You posted this graph only to support what I said. You having come from financial background should know how countries keep their books. During Tsunami in Indonesia a few countries offered India help, we refused, they still sent some of it via NGOs guess how are they going to balance their books and which account will be credited and which will be debited.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You still have not shown me when did India went out to beg. You posted this graph only to support what I said. You having come from financial background should know how countries keep their books. During Tsunami in Indonesia a few countries offered India help, we refused, they still sent some of it via NGOs guess how are they going to balance their books and which account will be credited and which will be debited.

Well, you can not show Pakistani people went out to beg either. The Politicians do, because they make money out of it. Still not getting it? There is no difference, Pakistan had been far better compare to your lot for over 55 years, and we never looked down at you. In last few years you got little economics going, and you act like you are the richest people on earth. Shame for you over 1bn people that is 1/6 of the whole human kind live on less than Rs50 per day in India. Get your head examine mate.


Well, you can not show Pakistani people went out to beg either. The Politicians do, because they make money out of it. Still not getting it? There is no difference, Pakistan had been far better compare to your lot for over 55 years, and we never looked down at you. In last few years you got little economics going, and you act like you are the richest people on earth. Shame for you over 1bn people that is 1/6 of the whole human kind live on less than Rs50 per day in India. Get your head examine mate.

I agree that you have been better off in the past. I don't know where you got the figure over one billion Indians are living on less than Rs 50.00 per day. No one has said India is a rich country it ranks around number 72 out of 180 counters is still considered a poor country and we acknowledge it. Its you guys talking big.


Chicanery no more

By Salim Bokhari Hats off to Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and his corps commanders who have picked up the guts and answered back the US in the same tone and tenor as that of the former CIA chief and currently Defence Secretary Leon Panetta. While Panetta said the United States could not give a blank cheque to Pakistan, our generals boldly announced: “We’ll fight on our own.” There was, for the first time, a visible anger at the American Administration’s attitude and the threats of withholding military aid and equipment hurled by its officials. One would point to Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar’s statement exposing the chicanery of the US that it was not going to do any favour to us since this money was due for the operations that had since been carried out and missions accomplished. The minister very rightly observed that it was about time Pakistan withdrew its troops from the Western border since the deployment was costing heavily to our kitty.
Director-General of the Inter-Services Intelligence Ahmad Shuja Pasha has reached Washington for a day’s visit to convey the Pentagon leadership the resentment that came out during the corps commanders’ meeting. He will also inform his host that the Army’s top brass is unwilling to accept military assistance with strings and drone attacks are no longer bearable. He probably will also make them aware of the strong feelings of the army as well as of the people against Washington’s double standards.
What we have heard from Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta and Mike Mullen on holding back the committed military assistance is nothing but rhetoric devoid of ground realities. It is common knowledge that US policymakers, military commanders and think-tanks had long realised that they could not win the Afghan war – America’s war on terror - and that they were bound to face a humiliating defeat in the not too distant future. If they needed to have a good excuse for face saving, why should it be Pakistan to blame for things that went wrong?
Most importantly, the Americans should know that they cannot deal with Pakistan Armed Forces in a manner that they have been treating colonial armies. Pakistan is an atomic power and its Army one of the five best trained and well-equipped armies in the world. They must check with the military commanders of their new-found friend in South Asia about the calibre of Pakistani soldiers while fighting for the defence of their motherland. They must also learn from the experience of Pakistani troops fighting in Swat, Bajaur and North Waziristan.
Let there be no illusion that if the US is contemplating a direct strike against Pakistani territory, as was indicated in a statement of a Pentagon spokesman, it would meet the toughest army in the world defending its territorial integrity. We are no easy prey. Dare not any military attempt a misadventure because it would then feel sorry. Yours is a mercenary force while ours is a national army. You are fighting to occupy alien lands while we will be defending our own soil. That is a qualitative difference and you must remember that all said and done, Pakistani soldier is filled with the passion of Jehad under which he volunteers to lay down his life.
Another important factor that has forced the leadership of Pakistani armed forces is your undue tilt towards India with which your flirtation started during initially Bill Clinton’s visit to New Delhi that developed into a more intimate relations during President Obama’s India ‘yatra’ last year when he tried to build it as counterweight to China. It was because of the US undue favours to India that its army chief had the idiocy to threaten Pakistan of direct strike to secure the alleged culprits of Mumbai attacks. He was promptly given a shut up retort by COAS Kayani.
It must be mentioned here that Gen Kayani had already asked the federal government to divert the US military assistance to civilian projects obviously to express Pak Army’s rejection of the strings attached to it. The Pentagon aid would get a ready and willing reception from our eastern neighbour, with strings and all. We have enough of it!


