Chicanery No More: COAS Sends Message To US Thru Ahmed Shuja Pasha !!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

:mash: Very true Brother.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
And for the yanks, let there be no doubt, if Pakistan did not help you in Afghanistan, you would have lost in five years than ten.
And if Pakistan have assisted the Taliban, you would have lost in 3 years than five.

You are scared of death while Taliban are not.
You got massive arms, money, but still failing and trying to find scapegoats.
They have nothing but courage, and still winning, kicking your asses.

Your troops can not move without air cover, for the fear of their assess get killed by bunch of amateurs. The amateurs bravely attack your fortifications despite having very light arms and no air cover.

You are bunkered down, in fear of your life. They are freely roaming around the mountains and valleys. Who is better?
You should know, this is the wake up call you yanks needed. This is not Iraq, we are not Arabs, get this through your thick heads.
We have history going back 7000 years of defeating the enemies. You should never ever forget it, nobody, absolutely nobody has ever won.

Thanks.Very well said.That's the difference between a mercenary force and those who are fighting for their honour,dignity and self respect.


MPA (400+ posts)
Pasha is gone there to do a little begging to have the noose loosened. US will stand firm with their demands that are with the army to act on them or no AID. No action no aid and more drone attacks.

Sadly, this sounds true


MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks.Very well said.That's the difference between a mercenary force and those who are fighting for their honour,dignity and self respect.

Wishful thinking. What the hell are u talkin about? Pakistan is US's ALLY and Pakistan Army is partner of US Army on this War on terror and we receive regular payments from the USA. Pakistan Army has been getting paid for this war on terror. WAKE UPPPPPPP


MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks.Very well said.That's the difference between a mercenary force and those who are fighting for their honour,dignity and self respect.

Wishful thinking.

What the hell are u talkin about? Remember some facts

Pakistan is US's Ally

and Pakistan Army is partner of US Army on this War on terror and

we receive regular payments from the USA.

Pakistan Army has been getting paid for this war on terror. WAKE UPPPPPPP
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pasha has gone there to submit plan for north waziristan carpet bombing by pakistan ........anyone wanna bet?

Dont worry about what Pasha is doing there.We will deal with you guys once your friends and collaborators run away from there.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Wishful thinking.

What the hell are u talkin about? Remember some facts

Pakistan is US's Ally

and Pakistan Army is partner of US Army on this War on terror and

we receive regular payments from the USA.

Pakistan Army has been getting paid for this war on terror. WAKE UPPPPPPP

Pakistan has spend billions of dollars from it's own resources and what they reimburse us are peanuts.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I was listening to chief editor of is one of zahid hamid wanna be creature with no knowledge of ground reality..he preaches hatred,false notions of fake pride distant from ground reality in public!!

They are very very far from level of independent and unbiased journalism ;even far off from real truth prevailing in the region

Dont worry.Ground reality will be very clear sooner than later when those chickens come home to roost.


Voter (50+ posts)
And for the yanks, let there be no doubt, if Pakistan did not help you in Afghanistan, you would have lost in five years than ten.
And if Pakistan have assisted the Taliban, you would have lost in 3 years than five.

You are scared of death while Taliban are not.
You got massive arms, money, but still failing and trying to find scapegoats.
They have nothing but courage, and still winning, kicking your asses.

Your troops can not move without air cover, for the fear of their assess get killed by bunch of amateurs. The amateurs bravely attack your fortifications despite having very light arms and no air cover.

You are bunkered down, in fear of your life. They are freely roaming around the mountains and valleys. Who is better?
You should know, this is the wake up call you yanks needed. This is not Iraq, we are not Arabs, get this through your thick heads.
We have history going back 7000 years of defeating the enemies. You should never ever forget it, nobody, absolutely nobody has ever won.

you're right but you missed the point. if you are saying we only helped american forces to stay alive for 10 years then who are we kidding? you and i know we have been helping afghan taliban all along- and that is to preserve our future. so im addressing to those who are talking trash about pasha going to US and what not that without this double game, we wouldn't have the Pakistan that we know today (off course it is Allah who does everything, but this is what we see on ground)....



