Change in mindset - Danger Within!

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Change in mindset - Danger Within!

Many times in our lives we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless but no matter, what has happened or what will happen we mustnt loose our values. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do OR what we inherited but, by how we react to the calamity that surfaced!

Allahs Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said, You would tread the same path that was trodden by those before you span by span (inch by inch) so much that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them also. On query, whether it meant Jews and Christians Muhammad (SAW) said: Who else (than those two religious groups) Al-Bukhari-Traditions of Prophet, Hadith #3197. At another time Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: HE is who sent down Al-Quran with Foundations (established meanings) and those who believe that Whole Quran is from Allah (SWT) are firmly grounded in knowledge and will alone grasp the message (being men of understanding). Those going after verses seeking discord, and kept searching for its hidden meanings are allegorical having perversity in their hearts. Al-Bukhari-Interpretation of the Holy Quran, Hadith#4183.
Consequently, we must ignore religious characters populating the mosques having extremely limited Islamic knowledge & basic vision. Solutions of all perpetuated ills only lie in ending the electoral system being practiced today, as 70% population didnt cast their vote having no faith in elections under a highly Partial Election Commission. In addition, as authentically said by a fellow patriotic countryman that, It is not the system ... it is about bringing occupation to an end in political parties.

Suggestion, adopting French system of electoral politics where each candidate should essentially get above 50% of the votes otherwise, a run off election among the top two candidates in each constituency must be mandatory, is also a pragmatic solution of our current problems. Elections under Proportional Representation system are equally good. Only a highly radical or naive will object to aforesaid proposal. Promulgated system should ensure the removals of all Nation destitute.

Allah's Messenger, who is the most truthful said: By Him, besides Whom there is no God, that one among you may act like the people deserving Paradise until between him and paradise there remains but the distance of a cubit, when the writing of destiny precedes him and he begins to act like the denizens of Hell and thus enters Hell, and another one may act in the way of the denizens of Hell, until there remains between him and Hell a distance of a cubit when the writing of destiny precedes him and then he begins to act like the people of Paradise and enters Paradise. Al-Bukhari-The beginning of creation. Hadith#4781

Bearing in mind this Hadith is it right to blame someone for the failures in life OR acclaim achievements (in life) simply on account of his personal efforts, struggle and diligence? No body can harm us OR can provide support with out Allah's will. We must therefore avoid cursing others or admiring our self for happenings in our life! May Allah (S.A.T) bestow His blessings on all Mankind. Capabilities & Experience is secondary in life!

Its only that Pakistan is in need of a true statesman like, its founding father again.

Pakistanis always show great vigour, valor and grandeur in terms of solidarity, unity and faith. The exposure of solidarity and unity is shown TIME and time again. Change in mindset is actually whats so desperately needed today, to avert - Danger Within!

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well said.
It is true beyond a shred of doubt that teachings of religion Islam are the only teachings which set the soul and body free, without discriminating between rich or poor, black or white, powerful or weak for no one remains weak,poor or of any color. The power unleashed by the strength of Allahs blessings on the human mind and heart is so strong that it seems not of this world, and believe me I speak from experience as I am sure all of us have had the privilege, for Allah's closeness has touched each one of us atleast once in our life times.
Also since we claim to be the bearers of the torch of hope for humanity therefore it is utterly mandatory upon us to respect the principles and propogate only patience and perseverence, compassion and care, faith and forgiveness, mercy and magnanimoty, peace and justice and all the good values.
Ideology is propogated through not force but patient struggle. Each one of us can do our little part and when Allah thinks right then He will bless us with the kind of leader that we are waiting for.
May Allah guide us all in the right direction,Ameen.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Well said.
It is true beyond a shred of doubt that teachings of religion Islam are the only teachings which set the soul and body free, without discriminating between rich or poor, black or white, powerful or weak for no one remains weak,poor or of any color. The power unleashed by the strength of Allahs blessings on the human mind and heart is so strong that it seems not of this world, and believe me I speak from experience as I am sure all of us have had the privilege, for Allah's closeness has touched each one of us atleast once in our life times.
Also since we claim to be the bearers of the torch of hope for humanity therefore it is utterly mandatory upon us to respect the principles and propogate only patience and perseverence, compassion and care, faith and forgiveness, mercy and magnanimoty, peace and justice and all the good values.
Ideology is propogated through not force but patient struggle. Each one of us can do our little part and when Allah thinks right then He will bless us with the kind of leader that we are waiting for.
May Allah guide us all in the right direction,Ameen.

Honestly appreciate as this is the TRUTH and only TRUTH. May Almighty Allah (SWT) bestow upon all of us HIS special blessings till our demise!


Senator (1k+ posts)
@Bajwa sb.

Always enjoy reading your posts.

Good to find another breathing soul that can still see positivity within our society and spread the optimism that is a part of our faith.

Buton say tujh ko umeedain, Khuda say no meedi
Mujhey bata tou sahi aur kaafri kya hai?
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