Just see the today's news . . . . Ha ha ha ha

I think the COAS message was . . . . Mr. America give us more dollars and I ll sell my mother even . . . .

What Pasha did was He licked Deputy Director Morrel B A L L S . . . . Result is the restoration of Aid, Arrival Back of American Advisors and the lost of the last pockets of Shame . . . . .

Hell to these Munafiqeens . . . .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Just see the today's news . . . . Ha ha ha ha

I think the COAS message was . . . . Mr. America give us more dollars and I ll sell my mother even . . . .

What Pasha did was He licked Deputy Director Morrel B A L L S . . . . Result is the restoration of Aid, Arrival Back of American Advisors and the lost of the last pockets of Shame . . . . .

Hell to these Munafiqeens . . . .

Scorpion, I am sure you are either an agent or an Indian in guise. Shuja could have also said to them, you are bound to pay us the money we already spent on your behalf.

He could have showed them the consequences of their stupidity, and American asses realised their moronic thinking would be disaster for them. You should know the time of withdrawal is the most dangerous for an army, without getting Taliban on board, American assess will be toasted.

Americans know this too well, it can not be achieved without Pakistan.

I give you example, Pakistan had been bombarding "Kunar" and Nuristan for days now, since its posts got attack by the terrorists sent by Karzai and Americans.

But Americans are smart, they don't say anything directly, they push their dog Karzai to level accusations. Americans knows Pakistan will strike hard against those trained terrorists. Proxy war already in progress if you failed to notice.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Daft, how did you get to the conclusion they are my heroes? I only analyse thing in cold light of the day. But unfortunately, you are wrong on both counts. Taliban are stronger than ever, Americans have to leave them in power, you think they are going to let Karzai traitor on the helm? Americans are more stupid than they look. Taliban have given a clear message by killing his brother, who was a big American assets in drug running all around the world.

As for the book, OBL was finished ages ago, either dead or incapacitated years ago. Killing him does not effect the organisation. But look in reality, the ideology has spread world wide. How many Americans are going to kill?

As for Taliban, they would be a power for years, who else going to come to defeat them now? India? [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

Yeah they are going to be there soon


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Scorpion, I am sure you are either an agent or an Indian in guise. Shuja could have also said to them, you are bound to pay us the money we already spent on your behalf.

He could have showed them the consequences of their stupidity, and American asses realised their moronic thinking would be disaster for them. You should know the time of withdrawal is the most dangerous for an army, without getting Taliban on board, American assess will be toasted.

Americans know this too well, it can not be achieved without Pakistan.

I give you example, Pakistan had been bombarding "Kunar" and Nuristan for days now, since its posts got attack by the terrorists sent by Karzai and Americans.

But Americans are smart, they don't say anything directly, they push their dog Karzai to level accusations. Americans knows Pakistan will strike hard against those trained terrorists. Proxy war already in progress if you failed to notice.

Thanks.Very well said.When they talk to the press they always use diplomatic language and it's really meant to portray a certian image to their home
constituencies.I am sure Pasha must have made them realise the consequences of their stupidity.They just cannot get out of this quigmire without our support.


Scorpion, I am sure you are either an agent or an Indian in guise. Shuja could have also said to them, you are bound to pay us the money we already spent on your behalf.

He could have showed them the consequences of their stupidity, and American asses realised their moronic thinking would be disaster for them. You should know the time of withdrawal is the most dangerous for an army, without getting Taliban on board, American assess will be toasted.

Americans know this too well, it can not be achieved without Pakistan.

I give you example, Pakistan had been bombarding "Kunar" and Nuristan for days now, since its posts got attack by the terrorists sent by Karzai and Americans.

But Americans are smart, they don't say anything directly, they push their dog Karzai to level accusations. Americans knows Pakistan will strike hard against those trained terrorists. Proxy war already in progress if you failed to notice.

Dear I am a Pakistani therefore remove all your doubts and hate these filthy animals (Indians) more than any one you ve ever known . . . . The problem with you is the curse of your so called Patriotism as dut to your child hood brain washing you people consider Patriotism as some thing in relation to Military . . . . Sorry you are wrong as Patriotism is some thing that should be followed when your nation is right and compeled on the right path when on wrong . . . . .

I am sincere to Pakistan and sicerety demands that the history of this nation and the events taking place to be told to the people with all truth and no lies which especially this Pakistan Army is in the habit of making . . . .

Rest I hate this war for terror and regard every one who support this war as a Munafiq as per the teachings of Quran and Ahadees . . . . .

The confirm news of today is that the Aid been restored alongwith the permission for the American Trainers to enter Paskistan again . . . .