Why do you poke your noses in Pakistani affairs? What it got to do with you? Don't worry Pasha would give them the answers necessary, he did in his last tour to the USA too. No wonder yanks are at their bits end ever since. This time they will get the answers even in stricter manner. Salim is right, USA or you i.e. India can not do anything against Pakistan. We got what you or American can never ever have, courage.

Look at the Afghans, how did they fight and defeated the Americans?
During the time of USSR it was said they had US help, money and arms, but what they had this time?

No one helped them not even Pakistan, who actually helped the Americans. But they still defeated Americans.

And What Americans have to show for their arms and huge money they spend?
Look at the surge, 30,000 more troops, they couldn't clear and hold one little province "Kandhar" despite now trying for almost two years.

Courage, and bravery, something you and they will never have, and we have it in abundance.

US did not go their to occupy. They went there to remove Taliban from Power and destroy Al-Queda both of whom are your heroes.


Senator (1k+ posts)

Why do you poke your noses in Pakistani affairs? What it got to do with you? Don't worry Pasha would give them the answers necessary, he did in his last tour to the USA too. No wonder yanks are at their bits end ever since. This time they will get the answers even in stricter manner. Salim is right, USA or you i.e. India can not do anything against Pakistan. We got what you or American can never ever have, courage.

Look at the Afghans, how did they fight and defeated the Americans?
During the time of USSR it was said they had US help, money and arms, but what they had this time?

No one helped them not even Pakistan, who actually helped the Americans. But they still defeated Americans.

And What Americans have to show for their arms and huge money they spend?
Look at the surge, 30,000 more troops, they couldn't clear and hold one little province "Kandhar" despite now trying for almost two years.

Courage, and bravery, something you and they will never have, and we have it in abundance.

Unicorn is not a member. It is an organization that posts message in literally everytime zone and replies back within half an hour to an hour. I sometimes feel that indians cannont have a logical argument on thier own forum that is why they come on this forum to learn something. But even after 2 years of learning they are still moles of holes who put their beak in every pit.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
you're right but you missed the point. if you are saying we only helped american forces to stay alive for 10 years then who are we kidding? you and i know we have been helping afghan taliban all along- and that is to preserve our future. so im addressing to those who are talking trash about pasha going to US and what not that without this double game, we wouldn't have the Pakistan that we know today (off course it is Allah who does everything, but this is what we see on ground)....

Well, I did not say, Pakistanis were responsible to keep Americans alive. But it is a well know fact if Pakistan didn't help the Americans, there would have been few home truths to deal with for the Americans may be within first two years of their action in Afghanistan. They would have done the same what they are doing now.

1- First of all, if Pakistan was helping Taliban, the story would have been different, it wouldn't have taken this long. Also Americans wouldn't have the chance to establish Karzai in Kabul as a Mayor and also to conduct fake and farce elections.

2- Pakistan not allowing supply, would have cost Americans anything from 5 to 10 times of current costs. So financial pinch would have felt years ago. The Bankruptcy would have come ever so early. Plus it would have been easier for the Taliban to block the only supply route.

But Americans are still making a huge blunder, it wouldn't be easy for them to leave without negotiation with Taliban. Reason why they are trying to push Pakistan ever so hard to go in to North Waziristan to weaken Taliban pushing them on negotiation table. Pakistani Army knows it too well, don't expect them to make decisions against themselves. Pakistani got it spot on against USSR and they have got spot on against USA. It is fault of the stupid Americans it took them 10 years to realise what has been done to them. They were full of hot air because of their military might.

The problem is, Americans have already used up all their rounds, nothing has left for them to do. Pakistanis have made up their mind, otherwise so many high ranking officials wouldn't have returned empty handed.

Even Americans false propaganda that they are negotiating with Taliban didn't work. They were only making tentative enquiries, but firm answers were received from Taliban.

