I dont know about others how they are treated at this forum but i had a very bad experience of site moderators dictatorship. On 25/07/15 i posted one comment ( not abusive ) on a thread but recieved a foul language comment in response from other member. I highlited this issue to moderars by mentioning that comment in thread and even sent message to moderator but nothing happened later again recieved another abusive comment from same user so in reply to that abusive comment i also replied In same way because enough is enough.
Believe me guys i was banned straight away after my comments
So after seeing this i believe that if someone ( moderators favourite person) abuse you ,you have to bear it and nothing will happen on your complaint and if you reply you will be
Its like dictatorship of site admins which is rediculus.
there are few members who have a kind of lobby here and they also have diiferent 5-6 IDs Of one member. if one of them is banned due to his abusive comments, straightawaythe others come to his rescue him and use all their IDs for supporting unbanning which seems like 20-30(or may be more) users are asking for ban lift even though they are 5-6 Max members but they do propogate like they are too many members and act like pressure group.