You want to live in dreams its up to you but I see the reality . . . . . And that is that this Army is killing its own people to earn these dollars . . . .

Desmund Tutu although a Christain has rightly said that

If at time of injustice you remains neutral . . . . than you sided the oppressor . . .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear I am a Pakistani therefore remove all your doubts and hate these filthy animals (Indians) more than any one you ve ever known . . . . The problem with you is the curse of your so called Patriotism as dut to your child hood brain washing you people consider Patriotism as some thing in relation to Military . . . . Sorry you are wrong as Patriotism is some thing that should be followed when your nation is right and compeled on the right path when on wrong . . . . .

I am sincere to Pakistan and sicerety demands that the history of this nation and the events taking place to be told to the people with all truth and no lies which especially this Pakistan Army is in the habit of making . . . .

Rest I hate this war for terror and regard every one who support this war as a Munafiq as per the teachings of Quran and Ahadees . . . . .

The confirm news of today is that the Aid been restored alongwith the permission for the American Trainers to enter Paskistan again . . . .

You want to live in dreams its up to you but I see the reality . . . . . And that is that this Army is killing its own people to earn these dollars . . . .

Desmund Tutu although a Christain has rightly said that

If at time of injustice you remains neutral . . . . than you sided the oppressor . . .

Scorpion you make too many assumptions and you talk a lot against Pakistan. Read in to my regular comments. I am not only critical of almost all the political parties but I regularly criticise General Kiyani for his wrong policies. I even criticise CJ for his inaction.

You are also foolish to say, I have learned Patriotism in some weird way, I have not learned it any way at all, I have grown up differently. So Don't label people until and unless you know them.

If you only critical of wrong decisions and wrong people in politics, than I am too, but why people don't level same accusations against me?

It is for you to think through. Think.


Scorpion you make too many assumptions and you talk a lot against Pakistan. Read in to my regular comments. I am not only critical of almost all the political parties but I regularly criticise General Kiyani for his wrong policies. I even criticise CJ for his inaction.

You are also foolish to say, I have learned Patriotism in some weird way, I have not learned it any way at all, I have grown up differently. So Don't label people until and unless you know them.

If you only critical of wrong decisions and wrong people in politics, than I am too, but why people don't level same accusations against me?

It is for you to think through. Think.


Thats what I am trying to tell you that dont label some one unless you know them . . . . and that is what you did by labelling me an Indian agent which I am not . . . . . Than you assume that I hate Pakistan since I hate the Armed forces . . . .

You hav nt learned Patriotism its up to you but I am a Patriot still which demands that I must condemn every action of our government and military which goes against Islam and humanity . . . . And that is what I am doing . . . .

And regarding the accusations dear . . . . Since I reject this evil system therefore the supporters of this system will going to accuse me . . . . And thats not a problem as I have the IQ to defend my views . . . .


Thanks.Very well said.When they talk to the press they always use diplomatic language and it's really meant to portray a certian image to their home
constituencies.I am sure Pasha must have made them realise the consequences of their stupidity.They just cannot get out of this quigmire without our support.

WASHINGTON, July 18: Pakistan has issued all 87 visas to CIA personnel as required in an understanding to renew cooperation between the ISI and the CIA, official sources told Dawn.

The understanding, finalised during talks between the ISI and CIA chiefs in Washington on Thursday has cleared the way for greater cooperation between the two agencies.

The Washington Post, however, reported that the CIA-ISI relations began to improve almost two months before the meeting last week between Lt-Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha and Michael Morell.

Posts associate editor David Ignatius reported on Monday that Islamabad had approved visas for 87 CIA personnel for deployment in Pakistan. But official sources told Dawn that all visas had already been issued.

This brings CIAs strength in Pakistan to what it was before January when relations between the two agencies nosedived after a CIA contractor Raymond Davis was arrested in Lahore for killing two Pakistani citizens. The Post reported that under new rules agreed between Gen Pasha and Mr Morell, the CIA in theory, at least will share with the Pakistanis more information about what its operatives are doing in the country.

The joint CIA-ISI counter-terrorism operations have also resumed, the Post added. Mr Ignatius, however, commented that this understanding would not end the double-game the CIA and ISI often played with each other.

The double-game pattern for the CIA and ISI seems clear enough by now: Work together as if you are allies, but at the same time pursue independent operations as if you are enemies, he wrote.

Both sides would also continue to protest loudly in public when the other side does something you dont like, but (will) keep working together in private because you have no choice and because thats what intelligence agencies do.

Your comments Sir . . .

At least I am not responsible for the Publication of the above mentioned News . . . . COAS message is more than clear . . . . Give me more Dollars and I ll sell my mother even . . . . .