The latest is the saga in Mumbai yet again. But they have to understand, even this is not going to work, because India can not do jack all to Pakistan. Worst it would result in moving of Pakistani forces to eastern borders.

USA should come to its senses, they can not attack Pakistan under any circumstances, China has made it very clear to them few months back, by sending special envoy to Washington. I have said it months ago Americans are doing wrong calculations. China and Russians would not allow Americans to cause any more havoc in this region, they both have too much at stake, plus Pakistan is not a soft target. Americans should be prepared to loose most of their army in Afghanistan, there would be no withdrawal but a wipe out gradually.

They should know there would not be only Pakistani Army fighting against them but also millions who are frustrated from Americans BS of terror and so on, who would be ready to cause such a havoc that Americans have never ever imagine in their wildest dreams. They will forget all about Vietnam, it would pale in comparison. They know very well when their heavy bombardment ends and run short of the ammunition, what would happen to their army? Can they fight? When Pakistanis start to openly devise strategies and attacks?
Why you think they keep attacking poor General Hamid Gul? They know what happened to USSR and who planned the strategy, therefore, they keep throwing accusation, even though the man is old and retired long ago.

I say to Americans, get out when going is good.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
US did not go their to occupy. They went there to remove Taliban from Power and destroy Al-Queda both of whom are your heroes.

Daft, how did you get to the conclusion they are my heroes? I only analyse thing in cold light of the day. But unfortunately, you are wrong on both counts. Taliban are stronger than ever, Americans have to leave them in power, you think they are going to let Karzai traitor on the helm? Americans are more stupid than they look. Taliban have given a clear message by killing his brother, who was a big American assets in drug running all around the world.

As for the book, OBL was finished ages ago, either dead or incapacitated years ago. Killing him does not effect the organisation. But look in reality, the ideology has spread world wide. How many Americans are going to kill?

As for Taliban, they would be a power for years, who else going to come to defeat them now? India? [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]


Well, I did not say, Pakistanis were responsible to keep Americans alive. But it is a well know fact if Pakistan didn't help the Americans, there would have been few home truths to deal with for the Americans may be within first two years of their action in Afghanistan. They would have done the same what they are doing now.

1- First of all, if Pakistan was helping Taliban, the story would have been different, it wouldn't have taken this long. Also Americans wouldn't have the chance to establish Karzai in Kabul as a Mayor and also to conduct fake and farce elections.

2- Pakistan not allowing supply, would have cost Americans anything from 5 to 10 times of current costs. So financial pinch would have felt years ago. The Bankruptcy would have come ever so early. Plus it would have been easier for the Taliban to block the only supply route.

But Americans are still making a huge blunder, it wouldn't be easy for them to leave without negotiation with Taliban. Reason why they are trying to push Pakistan ever so hard to go in to North Waziristan to weaken Taliban pushing them on negotiation table. Pakistani Army knows it too well, don't expect them to make decisions against themselves. Pakistani got it spot on against USSR and they have got spot on against USA. It is fault of the stupid Americans it took them 10 years to realise what has been done to them. They were full of hot air because of their military might.

The problem is, Americans have already used up all their rounds, nothing has left for them to do. Pakistanis have made up their mind, otherwise so many high ranking officials wouldn't have returned empty handed.

Even Americans false propaganda that they are negotiating with Taliban didn't work. They were only making tentative enquiries, but firm answers were received from Taliban.

The latest is the saga in Mumbai yet again. But they have to understand, even this is not going to work, because India can not do jack all to Pakistan. Worst it would result in moving of Pakistani forces to eastern borders.

USA should come to its senses, they can not attack Pakistan under any circumstances, China has made it very clear to them few months back, by sending special envoy to Washington. I have said it months ago Americans are doing wrong calculations. China and Russians would not allow Americans to cause any more havoc in this region, they both have too much at stake, plus Pakistan is not a soft target. Americans should be prepared to loose most of their army in Afghanistan, there would be no withdrawal but a wipe out gradually.

They should know there would not be only Pakistani Army fighting against them but also millions who are frustrated from Americans BS of terror and so on, who would be ready to cause such a havoc that Americans have never ever imagine in their wildest dreams. They will forget all about Vietnam, it would pale in comparison. They know very well when their heavy bombardment ends and run short of the ammunition, what would happen to their army? Can they fight? When Pakistanis start to openly devise strategies and attacks?
Why you think they keep attacking poor General Hamid Gul? They know what happened to USSR and who planned the strategy, therefore, they keep throwing accusation, even though the man is old and retired long ago.

I say to Americans, get out when going is good.

Even Imran Khan has acknowledged, along with most of your media, that Pakistan is a beggar nation. It is likely to remain a beggar nation.

Your articles just do not fit with the character of Pakistan. You write under a false assumption that Pakistan is an Independent self sufficient nation.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Even Imran Khan has acknowledged, along with most of your media, that Pakistan is a beggar nation. It is likely to remain a beggar nation.

Your articles just do not fit with the character of Pakistan. You write under a false assumption that Pakistan is an Independent self sufficient nation.

Don't be stupid, look at your India, the biggest population of poors and beggars in the world live in India. Get a reality check.

Pakistan can get out of all the economic mess, very quickly if Imran comes to power. You are not only foolish but also suffering from same false sense of superiority, which is a symbol of all the stupid moronic Indians.

Whatever money is received as aid is not spend on people of Pakistan, it is taken by the ruling thieves. If Pakistan only raise the collection of tax to Indian level of 18% to 20%, the deficit would be wiped resulting in surplus. Pakistan would double its GDP and almost double the Per Capita Income rapidly. Also by firming up the Rupees against the dollar, Pakistan would surpass the Per Capita Income of India even without counting the doubling of the economy after proper system of Tax.

Forget about aid, we don't need aid, we just have to kick the thieves out and we should be OK.

You should learn to debate, instead of issuing insulting remarks about Pakistan, by abusing the courtesy provided to you to participate on Pakistani forums. I bet no Indian forum would allow my comments, you are so scared and useless.


Don't be stupid, look at your India, the biggest population of poors and beggars in the world live in India. Get a reality check.

Pakistan can get out of all the economic mess, very quickly if Imran comes to power. You are not only foolish but also suffering from same false sense of superiority, which is a symbol of all the stupid moronic Indians.

Whatever money is received as aid is not spend on people of Pakistan, it is taken by the ruling thieves. If Pakistan only raise the collection of tax to Indian level of 18% to 20%, the deficit would be wiped resulting in surplus. Pakistan would double its GDP and almost double the Per Capita Income rapidly. Also by firming up the Rupees against the dollar, Pakistan would surpass the Per Capita Income of India even without counting the doubling of the economy after proper system of Tax.

Forget about aid, we don't need aid, we just have to kick the thieves out and we should be OK.

You should learn to debate, instead of issuing insulting remarks about Pakistan, by abusing the courtesy provided to you to participate on Pakistani forums. I bet no Indian forum would allow my comments, you are so scared and useless.

Yes India is a poor country and their are twenty five million beggars there. But the country does not go around with a begging bowl. Begging is not a recent phenomena for Pakistan it started with in first two weeks of its birth under the leadership of Mr. Jinnah and continued to this day.

You may consider your outlook and Pakistan's capabilities as a positive, in my humble opinion its a utopian dream. How did I insulted Pakistan when I am only repeating what Imran Khan and most of your press has said the same thing. There is an old phrase used by hunters telling their great stories of hunt " If the dog did not stop for crap I would have caught the rabbit"

No debate can take place when your text project Pakistan as an Independent and sufficient Nation without acknowledging that it is a beggar Nation. I am saying for the record that begging will continue under Imran Khan. Just for the record I like Imran Khan.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes India is a poor country and their are twenty five million beggars there. But the country does not go around with a begging bowl. Begging is not a recent phenomena for Pakistan it started with in first two weeks of its birth under the leadership of Mr. Jinnah and continued to this day.

You may consider your outlook and Pakistan's capabilities as a positive, in my humble opinion its a utopian dream. How did I insulted Pakistan when I am only repeating what Imran Khan and most of your press has said the same thing. There is an old phrase used by hunters telling their great stories of hunt " If the dog did not stop for crap I would have caught the rabbit"

No debate can take place when your text project Pakistan as an Independent and sufficient Nation without acknowledging that it is a beggar Nation. I am saying for the record that begging will continue under Imran Khan. Just for the record I like Imran Khan.

I think you should stop your non-sense. Look around on this forum. Do you seen people blinded by love for their country? Don't you see all of us criticising our Government, people, their acts, policies. How many of us support Pakistan should look for aid?

And for your wasted efforts about tales, I am not recounting tales, I am not talking about the past at all. Instead I am talking about the future, which should be bright given the change, which bound to happen.

If you have any valid point you would have proven my comments wrong. You don't have to tell us what Pakistan had been doing in the past or at present, we not only know, but also know the reasons, people and where the money goes. We criticise the thieves all the times.

Therefore Pakistanis attitude is quite clearly demonstrated on this and many other forums. We are realistic, we criticise and we are not blinded by our patriotism. Don't get us wrong, we are patriots to the core, but honest and realistic.

Now look at your damn attitude and your false sense of superiority. I have already explain why you have few billionaires. I am not going to repeat it again.
You do get aid. Pakistan is not getting aid from Americans but compensation for the money they have already spend on dirty work of Americans.

The UK's 280m-a-year aid to India has become the topic of heated debate this week. Some suggest that a nuclear-armed country with its own space programme and three times as many billionaires as the UK has no place at the top of the aid recipient chart.

But the argument is more complicated than that. As Madeline Bunting pointed out last month, India is home to a third of the world's poorest people more than the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. Half of all Indian children are malnourished.

Don't start with me, because you know very well, I will put you on plater, brown and toasted.


I think you should stop your non-sense. Look around on this forum. Do you seen people blinded by love for their country? Don't you see all of us criticising our Government, people, their acts, policies. How many of us support Pakistan should look for aid?

And for your wasted efforts about tales, I am not recounting tales, I am not talking about the past at all. Instead I am talking about the future, which should be bright given the change, which bound to happen.

If you have any valid point you would have proven my comments wrong. You don't have to tell us what Pakistan had been doing in the past or at present, we not only know, but also know the reasons, people and where the money goes. We criticise the thieves all the times.

Therefore Pakistanis attitude is quite clearly demonstrated on this and many other forums. We are realistic, we criticise and we are not blinded by our patriotism. Don't get us wrong, we are patriots to the core, but honest and realistic.

Now look at your damn attitude and your false sense of superiority. I have already explain why you have few billionaires. I am not going to repeat it again.
You do get aid. Pakistan is not getting aid from Americans but compensation for the money they have already spend on dirty work of Americans.

Don't start with me, because you know very well, I will put you on plater, brown and toasted.

UK gives 128000.00 pounds of aid annually but the question is did India asked for it? the answer is no. I don't know why the British are debating weather they should continue or not when it is clear that they should not.

China receives more AID then India check this out as well with the same question did they asked for it? the answer is no.

I hope you are correct if in future if Pakistan is economical viable it would be good for every one and cure many other diseases associated with it.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
UK gives 128000.00 pounds of aid annually but the question is did India asked for it? the answer is no. I don't know why the British are debating weather they should continue or not when it is clear that they should not.China receives more AID then India check this out as well with the same question did they asked for it? the answer is no.

I hope you are correct if in future if Pakistan is economical viable it would be good for every one and cure many other diseases associated with it.

Why a learned person like U don't know why they force U to take the Aid? How the bankers behind these goverments trap the progressing nations into their clutches? How they never let the aid given by them be used in the betterment of the poor and downtrodden? How do they encourage the Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to nullify the benefits of this aid and mount the debts untill these reach a point of no return and the poor countries are forced to the submission to their satanic agenda.........................